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# Mojo C++ Bindings API
This document is a subset of the [Mojo documentation](/mojo/
## Overview
The Mojo C++ Bindings API leverages the
[C++ System API](/mojo/public/cpp/system/ to provide a more natural
set of primitives for communicating over Mojo message pipes. Combined with
generated code from the
[Mojom IDL and bindings generator](/mojo/public/tools/bindings/, users
can easily connect interface clients and implementations across arbitrary intra-
and inter-process bounaries.
This document provides a detailed guide to bindings API usage with example code
snippets. For a detailed API references please consult the headers in
For a simplified guide targeted at Chromium developers, see [this
## Getting Started
When a Mojom IDL file is processed by the bindings generator, C++ code is
emitted in a series of `.h` and `.cc` files with names based on the input
`.mojom` file. Suppose we create the following Mojom file at
module db.mojom;
interface Table {
AddRow(int32 key, string data);
interface Database {
CreateTable(Table& table);
And a GN target to generate the bindings in
mojom("interfaces") {
sources = [
Ensure that any target that needs this interface depends on it, e.g. with a line like:
deps += [ '//services/db/public/interfaces' ]
If we then build this target:
ninja -C out/r services/db/public/interfaces
This will produce several generated source files, some of which are relevant to
C++ bindings. Two of these files are:
You can include the above generated header in your sources in order to use the
definitions therein:
``` cpp
#include "services/business/public/interfaces/factory.mojom.h"
class TableImpl : public db::mojom::Table {
// ...
This document covers the different kinds of definitions generated by Mojom IDL
for C++ consumers and how they can effectively be used to communicate across
message pipes.
*** note
**NOTE:** Using C++ bindings from within Blink code is typically subject to
special constraints which require the use of a different generated header.
For details, see [Blink Type Mapping](#Blink-Type-Mapping).
## Interfaces
Mojom IDL interfaces are translated to corresponding C++ (pure virtual) class
interface definitions in the generated header, consisting of a single generated
method signature for each request message on the interface. Internally there is
also generated code for serialization and deserialization of messages, but this
detail is hidden from bindings consumers.
### Basic Usage
Let's consider a new `//sample/logger.mojom` to define a simple logging
interface which clients can use to log simple string messages:
``` cpp
module sample.mojom;
interface Logger {
Log(string message);
Running this through the bindings generator will produce a `logging.mojom.h`
with the following definitions (modulo unimportant details):
``` cpp
namespace sample {
namespace mojom {
class Logger {
virtual ~Logger() {}
virtual void Log(const std::string& message) = 0;
using LoggerPtr = mojo::InterfacePtr<Logger>;
using LoggerRequest = mojo::InterfaceRequest<Logger>;
} // namespace mojom
} // namespace sample
Makes sense. Let's take a closer look at those type aliases at the end.
### InterfacePtr and InterfaceRequest
You will notice the type aliases for `LoggerPtr` and
`LoggerRequest` are using two of the most fundamental template types in the C++
bindings library: **`InterfacePtr<T>`** and **`InterfaceRequest<T>`**.
In the world of Mojo bindings libraries these are effectively strongly-typed
message pipe endpoints. If an `InterfacePtr<T>` is bound to a message pipe
endpoint, it can be dereferenced to make calls on an opaque `T` interface. These
calls immediately serialize their arguments (using generated code) and write a
corresponding message to the pipe.
An `InterfaceRequest<T>` is essentially just a typed container to hold the other
end of an `InterfacePtr<T>`'s pipe -- the receiving end -- until it can be
routed to some implementation which will **bind** it. The `InterfaceRequest<T>`
doesn't actually *do* anything other than hold onto a pipe endpoint and carry
useful compile-time type information.
![Diagram illustrating InterfacePtr and InterfaceRequest on either end of a message pipe](
So how do we create a strongly-typed message pipe?
### Creating Interface Pipes
One way to do this is by manually creating a pipe and wrapping each end with a
strongly-typed object:
``` cpp
#include "sample/logger.mojom.h"
mojo::MessagePipe pipe;
sample::mojom::LoggerPtr logger(
sample::mojom::LoggerPtrInfo(std::move(pipe.handle0), 0));
sample::mojom::LoggerRequest request(std::move(pipe.handle1));
That's pretty verbose, but the C++ Bindings library provides a more convenient
way to accomplish the same thing. [interface_request.h](
defines a `MakeRequest` function:
``` cpp
sample::mojom::LoggerPtr logger;
auto request = mojo::MakeRequest(&logger);
This second snippet is equivalent to the first one.
*** note
**NOTE:** In the first example above you may notice usage of the `LoggerPtrInfo`
type, which is a generated alias for `mojo::InterfacePtrInfo<Logger>`. This is
similar to an `InterfaceRequest<T>` in that it merely holds onto a pipe handle
and cannot actually read or write messages on the pipe. Both this type and
`InterfaceRequest<T>` are safe to move freely from sequence to sequence, whereas
a bound `InterfacePtr<T>` is bound to a single sequence.
An `InterfacePtr<T>` may be unbound by calling its `PassInterface()` method,
which returns a new `InterfacePtrInfo<T>`. Conversely, an `InterfacePtr<T>` may
bind (and thus take ownership of) an `InterfacePtrInfo<T>` so that interface
calls can be made on the pipe.
The sequence-bound nature of `InterfacePtr<T>` is necessary to support safe
dispatch of its [message responses](#Receiving-Responses) and
[connection error notifications](#Connection-Errors).
Once the `LoggerPtr` is bound we can immediately begin calling `Logger`
interface methods on it, which will immediately write messages into the pipe.
These messages will stay queued on the receiving end of the pipe until someone
binds to it and starts reading them.
``` cpp
This actually writes a `Log` message to the pipe.
![Diagram illustrating a message traveling on a pipe from LoggerPtr to LoggerRequest](
But as mentioned above, `InterfaceRequest` *doesn't actually do anything*, so
that message will just sit on the pipe forever. We need a way to read messages
off the other end of the pipe and dispatch them. We have to
**bind the interface request**.
### Binding an Interface Request
There are many different helper classes in the bindings library for binding the
receiving end of a message pipe. The most primitive among them is the aptly
named `mojo::Binding<T>`. A `mojo::Binding<T>` bridges an implementation of `T`
with a single bound message pipe endpoint (via a `mojo::InterfaceRequest<T>`),
which it continuously watches for readability.
Any time the bound pipe becomes readable, the `Binding` will schedule a task to
read, deserialize (using generated code), and dispatch all available messages to
the bound `T` implementation. Below is a sample implementation of the `Logger`
interface. Notice that the implementation itself owns a `mojo::Binding`. This is
a common pattern, since a bound implementation must outlive any `mojo::Binding`
which binds it.
``` cpp
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "sample/logger.mojom.h"
class LoggerImpl : public sample::mojom::Logger {
// NOTE: A common pattern for interface implementations which have one
// instance per client is to take an InterfaceRequest in the constructor.
explicit LoggerImpl(sample::mojom::LoggerRequest request)
: binding_(this, std::move(request)) {}
~Logger() override {}
// sample::mojom::Logger:
void Log(const std::string& message) override {
LOG(ERROR) << "[Logger] " << message;
mojo::Binding<sample::mojom::Logger> binding_;
Now we can construct a `LoggerImpl` over our pending `LoggerRequest`, and the
previously queued `Log` message will be dispatched ASAP on the `LoggerImpl`'s
``` cpp
LoggerImpl impl(std::move(request));
The diagram below illustrates the following sequence of events, all set in
motion by the above line of code:
1. The `LoggerImpl` constructor is called, passing the `LoggerRequest` along
to the `Binding`.
2. The `Binding` takes ownership of the `LoggerRequest`'s pipe endpoint and
begins watching it for readability. The pipe is readable immediately, so a
task is scheduled to read the pending `Log` message from the pipe ASAP.
3. The `Log` message is read and deserialized, causing the `Binding` to invoke
the `Logger::Log` implementation on its bound `LoggerImpl`.
![Diagram illustrating the progression of binding a request, reading a pending message, and dispatching it](
As a result, our implementation will eventually log the client's `"Hello!"`
message via `LOG(ERROR)`.
*** note
**NOTE:** Messages will only be read and dispatched from a pipe as long as the
object which binds it (*i.e.* the `mojo::Binding` in the above example) remains
### Receiving Responses
Some Mojom interface methods expect a response. Suppose we modify our `Logger`
interface so that the last logged line can be queried like so:
``` cpp
module sample.mojom;
interface Logger {
Log(string message);
GetTail() => (string message);
The generated C++ interface will now look like:
``` cpp
namespace sample {
namespace mojom {
class Logger {
virtual ~Logger() {}
virtual void Log(const std::string& message) = 0;
using GetTailCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(const std::string& message)>;
virtual void GetTail(GetTailCallback callback) = 0;
} // namespace mojom
} // namespace sample
As before, both clients and implementations of this interface use the same
signature for the `GetTail` method: implementations use the `callback` argument
to *respond* to the request, while clients pass a `callback` argument to
asynchronously `receive` the response. Here's an updated implementation:
class LoggerImpl : public sample::mojom::Logger {
// NOTE: A common pattern for interface implementations which have one
// instance per client is to take an InterfaceRequest in the constructor.
explicit LoggerImpl(sample::mojom::LoggerRequest request)
: binding_(this, std::move(request)) {}
~Logger() override {}
// sample::mojom::Logger:
void Log(const std::string& message) override {
LOG(ERROR) << "[Logger] " << message;
void GetTail(GetTailCallback callback) override {
mojo::Binding<sample::mojom::Logger> binding_;
std::vector<std::string> lines_;
And an updated client call:
``` cpp
void OnGetTail(const std::string& message) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Tail was: " << message;
Behind the scenes, the implementation-side callback is actually serializing the
response arguments and writing them onto the pipe for delivery back to the
client. Meanwhile the client-side callback is invoked by some internal logic
which watches the pipe for an incoming response message, reads and deserializes
it once it arrives, and then invokes the callback with the deserialized
### Connection Errors
If a pipe is disconnected, both endpoints will be able to observe the connection
error (unless the disconnection is caused by closing/destroying an endpoint, in
which case that endpoint won't get such a notification). If there are remaining
incoming messages for an endpoint on disconnection, the connection error won't
be triggered until the messages are drained.
Pipe disconnecition may be caused by:
* Mojo system-level causes: process terminated, resource exhausted, etc.
* The bindings close the pipe due to a validation error when processing a
received message.
* The peer endpoint is closed. For example, the remote side is a bound
`mojo::InterfacePtr<T>` and it is destroyed.
Regardless of the underlying cause, when a connection error is encountered on
a binding endpoint, that endpoint's **connection error handler** (if set) is
invoked. This handler is a simple `base::Closure` and may only be invoked
*once* as long as the endpoint is bound to the same pipe. Typically clients and
implementations use this handler to do some kind of cleanup or -- particuarly if
the error was unexpected -- create a new pipe and attempt to establish a new
connection with it.
All message pipe-binding C++ objects (*e.g.*, `mojo::Binding<T>`,
`mojo::InterfacePtr<T>`, *etc.*) support setting their connection error handler
via a `set_connection_error_handler` method.
We can set up another end-to-end `Logger` example to demonstrate error handler
``` cpp
sample::mojom::LoggerPtr logger;
LoggerImpl impl(mojo::MakeRequest(&logger));
impl.set_connection_error_handler(base::BindOnce([] { LOG(ERROR) << "Bye."; }));
logger->Log("OK cool");
logger.reset(); // Closes the client end.
As long as `impl` stays alive here, it will eventually receive the `Log` message
followed immediately by an invocation of the bound callback which outputs
`"Bye."`. Like all other bindings callbacks, a connection error handler will
**never** be invoked once its corresponding binding object has been destroyed.
In fact, suppose instead that `LoggerImpl` had set up the following error
handler within its constructor:
``` cpp
LoggerImpl::LoggerImpl(sample::mojom::LoggerRequest request)
: binding_(this, std::move(request)) {
base::BindOnce(&LoggerImpl::OnError, base::Unretained(this)));
void LoggerImpl::OnError() {
LOG(ERROR) << "Client disconnected! Purging log lines.";
The use of `base::Unretained` is *safe* because the error handler will never be
invoked beyond the lifetime of `binding_`, and `this` owns `binding_`.
### A Note About Endpoint Lifetime and Callbacks
Once a `mojo::InterfacePtr<T>` is destroyed, it is guaranteed that pending
callbacks as well as the connection error handler (if registered) won't be
Once a `mojo::Binding<T>` is destroyed, it is guaranteed that no more method
calls are dispatched to the implementation and the connection error handler (if
registered) won't be called.
### Best practices for dealing with process crashes and callbacks
A common situation when calling mojo interface methods that take a callback is
that the caller wants to know if the other endpoint is torn down (e.g. because
of a crash). In that case, the consumer usually wants to know if the response
callback won't be run. There are different solutions for this problem, depending
on how the `InterfacePtr<T>` is held:
1. The consumer owns the `InterfacePtr<T>`: `set_connection_error_handler`
should be used.
2. The consumer doesn't own the `InterfacePtr<T>`: there are two helpers
depending on the behavior that the caller wants. If the caller wants to
ensure that an error handler is run, then
should be used. If the caller wants the callback to always be run, then
helper should be used. With both of these helpers, usual callback care should
be followed to ensure that the callbacks don't run after the consumer is
destructed (e.g. because the owner of the `InterfacePtr<T>` outlives the
consumer). This includes using
It should also be noted that with these helpers, the callbacks could be run
synchronously while the InterfacePtr<T> is reset or destroyed.
### A Note About Ordering
As mentioned in the previous section, closing one end of a pipe will eventually
trigger a connection error on the other end. However it's important to note that
this event is itself ordered with respect to any other event (*e.g.* writing a
message) on the pipe.
This means that it's safe to write something contrived like:
``` cpp
void GoBindALogger(sample::mojom::LoggerRequest request) {
LoggerImpl impl(std::move(request));
base::RunLoop loop;
void LogSomething() {
sample::mojom::LoggerPtr logger;
FROM_HERE, base::BindOnce(&GoBindALogger, mojo::MakeRequest(&logger)));
logger->Log("OK Computer");
When `logger` goes out of scope it immediately closes its end of the message
pipe, but the impl-side won't notice this until it receives the sent `Log`
message. Thus the `impl` above will first log our message and *then* see a
connection error and break out of the run loop.
## Types
### Enums
[Mojom enums](/mojo/public/tools/bindings/ translate
directly to equivalent strongly-typed C++11 enum classes with `int32_t` as the
underlying type. The typename and value names are identical between Mojom and
C++. Mojo also always defines a special enumerator `kMaxValue` that shares the
value of the highest enumerator: this makes it easy to record Mojo enums in
histograms and interoperate with legacy IPC.
For example, consider the following Mojom definition:
module business.mojom;
enum Department {
This translates to the following C++ definition:
namespace business {
namespace mojom {
enum class Department : int32_t {
kMaxValue = kSales,
} // namespace mojom
} // namespace business
### Structs
[Mojom structs](mojo/public/tools/bindings/ can be used to
define logical groupings of fields into a new composite type. Every Mojom struct
elicits the generation of an identically named, representative C++ class, with
identically named public fields of corresponding C++ types, and several helpful
public methods.
For example, consider the following Mojom struct:
module business.mojom;
struct Employee {
int64 id;
string username;
Department department;
This would generate a C++ class like so:
namespace business {
namespace mojom {
class Employee;
using EmployeePtr = mojo::StructPtr<Employee>;
class Employee {
// Default constructor - applies default values, potentially ones specified
// explicitly within the Mojom.
// Value constructor - an explicit argument for every field in the struct, in
// lexical Mojom definition order.
Employee(int64_t id, const std::string& username, Department department);
// Creates a new copy of this struct value
EmployeePtr Clone();
// Tests for equality with another struct value of the same type.
bool Equals(const Employee& other);
// Equivalent public fields with names identical to the Mojom.
int64_t id;
std::string username;
Department department;
} // namespace mojom
} // namespace business
Note when used as a message parameter or as a field within another Mojom struct,
a `struct` type is wrapped by the move-only `mojo::StructPtr` helper, which is
roughly equivalent to a `std::unique_ptr` with some additional utility methods.
This allows struct values to be nullable and struct types to be potentially
Every genereated struct class has a static `New()` method which returns a new
`mojo::StructPtr<T>` wrapping a new instance of the class constructed by
forwarding the arguments from `New`. For example:
mojom::EmployeePtr e1 = mojom::Employee::New();
e1->id = 42;
e1->username = "mojo";
e1->department = mojom::Department::kEngineering;
is equivalent to
auto e1 = mojom::Employee::New(42, "mojo", mojom::Department::kEngineering);
Now if we define an interface like:
interface EmployeeManager {
AddEmployee(Employee e);
We'll get this C++ interface to implement:
class EmployeeManager {
virtual ~EmployeManager() {}
virtual void AddEmployee(EmployeePtr e) = 0;
And we can send this message from C++ code as follows:
mojom::EmployeManagerPtr manager = ...;
Employee::New(42, "mojo", mojom::Department::kEngineering));
// or
auto e = Employee::New(42, "mojo", mojom::Department::kEngineering);
### Unions
Similarly to [structs](#Structs), tagged unions generate an identically named,
representative C++ class which is typically wrapped in a `mojo::StructPtr<T>`.
Unlike structs, all generated union fields are private and must be retrieved and
manipulated using accessors. A field `foo` is accessible by `foo()` and
settable by `set_foo()`. There is also a boolean `is_foo()` for each field which
indicates whether the union is currently taking on the value of field `foo` in
exclusion to all other union fields.
Finally, every generated union class also has a nested `Tag` enum class which
enumerates all of the named union fields. A Mojom union value's current type can
be determined by calling the `which()` method which returns a `Tag`.
For example, consider the following Mojom definitions:
union Value {
int64 int_value;
float32 float_value;
string string_value;
interface Dictionary {
AddValue(string key, Value value);
This generates a the following C++ interface:
class Value {
virtual ~Value() {}
virtual void AddValue(const std::string& key, ValuePtr value) = 0;
And we can use it like so:
ValuePtr value = Value::New();
CHECK_EQ(value->which(), Value::Tag::INT_VALUE);
CHECK_EQ(value->which(), Value::Tag::FLOAT_VALUE);
CHECK_EQ(value->which(), Value::Tag::STRING_VALUE);
Finally, note that if a union value is not currently occupied by a given field,
attempts to access that field will DCHECK:
ValuePtr value = Value::New();
LOG(INFO) << "Value is " << value->string_value(); // DCHECK!
### Sending Interfaces Over Interfaces
We know how to create interface pipes and use their Ptr and Request endpoints
in some interesting ways. This still doesn't add up to interesting IPC! The
bread and butter of Mojo IPC is the ability to transfer interface endpoints
across other interfaces, so let's take a look at how to accomplish that.
#### Sending Interface Requests
Consider a new example Mojom in `//sample/db.mojom`:
``` cpp
module db.mojom;
interface Table {
void AddRow(int32 key, string data);
interface Database {
AddTable(Table& table);
As noted in the
[Mojom IDL documentation](/mojo/public/tools/bindings/,
the `Table&` syntax denotes a `Table` interface request. This corresponds
precisely to the `InterfaceRequest<T>` type discussed in the sections above, and
in fact the generated code for these interfaces is approximately:
``` cpp
namespace db {
namespace mojom {
class Table {
virtual ~Table() {}
virtual void AddRow(int32_t key, const std::string& data) = 0;
using TablePtr = mojo::InterfacePtr<Table>;
using TableRequest = mojo::InterfaceRequest<Table>;
class Database {
virtual ~Database() {}
virtual void AddTable(TableRequest table);
using DatabasePtr = mojo::InterfacePtr<Database>;
using DatabaseRequest = mojo::InterfaceRequest<Database>;
} // namespace mojom
} // namespace db
We can put this all together now with an implementation of `Table` and
``` cpp
#include "sample/db.mojom.h"
class TableImpl : public db::mojom:Table {
explicit TableImpl(db::mojom::TableRequest request)
: binding_(this, std::move(request)) {}
~TableImpl() override {}
// db::mojom::Table:
void AddRow(int32_t key, const std::string& data) override {
rows_.insert({key, data});
mojo::Binding<db::mojom::Table> binding_;
std::map<int32_t, std::string> rows_;
class DatabaseImpl : public db::mojom::Database {
explicit DatabaseImpl(db::mojom::DatabaseRequest request)
: binding_(this, std::move(request)) {}
~DatabaseImpl() override {}
// db::mojom::Database:
void AddTable(db::mojom::TableRequest table) {
mojo::Binding<db::mojom::Database> binding_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<TableImpl>> tables_;
Pretty straightforward. The `Table&` Mojom paramter to `AddTable` translates to
a C++ `db::mojom::TableRequest`, aliased from
`mojo::InterfaceRequest<db::mojom::Table>`, which we know is just a
strongly-typed message pipe handle. When `DatabaseImpl` gets an `AddTable` call,
it constructs a new `TableImpl` and binds it to the received `TableRequest`.
Let's see how this can be used.
``` cpp
db::mojom::DatabasePtr database;
DatabaseImpl db_impl(mojo::MakeRequest(&database));
db::mojom::TablePtr table1, table2;
table1->AddRow(1, "hiiiiiiii");
table2->AddRow(2, "heyyyyyy");
Notice that we can again start using the new `Table` pipes immediately, even
while their `TableRequest` endpoints are still in transit.
#### Sending InterfacePtrs
Of course we can also send `InterfacePtr`s:
``` cpp
interface TableListener {
OnRowAdded(int32 key, string data);
interface Table {
AddRow(int32 key, string data);
AddListener(TableListener listener);
This would generate a `Table::AddListener` signature like so:
``` cpp
virtual void AddListener(TableListenerPtr listener) = 0;
and this could be used like so:
``` cpp
db::mojom::TableListenerPtr listener;
TableListenerImpl impl(mojo::MakeRequest(&listener));
## Other Interface Binding Types
The [Interfaces](#Interfaces) section above covers basic usage of the most
common bindings object types: `InterfacePtr`, `InterfaceRequest`, and `Binding`.
While these types are probably the most commonly used in practice, there are
several other ways of binding both client- and implementation-side interface
### Strong Bindings
A **strong binding** exists as a standalone object which owns its interface
implementation and automatically cleans itself up when its bound interface
endpoint detects an error. The
function is used to create such a binding.
``` cpp
class LoggerImpl : public sample::mojom::Logger {
LoggerImpl() {}
~LoggerImpl() override {}
// sample::mojom::Logger:
void Log(const std::string& message) override {
LOG(ERROR) << "[Logger] " << message;
// NOTE: This doesn't own any Binding object!
db::mojom::LoggerPtr logger;
logger->Log("NOM NOM NOM MESSAGES");
Now as long as `logger` remains open somewhere in the system, the bound
`LoggerImpl` on the other end will remain alive.
### Binding Sets
Sometimes it's useful to share a single implementation instance with multiple
clients. [**`BindingSet`**](
makes this easy. Consider the Mojom:
``` cpp
module system.mojom;
interface Logger {
Log(string message);
interface LoggerProvider {
GetLogger(Logger& logger);
We can use `BindingSet` to bind multiple `Logger` requests to a single
implementation instance:
``` cpp
class LogManager : public system::mojom::LoggerProvider,
public system::mojom::Logger {
explicit LogManager(system::mojom::LoggerProviderRequest request)
: provider_binding_(this, std::move(request)) {}
~LogManager() {}
// system::mojom::LoggerProvider:
void GetLogger(LoggerRequest request) override {
logger_bindings_.AddBinding(this, std::move(request));
// system::mojom::Logger:
void Log(const std::string& message) override {
LOG(ERROR) << "[Logger] " << message;
mojo::Binding<system::mojom::LoggerProvider> provider_binding_;
mojo::BindingSet<system::mojom::Logger> logger_bindings_;
### InterfacePtr Sets
Similar to the `BindingSet` above, sometimes it's useful to maintain a set of
`InterfacePtr`s for *e.g.* a set of clients observing some event.
is here to help. Take the Mojom:
``` cpp
module db.mojom;
interface TableListener {
OnRowAdded(int32 key, string data);
interface Table {
AddRow(int32 key, string data);
AddListener(TableListener listener);
An implementation of `Table` might look something like like this:
``` cpp
class TableImpl : public db::mojom::Table {
TableImpl() {}
~TableImpl() override {}
// db::mojom::Table:
void AddRow(int32_t key, const std::string& data) override {
rows_.insert({key, data});
listeners_.ForEach([key, &data](db::mojom::TableListener* listener) {
listener->OnRowAdded(key, data);
void AddListener(db::mojom::TableListenerPtr listener) {
mojo::InterfacePtrSet<db::mojom::Table> listeners_;
std::map<int32_t, std::string> rows_;
## Associated Interfaces
Associated interfaces are interfaces which:
* enable running multiple interfaces over a single message pipe while
preserving message ordering.
* make it possible for the bindings to access a single message pipe from
multiple sequences.
### Mojom
A new keyword `associated` is introduced for interface pointer/request
fields. For example:
``` cpp
interface Bar {};
struct Qux {
associated Bar bar3;
interface Foo {
// Uses associated interface pointer.
SetBar(associated Bar bar1);
// Uses associated interface request.
GetBar(associated Bar& bar2);
// Passes a struct with associated interface pointer.
PassQux(Qux qux);
// Uses associated interface pointer in callback.
AsyncGetBar() => (associated Bar bar4);
It means the interface impl/client will communicate using the same
message pipe over which the associated interface pointer/request is
### Using associated interfaces in C++
When generating C++ bindings, the associated interface pointer of `Bar` is
mapped to `BarAssociatedPtrInfo` (which is an alias of
`mojo::AssociatedInterfacePtrInfo<Bar>`); associated interface request to
`BarAssociatedRequest` (which is an alias of
``` cpp
// In mojom:
interface Foo {
SetBar(associated Bar bar1);
GetBar(associated Bar& bar2);
// In C++:
class Foo {
virtual void SetBar(BarAssociatedPtrInfo bar1) = 0;
virtual void GetBar(BarAssociatedRequest bar2) = 0;
#### Passing associated interface requests
Assume you have already got an `InterfacePtr<Foo> foo_ptr`, and you would like
to call `GetBar()` on it. You can do:
``` cpp
BarAssociatedPtrInfo bar_ptr_info;
BarAssociatedRequest bar_request = MakeRequest(&bar_ptr_info);
// BarAssociatedPtr is an alias of AssociatedInterfacePtr<Bar>.
BarAssociatedPtr bar_ptr;
First, the code creates an associated interface of type `Bar`. It looks very
similar to what you would do to setup a non-associated interface. An
important difference is that one of the two associated endpoints (either
`bar_request` or `bar_ptr_info`) must be sent over another interface. That is
how the interface is associated with an existing message pipe.
It should be noted that you cannot call `bar_ptr->DoSomething()` before passing
`bar_request`. This is required by the FIFO-ness guarantee: at the receiver
side, when the message of `DoSomething` call arrives, we want to dispatch it to
the corresponding `AssociatedBinding<Bar>` before processing any subsequent
messages. If `bar_request` is in a subsequent message, message dispatching gets
into a deadlock. On the other hand, as soon as `bar_request` is sent, `bar_ptr`
is usable. There is no need to wait until `bar_request` is bound to an
implementation at the remote side.
A `MakeRequest` overload which takes an `AssociatedInterfacePtr` pointer
(instead of an `AssociatedInterfacePtrInfo` pointer) is provided to make the
code a little shorter. The following code achieves the same purpose:
``` cpp
BarAssociatedPtr bar_ptr;
The implementation of `Foo` looks like this:
``` cpp
class FooImpl : public Foo {
void GetBar(BarAssociatedRequest bar2) override {
Binding<Foo> foo_binding_;
AssociatedBinding<Bar> bar_binding_;
In this example, `bar_binding_`'s lifespan is tied to that of `FooImpl`. But you
don't have to do that. You can, for example, pass `bar2` to another sequence to
bind to an `AssociatedBinding<Bar>` there.
When the underlying message pipe is disconnected (e.g., `foo_ptr` or
`foo_binding_` is destroyed), all associated interface endpoints (e.g.,
`bar_ptr` and `bar_binding_`) will receive a connection error.
#### Passing associated interface pointers
Similarly, assume you have already got an `InterfacePtr<Foo> foo_ptr`, and you
would like to call `SetBar()` on it. You can do:
``` cpp
AssociatedBind<Bar> bar_binding(some_bar_impl);
BarAssociatedPtrInfo bar_ptr_info;
BarAssociatedRequest bar_request = MakeRequest(&bar_ptr_info);
The following code achieves the same purpose:
``` cpp
AssociatedBind<Bar> bar_binding(some_bar_impl);
BarAssociatedPtrInfo bar_ptr_info;
### Performance considerations
When using associated interfaces on different sequences than the master sequence
(where the master interface lives):
* Sending messages: send happens directly on the calling sequence. So there
isn't sequence hopping.
* Receiving messages: associated interfaces bound on a different sequence from
the master interface incur an extra sequence hop during dispatch.
Therefore, performance-wise associated interfaces are better suited for
scenarios where message receiving happens on the master sequence.
### Testing
Associated interfaces need to be associated with a master interface before
they can be used. This means one end of the associated interface must be sent
over one end of the master interface, or over one end of another associated
interface which itself already has a master interface.
If you want to test an associated interface endpoint without first
associating it, you can use `mojo::MakeIsolatedRequest()`. This will create
working associated interface endpoints which are not actually associated with
anything else.
### Read more
* [Design: Mojo Associated Interfaces](
## Synchronous Calls
See [this document](
TODO: Move the above doc into the repository markdown docs.
## Type Mapping
In many instances you might prefer that your generated C++ bindings use a more
natural type to represent certain Mojom types in your interface methods. For one
example consider a Mojom struct such as the `Rect` below:
``` cpp
module gfx.mojom;
struct Rect {
int32 x;
int32 y;
int32 width;
int32 height;
interface Canvas {
void FillRect(Rect rect);
The `Canvas` Mojom interface would normally generate a C++ interface like:
``` cpp
class Canvas {
virtual void FillRect(RectPtr rect) = 0;
However, the Chromium tree already defines a native
[`gfx::Rect`]( which
is equivalent in meaning but which also has useful helper methods. Instead of
manually converting between a `gfx::Rect` and the Mojom-generated `RectPtr` at
every message boundary, wouldn't it be nice if the Mojom bindings generator
could instead generate:
``` cpp
class Canvas {
virtual void FillRect(const gfx::Rect& rect) = 0;
The correct answer is, "Yes! That would be nice!" And fortunately, it can!
### Global Configuration
While this feature is quite powerful, it introduces some unavoidable complexity
into build system. This stems from the fact that type-mapping is an inherently
viral concept: if `gfx::mojom::Rect` is mapped to `gfx::Rect` anywhere, the
mapping needs to apply *everywhere*.
For this reason we have a few global typemap configurations defined in
[blink_bindings_configuration.gni]( These configure the two supported [variants](#Variants) of Mojom generated
bindings in the repository. Read more on this in the sections that follow.
For now, let's take a look at how to express the mapping from `gfx::mojom::Rect`
to `gfx::Rect`.
### Defining `StructTraits`
In order to teach generated bindings code how to serialize an arbitrary native
type `T` as an arbitrary Mojom type `mojom::U`, we need to define an appropriate
specialization of the
A valid specialization of `StructTraits` MUST define the following static
* A single static accessor for every field of the Mojom struct, with the exact
same name as the struct field. These accessors must all take a const ref to
an object of the native type, and must return a value compatible with the
Mojom struct field's type. This is used to safely and consistently extract
data from the native type during message serialization without incurring extra
copying costs.
* A single static `Read` method which initializes an instance of the the native
type given a serialized representation of the Mojom struct. The `Read` method
must return a `bool` to indicate whether the incoming data is accepted
(`true`) or rejected (`false`).
There are other methods a `StructTraits` specialization may define to satisfy
some less common requirements. See
[Advanced StructTraits Usage](#Advanced-StructTraits-Usage) for details.
In order to define the mapping for `gfx::Rect`, we want the following
`StructTraits` specialization, which we'll define in
``` cpp
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/struct_traits.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/mojo/geometry.mojom.h"
namespace mojo {
template <>
class StructTraits<gfx::mojom::RectDataView, gfx::Rect> {
static int32_t x(const gfx::Rect& r) { return r.x(); }
static int32_t y(const gfx::Rect& r) { return r.y(); }
static int32_t width(const gfx::Rect& r) { return r.width(); }
static int32_t height(const gfx::Rect& r) { return r.height(); }
static bool Read(gfx::mojom::RectDataView data, gfx::Rect* out_rect);
} // namespace mojo
And in `//ui/gfx/geometry/mojo/`:
``` cpp
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/mojo/geometry_struct_traits.h"
namespace mojo {
// static
template <>
bool StructTraits<gfx::mojom::RectDataView, gfx::Rect>::Read(
gfx::mojom::RectDataView data,
gfx::Rect* out_rect) {
if (data.width() < 0 || data.height() < 0)
return false;
out_rect->SetRect(data.x(), data.y(), data.width(), data.height());
return true;
} // namespace mojo
Note that the `Read()` method returns `false` if either the incoming `width` or
`height` fields are negative. This acts as a validation step during
deserialization: if a client sends a `gfx::Rect` with a negative width or
height, its message will be rejected and the pipe will be closed. In this way,
type mapping can serve to enable custom validation logic in addition to making
callsites and interface implemention more convenient.
### Enabling a New Type Mapping
We've defined the `StructTraits` necessary, but we still need to teach the
bindings generator (and hence the build system) about the mapping. To do this we
must create a **typemap** file, which uses familiar GN syntax to describe the
new type mapping.
Let's place this `geometry.typemap` file alongside our Mojom file:
mojom = "//ui/gfx/geometry/mojo/geometry.mojom"
public_headers = [ "//ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h" ]
traits_headers = [ "//ui/gfx/geometry/mojo/geometry_struct_traits.h" ]
sources = [
public_deps = [ "//ui/gfx/geometry" ]
type_mappings = [
Let's look at each of the variables above:
* `mojom`: Specifies the `mojom` file to which the typemap applies. Many
typemaps may apply to the same `mojom` file, but any given typemap may only
apply to a single `mojom` file.
* `public_headers`: Additional headers required by any code which would depend
on the Mojom definition of `gfx.mojom.Rect` now that the typemap is applied.
Any headers required for the native target type definition should be listed
* `traits_headers`: Headers which contain the relevant `StructTraits`
specialization(s) for any type mappings described by this file.
* `sources`: Any implementation sources and headers needed for the
`StructTraits` definition. These sources are compiled directly into the
generated C++ bindings target for a `mojom` file applying this typemap.
* `public_deps`: Target dependencies exposed by the `public_headers` and
* `deps`: Target dependencies exposed by `sources` but not already covered by
* `type_mappings`: A list of type mappings to be applied for this typemap. The
strings in this list are of the format `"MojomType=CppType"`, where
`MojomType` must be a fully qualified Mojom typename and `CppType` must be a
fully qualified C++ typename. Additional attributes may be specified in square
brackets following the `CppType`:
* `move_only`: The `CppType` is move-only and should be passed by value
in any generated method signatures. Note that `move_only` is transitive,
so containers of `MojomType` will translate to containers of `CppType`
also passed by value.
* `copyable_pass_by_value`: Forces values of type `CppType` to be passed by
value without moving them. Unlike `move_only`, this is not transitive.
* `nullable_is_same_type`: By default a non-nullable `MojomType` will be
mapped to `CppType` while a nullable `MojomType?` will be mapped to
`base::Optional<CppType>`. If this attribute is set, the `base::Optional`
wrapper is omitted for nullable `MojomType?` values, but the
`StructTraits` definition for this type mapping must define additional
`IsNull` and `SetToNull` methods. See
[Specializing Nullability](#Specializing-Nullability) below.
* `force_serialize`: The typemap is incompatible with lazy serialization
(e.g. consider a typemap to a `base::StringPiece`, where retaining a
copy is unsafe). Any messages carrying the type will be forced down the
eager serailization path.
Now that we have the typemap file we need to add it to a local list of typemaps
that can be added to the global configuration. We create a new
`//ui/gfx/typemaps.gni` file with the following contents:
typemaps = [
And finally we can reference this file in the global default (Chromium) bindings
configuration by adding it to `_typemap_imports` in
_typemap_imports = [
### StructTraits Reference
Each of a `StructTraits` specialization's static getter methods -- one per
struct field -- must return a type which can be used as a data source for the
field during serialization. This is a quick reference mapping Mojom field type
to valid getter return types:
| Mojom Field Type | C++ Getter Return Type |
| `bool` | `bool`
| `int8` | `int8_t`
| `uint8` | `uint8_t`
| `int16` | `int16_t`
| `uint16` | `uint16_t`
| `int32` | `int32_t`
| `uint32` | `uint32_t`
| `int64` | `int64_t`
| `uint64` | `uint64_t`
| `float` | `float`
| `double` | `double`
| `handle` | `mojo::ScopedHandle`
| `handle<message_pipe>` | `mojo::ScopedMessagePipeHandle`
| `handle<data_pipe_consumer>` | `mojo::ScopedDataPipeConsumerHandle`
| `handle<data_pipe_producer>` | `mojo::ScopedDataPipeProducerHandle`
| `handle<shared_buffer>` | `mojo::ScopedSharedBufferHandle`
| `FooInterface` | `FooInterfacePtr`
| `FooInterface&` | `FooInterfaceRequest`
| `associated FooInterface` | `FooAssociatedInterfacePtr`
| `associated FooInterface&` | `FooAssociatedInterfaceRequest`
| `string` | Value or reference to any type `T` that has a `mojo::StringTraits` specialization defined. By default this includes `std::string`, `base::StringPiece`, and `WTF::String` (Blink).
| `array<T>` | Value or reference to any type `T` that has a `mojo::ArrayTraits` specialization defined. By default this includes `std::vector<T>`, `mojo::CArray<T>`, and `WTF::Vector<T>` (Blink).
| `map<K, V>` | Value or reference to any type `T` that has a `mojo::MapTraits` specialization defined. By default this includes `std::map<T>`, `mojo::unordered_map<T>`, and `WTF::HashMap<T>` (Blink).
| `FooEnum` | Value of any type that has an appropriate `EnumTraits` specialization defined. By default this inlcudes only the generated `FooEnum` type.
| `FooStruct` | Value or reference to any type that has an appropriate `StructTraits` specialization defined. By default this includes only the generated `FooStructPtr` type.
| `FooUnion` | Value of reference to any type that has an appropriate `UnionTraits` specialization defined. By default this includes only the generated `FooUnionPtr` type.
### Using Generated DataView Types
Static `Read` methods on `StructTraits` specializations get a generated
`FooDataView` argument (such as the `RectDataView` in the example above) which
exposes a direct view of the serialized Mojom structure within an incoming
message's contents. In order to make this as easy to work with as possible, the
generated `FooDataView` types have a generated method corresponding to every
struct field:
* For POD field types (*e.g.* bools, floats, integers) these are simple accessor
methods with names identical to the field name. Hence in the `Rect` example we
can access things like `data.x()` and `data.width()`. The return types
correspond exactly to the mappings listed in the table above, under
[StructTraits Reference](#StructTraits-Reference).
* For handle and interface types (*e.g* `handle` or `FooInterface&`) these
are named `TakeFieldName` (for a field named `field_name`) and they return an
appropriate move-only handle type by value. The return types correspond
exactly to the mappings listed in the table above, under
[StructTraits Reference](#StructTraits-Reference).
* For all other field types (*e.g.*, enums, strings, arrays, maps, structs)
these are named `ReadFieldName` (for a field named `field_name`) and they
return a `bool` (to indicate success or failure in reading). On success they
fill their output argument with the deserialized field value. The output
argument may be a pointer to any type with an appropriate `StructTraits`
specialization defined, as mentioned in the table above, under
[StructTraits Reference](#StructTraits-Reference).
An example would be useful here. Suppose we introduced a new Mojom struct:
``` cpp
struct RectPair {
Rect left;
Rect right;
and a corresponding C++ type:
``` cpp
class RectPair {
RectPair() {}
const gfx::Rect& left() const { return left_; }
const gfx::Rect& right() const { return right_; }
void Set(const gfx::Rect& left, const gfx::Rect& right) {
left_ = left;
right_ = right;
// ... some other stuff
gfx::Rect left_;
gfx::Rect right_;
Our traits to map `gfx::mojom::RectPair` to `gfx::RectPair` might look like
``` cpp
namespace mojo {
template <>
class StructTraits
static const gfx::Rect& left(const gfx::RectPair& pair) {
return pair.left();
static const gfx::Rect& right(const gfx::RectPair& pair) {
return pair.right();
static bool Read(gfx::mojom::RectPairDataView data, gfx::RectPair* out_pair) {
gfx::Rect left, right;
if (!data.ReadLeft(&left) || !data.ReadRight(&right))
return false;
out_pair->Set(left, right);
return true;
} // namespace mojo
Generated `ReadFoo` methods always convert `multi_word_field_name` fields to
`ReadMultiWordFieldName` methods.
<a name="Blink-Type-Mapping"></a>
### Variants
By now you may have noticed that additional C++ sources are generated when a
Mojom is processed. These exist due to type mapping, and the source files we
refer to throughout this docuemnt (namely `` and `foo.mojom.h`) are
really only one **variant** (the *default* or *chromium* variant) of the C++
bindings for a given Mojom file.
The only other variant currently defined in the tree is the *blink* variant,
which produces a few additional files:
These files mirror the definitions in the default variant but with different
C++ types in place of certain builtin field and parameter types. For example,
Mojom strings are represented by `WTF::String` instead of `std::string`. To
avoid symbol collisions, the variant's symbols are nested in an extra inner
namespace, so Blink consumer of the interface might write something like:
#include "sample/db.mojom-blink.h"
class TableImpl : public db::mojom::blink::Table {
void AddRow(int32_t key, const WTF::String& data) override {
// ...
In addition to using different C++ types for builtin strings, arrays, and maps,
the global typemap configuration for default and "blink" variants are completely
separate. To add a typemap for the Blink configuration, you can modify
All variants share some definitions which are unaffected by differences in the
type mapping configuration (enums, for example). These definitions are generated
in *shared* sources:
Including either variant's header (`db.mojom.h` or `db.mojom-blink.h`)
implicitly includes the shared header, but may wish to include *only* the shared
header in some instances.
Finally, note that for `mojom` GN targets, there is implicitly a corresponding
`mojom_{variant}` target defined for any supported bindings configuration. So
for example if you've defined in `//sample/`:
mojom("interfaces") {
sources = [
Code in Blink which wishes to use the generated Blink-variant definitions must
depend on `"//sample:interfaces_blink"`.
## Versioning Considerations
For general documentation of versioning in the Mojom IDL see
This section briefly discusses some C++-specific considerations relevant to
versioned Mojom types.
### Querying Interface Versions
`InterfacePtr` defines the following methods to query or assert remote interface
void QueryVersion(const base::Callback<void(uint32_t)>& callback);
This queries the remote endpoint for the version number of its binding. When a
response is received `callback` is invoked with the remote version number. Note
that this value is cached by the `InterfacePtr` instance to avoid redundant
void RequireVersion(uint32_t version);
Informs the remote endpoint that a minimum version of `version` is required by
the client. If the remote endpoint cannot support that version, it will close
its end of the pipe immediately, preventing any other requests from being
### Versioned Enums
For convenience, every extensible enum has a generated helper function to
determine whether a received enum value is known by the implementation's current
version of the enum definition. For example:
enum Department {
generates the function in the same namespace as the generated C++ enum type:
inline bool IsKnownEnumValue(Department value);
### Using Mojo Bindings in Chrome
See [Converting Legacy Chrome IPC To Mojo](/ipc/
### Additional Documentation
[Calling Mojo From Blink](
: A brief overview of what it looks like to use Mojom C++ bindings from
within Blink code.