Update harfbuzz to 1.2.1 from the upstream
This updates harfbuzz from 0.9.38 (Feb 2015) to 1.2.1 (Feb 2016; dabf32a)
There have been numerous improvements and changes including
the switch to USE(Universal Shaping Engine) for a number of scripts.
The header files generated from rl files (rangel) and hb-version.h
are copied manually from the 1.2.1 tar ball.
for f in *rl
cp "$(basename $f rl)hh" "${TREE_TOP}/external/harfbuzz_ng/src/"
cp hb-version.h "${HB_TREE_TOP}/external/harfbuzz_ng/src/"
Besides, remove header files corresponding to removed rl files:
for f in $(git status | egrep 'deleted:.*rl$' | awk '{print $2;}')
git rm "$(basename $f rl)hh"
Bug: 26797521
Change-Id: Iff91c3ca6718e36402d380192385caca696653c3