Note on locked screen moved

Signed-off-by: Linus Walleij <[email protected]>
diff --git a/README b/README
index f67e361..7b382bb 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -138,6 +138,25 @@
 these whenever we can, sometimes we cannot work around it or we
 cannot test your solution.
+* Android locked screen: some devices just report zero files
+  and no storages when the device screen is locked, it looks like
+  so:
+  mtp-detect
+  Device 0 (VID=04e8 and PID=6860) is a Samsung Galaxy models (MTP).
+  Attempting to connect device(s)
+  Error 1: Get Storage information failed.
+  Device: SHV-E210K
+  LIBMTP_Get_Storage(): No data available
+  OK.
+  This is probably so as not to allow the MTP access to be used
+  as a "backdoor" into the device. Unlock the device before listing
+  files, set the autolock to some large value or disabled if it
+  disturbs you, you are causing this to yourself, or should we say
+  that your vendor is prioritizing security and privacy over
+  ease-of-use. (You may talk to your vendor about this.)
 * mtp-* tools doesn't work because someone else is already hogging
   the device
@@ -205,13 +224,6 @@
   manufacturer and ask them to test their product with some libmtp
-* Android locked screen: some devices just report zero files
-  and no storages when the device is locked, probably so as not
-  to allow the MTP access to be used as a "backdoor" into the
-  device. Unlock the device before listing files, set the autolock
-  to some large value or disabled if it disturbs you, you are
-  causing this to yourself.
 * Samsung Android 2.3.x devices: these have a special MTP stack
   with some specific bugs that we have maybe nailed down now.
   It suffers from an "immediate connect" syndrome, i.e. you have