blob: 5b95f0dcec27752074425cd2c82c6a2f22fc76e4 [file] [log] [blame] [view]
# kotlinx.serialization release checklist
To release new `<version>` of `kotlinx.serialization`:
1. Checkout `dev` branch and update:<br>
`git checkout dev && git pull`
3. Make sure the `master` branch is fully merged into `dev`:<br>
`git merge origin/master`
4. Search & replace `<old-version>` with `<version>` across the project files. Should replace in:
* [``](
* [``](
* [`integration-test/`](integration-test/
Update Kotlin version, if necessary.
5. Write release notes in [``](
* Use old releases as example of style.
* Write each change on a single line (don't wrap with CR).
* Study commit message from previous release.
[git changelog]( from git-extras may help you with that.
6. If necessary, commit your changes to a new branch called `<version>-release` and send it for review, then merge it to `dev` branch.<br>
If review is not required, commit directly to `dev`.
6. Tag version:<br>
`git tag v<version>`
8. Push your changes:<br>
`git push origin dev && git push origin --tags`
1. On [TeamCity integration server](
* Wait until "Runtime library (Build – Aggregated)" configuration for committed `dev` branch passes tests.
* Run "Runtime library (Deploy - Train)" configuration:
* On 'Changes' tab, select `dev` branch and corresponding commit.
* On 'Parameters' tab, find 'Deploy version' and fill in with `<version>`.
4. In [Sonatype]( admin interface:
* Close the repository and wait for it to verify.
* Release it.
5. Update documentation website:<br>
`./ <version> push`
6. Create a new release in [Github releases]( Use created git tag for title and changelog message for body.
1. Switch back to master branch and update it:<br>
git checkout master && git pull
git merge --ff-only dev
git push origin master
5. Announce new release in [Slack](