blob: c945d08a826e9b90c3ca192f15f62062bfd38d51 [file] [log] [blame] [view] [edit]
To enable HarfBuzz bindings for Python among other languages, make sure
you have latest version of gobject-introspection available. On Ubuntu,
you can install that this way:
sudo apt-get install libgirepository1.0-dev
And then run `meson setup` and make sure that `Introspection` is reported
enabled in output.
If you are building with Visual Studio, it is recommended that Visual Studio
2019 or later is used for this build, for the best build experience.
Compile and install.
Make sure you have the installation lib dir in `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` (or the
installation DLL dir in `PATH` for Windows systems), as needed
for the linker to find the library.
Then make sure you also have `GI_TYPELIB_PATH` pointing to the resulting
`$prefix/lib/girepository-*` directory.
Make sure you have pygobject installed. Then check that the following
import works in your Python interpreter:
from gi.repository import HarfBuzz
If it does, you are ready to call HarfBuzz from Python! Congratulations.
See [`src/`](src/
The Python API will change. Let us know on the mailing list if you are
using it, and send lots of feedback.