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<!--- TEST_NAME ChannelsGuideTest -->
[//]: # (title: Channels)
Deferred values provide a convenient way to transfer a single value between coroutines.
Channels provide a way to transfer a stream of values.
## Channel basics
A [Channel] is conceptually very similar to `BlockingQueue`. One key difference is that
instead of a blocking `put` operation it has a suspending [send][SendChannel.send], and instead of
a blocking `take` operation it has a suspending [receive][ReceiveChannel.receive].
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.*
fun main() = runBlocking {
val channel = Channel<Int>()
launch {
// this might be heavy CPU-consuming computation or async logic,
// we'll just send five squares
for (x in 1..5) channel.send(x * x)
// here we print five received integers:
repeat(5) { println(channel.receive()) }
{kotlin-runnable="true" kotlin-min-compiler-version="1.3"}
> You can get the full code [here](../../kotlinx-coroutines-core/jvm/test/guide/example-channel-01.kt).
The output of this code is:
<!--- TEST -->
## Closing and iteration over channels
Unlike a queue, a channel can be closed to indicate that no more elements are coming.
On the receiver side it is convenient to use a regular `for` loop to receive elements
from the channel.
Conceptually, a [close][SendChannel.close] is like sending a special close token to the channel.
The iteration stops as soon as this close token is received, so there is a guarantee
that all previously sent elements before the close are received:
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.*
fun main() = runBlocking {
val channel = Channel<Int>()
launch {
for (x in 1..5) channel.send(x * x)
channel.close() // we're done sending
// here we print received values using `for` loop (until the channel is closed)
for (y in channel) println(y)
{kotlin-runnable="true" kotlin-min-compiler-version="1.3"}
> You can get the full code [here](../../kotlinx-coroutines-core/jvm/test/guide/example-channel-02.kt).
<!--- TEST
## Building channel producers
The pattern where a coroutine is producing a sequence of elements is quite common.
This is a part of _producer-consumer_ pattern that is often found in concurrent code.
You could abstract such a producer into a function that takes channel as its parameter, but this goes contrary
to common sense that results must be returned from functions.
There is a convenient coroutine builder named [produce] that makes it easy to do it right on producer side,
and an extension function [consumeEach], that replaces a `for` loop on the consumer side:
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.*
fun CoroutineScope.produceSquares(): ReceiveChannel<Int> = produce {
for (x in 1..5) send(x * x)
fun main() = runBlocking {
val squares = produceSquares()
squares.consumeEach { println(it) }
{kotlin-runnable="true" kotlin-min-compiler-version="1.3"}
> You can get the full code [here](../../kotlinx-coroutines-core/jvm/test/guide/example-channel-03.kt).
<!--- TEST
## Pipelines
A pipeline is a pattern where one coroutine is producing, possibly infinite, stream of values:
fun CoroutineScope.produceNumbers() = produce<Int> {
var x = 1
while (true) send(x++) // infinite stream of integers starting from 1
And another coroutine or coroutines are consuming that stream, doing some processing, and producing some other results.
In the example below, the numbers are just squared:
fun CoroutineScope.square(numbers: ReceiveChannel<Int>): ReceiveChannel<Int> = produce {
for (x in numbers) send(x * x)
The main code starts and connects the whole pipeline:
<!--- CLEAR -->
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.*
fun main() = runBlocking {
val numbers = produceNumbers() // produces integers from 1 and on
val squares = square(numbers) // squares integers
repeat(5) {
println(squares.receive()) // print first five
println("Done!") // we are done
coroutineContext.cancelChildren() // cancel children coroutines
fun CoroutineScope.produceNumbers() = produce<Int> {
var x = 1
while (true) send(x++) // infinite stream of integers starting from 1
fun CoroutineScope.square(numbers: ReceiveChannel<Int>): ReceiveChannel<Int> = produce {
for (x in numbers) send(x * x)
{kotlin-runnable="true" kotlin-min-compiler-version="1.3"}
> You can get the full code [here](../../kotlinx-coroutines-core/jvm/test/guide/example-channel-04.kt).
<!--- TEST
> All functions that create coroutines are defined as extensions on [CoroutineScope],
> so that we can rely on [structured concurrency]( to make
> sure that we don't have lingering global coroutines in our application.
## Prime numbers with pipeline
Let's take pipelines to the extreme with an example that generates prime numbers using a pipeline
of coroutines. We start with an infinite sequence of numbers.
fun CoroutineScope.numbersFrom(start: Int) = produce<Int> {
var x = start
while (true) send(x++) // infinite stream of integers from start
The following pipeline stage filters an incoming stream of numbers, removing all the numbers
that are divisible by the given prime number:
fun CoroutineScope.filter(numbers: ReceiveChannel<Int>, prime: Int) = produce<Int> {
for (x in numbers) if (x % prime != 0) send(x)
Now we build our pipeline by starting a stream of numbers from 2, taking a prime number from the current channel,
and launching new pipeline stage for each prime number found:
```Plain Text
numbersFrom(2) -> filter(2) -> filter(3) -> filter(5) -> filter(7) ...
The following example prints the first ten prime numbers,
running the whole pipeline in the context of the main thread. Since all the coroutines are launched in
the scope of the main [runBlocking] coroutine
we don't have to keep an explicit list of all the coroutines we have started.
We use [cancelChildren][kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineContext.cancelChildren]
extension function to cancel all the children coroutines after we have printed
the first ten prime numbers.
<!--- CLEAR -->
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.*
fun main() = runBlocking {
var cur = numbersFrom(2)
repeat(10) {
val prime = cur.receive()
cur = filter(cur, prime)
coroutineContext.cancelChildren() // cancel all children to let main finish
fun CoroutineScope.numbersFrom(start: Int) = produce<Int> {
var x = start
while (true) send(x++) // infinite stream of integers from start
fun CoroutineScope.filter(numbers: ReceiveChannel<Int>, prime: Int) = produce<Int> {
for (x in numbers) if (x % prime != 0) send(x)
{kotlin-runnable="true" kotlin-min-compiler-version="1.3"}
> You can get the full code [here](../../kotlinx-coroutines-core/jvm/test/guide/example-channel-05.kt).
The output of this code is:
<!--- TEST -->
Note that you can build the same pipeline using
coroutine builder from the standard library.
Replace `produce` with `iterator`, `send` with `yield`, `receive` with `next`,
`ReceiveChannel` with `Iterator`, and get rid of the coroutine scope. You will not need `runBlocking` either.
However, the benefit of a pipeline that uses channels as shown above is that it can actually use
multiple CPU cores if you run it in [Dispatchers.Default] context.
Anyway, this is an extremely impractical way to find prime numbers. In practice, pipelines do involve some
other suspending invocations (like asynchronous calls to remote services) and these pipelines cannot be
built using `sequence`/`iterator`, because they do not allow arbitrary suspension, unlike
`produce`, which is fully asynchronous.
## Fan-out
Multiple coroutines may receive from the same channel, distributing work between themselves.
Let us start with a producer coroutine that is periodically producing integers
(ten numbers per second):
fun CoroutineScope.produceNumbers() = produce<Int> {
var x = 1 // start from 1
while (true) {
send(x++) // produce next
delay(100) // wait 0.1s
Then we can have several processor coroutines. In this example, they just print their id and
received number:
fun CoroutineScope.launchProcessor(id: Int, channel: ReceiveChannel<Int>) = launch {
for (msg in channel) {
println("Processor #$id received $msg")
Now let us launch five processors and let them work for almost a second. See what happens:
<!--- CLEAR -->
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.*
fun main() = runBlocking<Unit> {
val producer = produceNumbers()
repeat(5) { launchProcessor(it, producer) }
producer.cancel() // cancel producer coroutine and thus kill them all
fun CoroutineScope.produceNumbers() = produce<Int> {
var x = 1 // start from 1
while (true) {
send(x++) // produce next
delay(100) // wait 0.1s
fun CoroutineScope.launchProcessor(id: Int, channel: ReceiveChannel<Int>) = launch {
for (msg in channel) {
println("Processor #$id received $msg")
{kotlin-runnable="true" kotlin-min-compiler-version="1.3"}
> You can get the full code [here](../../kotlinx-coroutines-core/jvm/test/guide/example-channel-06.kt).
The output will be similar to the following one, albeit the processor ids that receive
each specific integer may be different:
Processor #2 received 1
Processor #4 received 2
Processor #0 received 3
Processor #1 received 4
Processor #3 received 5
Processor #2 received 6
Processor #4 received 7
Processor #0 received 8
Processor #1 received 9
Processor #3 received 10
<!--- TEST lines.size == 10 && lines.withIndex().all { (i, line) -> line.startsWith("Processor #") && line.endsWith(" received ${i + 1}") } -->
Note that cancelling a producer coroutine closes its channel, thus eventually terminating iteration
over the channel that processor coroutines are doing.
Also, pay attention to how we explicitly iterate over channel with `for` loop to perform fan-out in `launchProcessor` code.
Unlike `consumeEach`, this `for` loop pattern is perfectly safe to use from multiple coroutines. If one of the processor
coroutines fails, then others would still be processing the channel, while a processor that is written via `consumeEach`
always consumes (cancels) the underlying channel on its normal or abnormal completion.
## Fan-in
Multiple coroutines may send to the same channel.
For example, let us have a channel of strings, and a suspending function that
repeatedly sends a specified string to this channel with a specified delay:
suspend fun sendString(channel: SendChannel<String>, s: String, time: Long) {
while (true) {
Now, let us see what happens if we launch a couple of coroutines sending strings
(in this example we launch them in the context of the main thread as main coroutine's children):
<!--- CLEAR -->
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.*
fun main() = runBlocking {
val channel = Channel<String>()
launch { sendString(channel, "foo", 200L) }
launch { sendString(channel, "BAR!", 500L) }
repeat(6) { // receive first six
coroutineContext.cancelChildren() // cancel all children to let main finish
suspend fun sendString(channel: SendChannel<String>, s: String, time: Long) {
while (true) {
{kotlin-runnable="true" kotlin-min-compiler-version="1.3"}
> You can get the full code [here](../../kotlinx-coroutines-core/jvm/test/guide/example-channel-07.kt).
The output is:
<!--- TEST -->
## Buffered channels
The channels shown so far had no buffer. Unbuffered channels transfer elements when sender and receiver
meet each other (aka rendezvous). If send is invoked first, then it is suspended until receive is invoked,
if receive is invoked first, it is suspended until send is invoked.
Both [Channel()] factory function and [produce] builder take an optional `capacity` parameter to
specify _buffer size_. Buffer allows senders to send multiple elements before suspending,
similar to the `BlockingQueue` with a specified capacity, which blocks when buffer is full.
Take a look at the behavior of the following code:
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.*
fun main() = runBlocking<Unit> {
val channel = Channel<Int>(4) // create buffered channel
val sender = launch { // launch sender coroutine
repeat(10) {
println("Sending $it") // print before sending each element
channel.send(it) // will suspend when buffer is full
// don't receive anything... just wait....
sender.cancel() // cancel sender coroutine
{kotlin-runnable="true" kotlin-min-compiler-version="1.3"}
> You can get the full code [here](../../kotlinx-coroutines-core/jvm/test/guide/example-channel-08.kt).
It prints "sending" _five_ times using a buffered channel with capacity of _four_:
Sending 0
Sending 1
Sending 2
Sending 3
Sending 4
<!--- TEST -->
The first four elements are added to the buffer and the sender suspends when trying to send the fifth one.
## Channels are fair
Send and receive operations to channels are _fair_ with respect to the order of their invocation from
multiple coroutines. They are served in first-in first-out order, e.g. the first coroutine to invoke `receive`
gets the element. In the following example two coroutines "ping" and "pong" are
receiving the "ball" object from the shared "table" channel.
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.*
data class Ball(var hits: Int)
fun main() = runBlocking {
val table = Channel<Ball>() // a shared table
launch { player("ping", table) }
launch { player("pong", table) }
table.send(Ball(0)) // serve the ball
delay(1000) // delay 1 second
coroutineContext.cancelChildren() // game over, cancel them
suspend fun player(name: String, table: Channel<Ball>) {
for (ball in table) { // receive the ball in a loop
println("$name $ball")
delay(300) // wait a bit
table.send(ball) // send the ball back
{kotlin-runnable="true" kotlin-min-compiler-version="1.3"}
> You can get the full code [here](../../kotlinx-coroutines-core/jvm/test/guide/example-channel-09.kt).
The "ping" coroutine is started first, so it is the first one to receive the ball. Even though "ping"
coroutine immediately starts receiving the ball again after sending it back to the table, the ball gets
received by the "pong" coroutine, because it was already waiting for it:
ping Ball(hits=1)
pong Ball(hits=2)
ping Ball(hits=3)
pong Ball(hits=4)
<!--- TEST -->
Note that sometimes channels may produce executions that look unfair due to the nature of the executor
that is being used. See [this issue]( for details.
## Ticker channels
Ticker channel is a special rendezvous channel that produces `Unit` every time given delay passes since last consumption from this channel.
Though it may seem to be useless standalone, it is a useful building block to create complex time-based [produce]
pipelines and operators that do windowing and other time-dependent processing.
Ticker channel can be used in [select] to perform "on tick" action.
To create such channel use a factory method [ticker].
To indicate that no further elements are needed use [ReceiveChannel.cancel] method on it.
Now let's see how it works in practice:
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.*
fun main() = runBlocking<Unit> {
val tickerChannel = ticker(delayMillis = 200, initialDelayMillis = 0) // create a ticker channel
var nextElement = withTimeoutOrNull(1) { tickerChannel.receive() }
println("Initial element is available immediately: $nextElement") // no initial delay
nextElement = withTimeoutOrNull(100) { tickerChannel.receive() } // all subsequent elements have 200ms delay
println("Next element is not ready in 100 ms: $nextElement")
nextElement = withTimeoutOrNull(120) { tickerChannel.receive() }
println("Next element is ready in 200 ms: $nextElement")
// Emulate large consumption delays
println("Consumer pauses for 300ms")
// Next element is available immediately
nextElement = withTimeoutOrNull(1) { tickerChannel.receive() }
println("Next element is available immediately after large consumer delay: $nextElement")
// Note that the pause between `receive` calls is taken into account and next element arrives faster
nextElement = withTimeoutOrNull(120) { tickerChannel.receive() }
println("Next element is ready in 100ms after consumer pause in 300ms: $nextElement")
tickerChannel.cancel() // indicate that no more elements are needed
{kotlin-runnable="true" kotlin-min-compiler-version="1.3"}
> You can get the full code [here](../../kotlinx-coroutines-core/jvm/test/guide/example-channel-10.kt).
It prints following lines:
Initial element is available immediately: kotlin.Unit
Next element is not ready in 100 ms: null
Next element is ready in 200 ms: kotlin.Unit
Consumer pauses for 300ms
Next element is available immediately after large consumer delay: kotlin.Unit
Next element is ready in 100ms after consumer pause in 300ms: kotlin.Unit
<!--- TEST -->
Note that [ticker] is aware of possible consumer pauses and, by default, adjusts next produced element
delay if a pause occurs, trying to maintain a fixed rate of produced elements.
Optionally, a `mode` parameter equal to [TickerMode.FIXED_DELAY] can be specified to maintain a fixed
delay between elements.
<!--- MODULE kotlinx-coroutines-core -->
<!--- INDEX kotlinx.coroutines -->
<!--- INDEX kotlinx.coroutines.channels -->
<!--- INDEX kotlinx.coroutines.selects -->
<!--- END -->