[tests] Replace space with colon in batch mode
diff --git a/test/shaping/run-tests.py b/test/shaping/run-tests.py
index 71d520f..f4fe3f4 100755
--- a/test/shaping/run-tests.py
+++ b/test/shaping/run-tests.py
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
-import sys, os, subprocess, hashlib, tempfile, shutil
+import sys, os, subprocess, hashlib
 def cmd(command):
+	print (command)
 	global process
-	process.stdin.write ((' '.join (command) + '\n').encode ("utf-8"))
+	process.stdin.write ((':'.join (command) + '\n').encode ("utf-8"))
 	process.stdin.flush ()
 	return process.stdout.readline().decode ("utf-8").strip ()
@@ -97,21 +98,15 @@
 			print ('%s "%s" %s %s --unicodes %s' %
 					 (hb_shape, fontfile, ' '.join(extra_options), options, unicodes))
-		# hack to support fonts with space on run-tests.py, after several other tries...
-		if ' ' in fontfile:
-			new_fontfile = os.path.join (tempfile.gettempdir (), 'tmpfile')
-			shutil.copyfile(fontfile, new_fontfile)
-			fontfile = new_fontfile
 		if "--font-funcs=ft" in options and not have_freetype:
 			skips += 1
 		if "--font-funcs=ot" in options or not have_freetype:
-			glyphs1 = cmd ([hb_shape, "--font-funcs=ot", fontfile] + extra_options + ["--unicodes", unicodes] + options)
+			glyphs1 = cmd ([hb_shape, fontfile, "--font-funcs=ot"] + extra_options + ["--unicodes", unicodes] + options)
-			glyphs1 = cmd ([hb_shape, "--font-funcs=ft", fontfile] + extra_options + ["--unicodes", unicodes] + options)
-			glyphs2 = cmd ([hb_shape, "--font-funcs=ot", fontfile] + extra_options + ["--unicodes", unicodes] + options)
+			glyphs1 = cmd ([hb_shape, fontfile, "--font-funcs=ft"] + extra_options + ["--unicodes", unicodes] + options)
+			glyphs2 = cmd ([hb_shape, fontfile, "--font-funcs=ot"] + extra_options + ["--unicodes", unicodes] + options)
 			if glyphs1 != glyphs2 and glyphs_expected != '*':
 				print ("FT funcs: " + glyphs1, file=sys.stderr)
diff --git a/util/hb-shape.cc b/util/hb-shape.cc
index bab5cba..78488f4 100644
--- a/util/hb-shape.cc
+++ b/util/hb-shape.cc
@@ -170,12 +170,15 @@
       argc = 0;
       char *p = buf, *e;
       args[argc++] = p;
-      while ((e = strchr (p, ' ')) && argc < (int) (int) ARRAY_LENGTH (args))
+      unsigned start_offset = 0;
+      while ((e = strchr (p + start_offset, ':')) && argc < (int) ARRAY_LENGTH (args))
 	*e++ = '\0';
-	while (*e == ' ')
+	while (*e == ':')
 	args[argc++] = p = e;
+	/* Skip 2 first bytes on first argument if is Windows path, "C:\..." */
+	start_offset = argc == 2 && p[0] != '\0' && p[0] != ':' && p[1] == ':' && (p[2] == '\\' || p[2] == '/') ? 2 : 0;
       ret |= driver.main (argc, args);
       fflush (stdout);