Move Win32 thread-safety stuff to hb-object-private.h

The Win32 definitions for LONG, ULONG, etc conflicts with
hb-open-type.h.  Avoid that by making sure hb-object-private.h
and hb-open-type.h are not included in the same compilation unit.
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 2f5e89b..b75146d 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -263,58 +263,4 @@
-/* System stuff */
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-#include <Windows.h>
-_hb_win32_mutex_create ()
-  hb_mutex_t m;
-  _hb_win32_mutex_init (&m);
-  return m;
-_hb_win32_mutex_init (hb_mutex_t *m)
-  InitializeCriticalSection (lpcs);
-  *m = (void*) lpcs;
-_hb_win32_mutex_lock (hb_mutex_t m)
-  EnterCriticalSection ((LPCRITICAL_SECTION) m);
-_hb_win32_mutex_trylock (hb_mutex_t m)
-  return TryEnterCriticalSection ((LPCRITICAL_SECTION) m);
-_hb_win32_mutex_unlock (hb_mutex_t m)
-  LeaveCriticalSection ((LPCRITICAL_SECTION) m);
-_hb_win32_mutex_free (hb_mutex_t *m)
-  DeleteCriticalSection (lpcs);
-  free(lpcs);
-  *m = 0;
diff --git a/src/hb-object-private.hh b/src/hb-object-private.hh
index 47cef7e..d77b6a5 100644
--- a/src/hb-object-private.hh
+++ b/src/hb-object-private.hh
@@ -44,6 +44,72 @@
+/* atomic_int and mutex */
+/* We need external help for these */
+#ifdef HAVE_GLIB
+#include <glib.h>
+typedef volatile int hb_atomic_int_t;
+#define hb_atomic_int_fetch_and_add(AI, V)	g_atomic_int_exchange_and_add (&(AI), V)
+#define hb_atomic_int_get(AI)			g_atomic_int_get (&(AI))
+#define hb_atomic_int_set(AI, V)		g_atomic_int_set (&(AI), V)
+typedef GStaticMutex hb_mutex_t;
+#define hb_mutex_init(M)		g_static_mutex_init (&(M))
+#define hb_mutex_lock(M)		g_static_mutex_lock (&(M))
+#define hb_mutex_trylock(M)		g_static_mutex_trylock (&(M))
+#define hb_mutex_unlock(M)		g_static_mutex_unlock (&(M))
+#define hb_mutex_free(M)		g_static_mutex_free (&(M))
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#include <intrin.h>
+typedef long hb_atomic_int_t;
+#define hb_atomic_int_fetch_and_add(AI, V)	_InterlockedExchangeAdd (&(AI), V)
+#define hb_atomic_int_get(AI)			(_ReadBarrier (), (AI))
+#define hb_atomic_int_set(AI, V)		((void) _InterlockedExchange (&(AI), (V)))
+#include <Windows.h>
+typedef CRITICAL_SECTION hb_mutex_t;
+#define HB_MUTEX_INIT				{ NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, 0 }
+#define hb_mutex_init(M)			InitializeCriticalSection (&(M))
+#define hb_mutex_lock(M)			EnterCriticalSection (&(M))
+#define hb_mutex_trylock(M)			TryEnterCriticalSection (&(M))
+#define hb_mutex_unlock(M)			LeaveCriticalSection (&(M))
+#define hb_mutex_free(M)			DeleteCriticalSection (&(M))
+#warning "Could not find any system to define platform macros, library will NOT be thread-safe"
+typedef volatile int hb_atomic_int_t;
+#define hb_atomic_int_fetch_and_add(AI, V)	((AI) += (V), (AI) - (V))
+#define hb_atomic_int_get(AI)			(AI)
+#define hb_atomic_int_set(AI, V)		((void) ((AI) = (V)))
+typedef volatile int hb_mutex_t;
+#define HB_MUTEX_INIT				0
+#define hb_mutex_init(M)			((void) ((M) = 0))
+#define hb_mutex_lock(M)			((void) ((M) = 1))
+#define hb_mutex_trylock(M)			((M) = 1, 1)
+#define hb_mutex_unlock(M)			((void) ((M) = 0))
+#define hb_mutex_free(M)			((void) ((M) = 2))
 /* reference_count */
 typedef struct {
diff --git a/src/hb-private.hh b/src/hb-private.hh
index cac434a..1d40d66 100644
--- a/src/hb-private.hh
+++ b/src/hb-private.hh
@@ -221,72 +221,6 @@
 typedef int (*hb_compare_func_t) (const void *, const void *);
-/* We need external help for these */
-#ifdef HAVE_GLIB
-#include <glib.h>
-typedef volatile int hb_atomic_int_t;
-#define hb_atomic_int_fetch_and_add(AI, V)	g_atomic_int_exchange_and_add (&(AI), V)
-#define hb_atomic_int_get(AI)			g_atomic_int_get (&(AI))
-#define hb_atomic_int_set(AI, V)		g_atomic_int_set (&(AI), V)
-typedef GStaticMutex hb_mutex_t;
-#define hb_mutex_init(M)		g_static_mutex_init (&(M))
-#define hb_mutex_lock(M)		g_static_mutex_lock (&(M))
-#define hb_mutex_trylock(M)		g_static_mutex_trylock (&(M))
-#define hb_mutex_unlock(M)		g_static_mutex_unlock (&(M))
-#define hb_mutex_free(M)		g_static_mutex_free (&(M))
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-#include <intrin.h>
-typedef long hb_atomic_int_t;
-#define hb_atomic_int_fetch_and_add(AI, V)	_InterlockedExchangeAdd (&(AI), V)
-#define hb_atomic_int_get(AI)			(_ReadBarrier (), (AI))
-#define hb_atomic_int_set(AI, V)		((void) _InterlockedExchange (&(AI), (V)))
-typedef void * hb_mutex_t;
-extern HB_INTERNAL hb_mutex_t _hb_win32_mutex_create (void);
-extern HB_INTERNAL void _hb_win32_mutex_init (hb_mutex_t *m);
-extern HB_INTERNAL void _hb_win32_mutex_lock (hb_mutex_t m);
-extern HB_INTERNAL int _hb_win32_mutex_trylock (hb_mutex_t m);
-extern HB_INTERNAL void _hb_win32_mutex_unlock (hb_mutex_t m);
-extern HB_INTERNAL void _hb_win32_mutex_free (hb_mutex_t *m);
-#define HB_MUTEX_INIT				_hb_win32_mutex_create ()
-#define hb_mutex_init(M)			_hb_win32_mutex_init (&(M))
-#define hb_mutex_lock(M)			_hb_win32_mutex_lock ((M))
-#define hb_mutex_trylock(M)			_hb_win32_mutex_trylock ((M))
-#define hb_mutex_unlock(M)			_hb_win32_mutex_unlock ((M))
-#define hb_mutex_free(M)			_hb_win32_mutex_free (&(M))
-#warning "Could not find any system to define platform macros, library will NOT be thread-safe"
-typedef volatile int hb_atomic_int_t;
-#define hb_atomic_int_fetch_and_add(AI, V)	((AI) += (V), (AI) - (V))
-#define hb_atomic_int_get(AI)			(AI)
-#define hb_atomic_int_set(AI, V)		((void) ((AI) = (V)))
-typedef volatile int hb_mutex_t;
-#define HB_MUTEX_INIT				0
-#define hb_mutex_init(M)			((void) ((M) = 0))
-#define hb_mutex_lock(M)			((void) ((M) = 1))
-#define hb_mutex_trylock(M)			((M) = 1, 1)
-#define hb_mutex_unlock(M)			((void) ((M) = 0))
-#define hb_mutex_free(M)			((void) ((M) = 2))