Patch to make it compile against JUnit 4.10 and run on Android

The main issues are:
* JUnit 4.10 does not support giving Description instances a
  unique id, separate to its display name.
* JUnit 4.10's BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.validateFields(List)
  method is private so cannot be overridden.
* JUnit 4.10 requires test classes to be static.
* JUnit 4.10 has no assertNotEquals() methods.
* Some of the tests need to be run from the project's root
  directory in order to access file system resources. As a
  result those tests do not work when run on the device and so
  they are marked with @Ignore.

Bug: 30244565
Test: Ran the junit-params-test using vogar
Change-Id: I8f1bd602d07bedec1340373ad5747e3565ce617d
12 files changed
tree: ace1650656a30833b9c26d1f2a0a7c27581aecac
  1. apidocs/
  2. lib/
  3. src/
  5. LICENSE.txt
  7. pom.xml
  10. README.version


Build Status Coverage Status Maven Central

Parameterised tests that don't suck


public class PersonTest {

  @Parameters({"17, false", 
               "22, true" })
  public void personIsAdult(int age, boolean valid) throws Exception {
    assertThat(new Person(age).isAdult(), is(valid));

See more examples

Latest News


JUnitParams project adds a new runner to JUnit and provides much easier and readable parametrised tests for JUnit >=4.6.

Main differences to standard JUnit Parametrised runner:

  • more explicit - params are in test method params, not class fields
  • less code - you don't need a constructor to set up parameters
  • you can mix parametrised with non-parametrised methods in one class
  • params can be passed as a CSV string or from a parameters provider class
  • parameters provider class can have as many parameters providing methods as you want, so that you can group different cases
  • you can have a test method that provides parameters (no external classes or statics anymore)
  • you can see actual parameter values in your IDE (in JUnit‘s Parametrised it’s only consecutive numbers of parameters):


JUnitParams is available as Maven artifact:


If you want to see just one simple test class with all main ways to use JUnitParams see here:

You can also have a look at Wiki:Quickstart

Note: We are currently moving the project from Google Code to Github. Some information may still be accessible only at