pcap-filter(7): Refine markup of a few lists. [skip ci]

Put each item on a separate line and prevent hyphenation, this way the
source is more convenient to edit and the output isn't as much distorted
when rendered using man.

Do not reorder any items on this occasion: at least in the ICMP and
ICMPv6 lists the ordering exactly matches the source code and makes it
easy to verify the contents.

The ICMPv6 types list comprises different values of the same protocol
field rather than different protocol fields, fixup the wording to
reflect that consistently with the ICMP types list just above.

(cherry picked from commit 0e34fc2bb14d83afab22e657d3038a90572316a8)
diff --git a/pcap-filter.manmisc.in b/pcap-filter.manmisc.in
index 9aa0599..4b44cee 100644
--- a/pcap-filter.manmisc.in
+++ b/pcap-filter.manmisc.in
@@ -574,11 +574,11 @@
 .IP "\fBreason \fIcode\fR"
 True if the packet was logged with the specified PF reason code.  The known
 codes are:
-.BR match ,
-.BR bad-offset ,
-.BR fragment ,
-.BR short ,
-.BR normalize ,
+.BR \%match ,
+.BR \%bad-offset ,
+.BR \%fragment ,
+.BR \%short ,
+.BR \%normalize ,
 .B memory
 (applies only to packets logged by OpenBSD's or FreeBSD's
@@ -678,21 +678,22 @@
 If the specified \fIwlan_type\fR is \fBdata\fP,
 then valid \fIwlan_subtype\fRs are:
-\fBqos-cf-poll\fP and
+.BR \%data ,
+.BR \%data-cf-ack ,
+.BR \%data-cf-poll ,
+.BR \%data-cf-ack-poll ,
+.BR \%null ,
+.BR \%cf-ack ,
+.BR \%cf-poll ,
+.BR \%cf-ack-poll ,
+.BR \%qos-data ,
+.BR \%qos-data-cf-ack ,
+.BR \%qos-data-cf-poll ,
+.BR \%qos-data-cf-ack-poll ,
+.BR \%qos ,
+.B \%qos-cf-poll
+.BR \%qos-cf-ack-poll .
 .IP "\fBsubtype \fIwlan_subtype\fR"
 True if the IEEE 802.11 frame subtype matches the specified \fIwlan_subtype\fR
 and frame has the type to which the specified \fIwlan_subtype\fR belongs.
@@ -975,28 +976,53 @@
 \fBicmpcode\fP (ICMP code field), \fBicmp6code\fP (ICMPv6 code field) and
 \fBtcpflags\fP (TCP flags field).
-The following ICMP type field values are available: \fBicmp-echoreply\fP,
-\fBicmp-unreach\fP, \fBicmp-sourcequench\fP, \fBicmp-redirect\fP,
-\fBicmp-echo\fP, \fBicmp-routeradvert\fP, \fBicmp-routersolicit\fP,
-\fBicmp-timxceed\fP, \fBicmp-paramprob\fP, \fBicmp-tstamp\fP,
-\fBicmp-tstampreply\fP, \fBicmp-ireq\fP, \fBicmp-ireqreply\fP,
-\fBicmp-maskreq\fP, \fBicmp-maskreply\fP.
+The following ICMP type field values are available:
+.BR \%icmp-echoreply ,
+.BR \%icmp-unreach ,
+.BR \%icmp-sourcequench ,
+.BR \%icmp-redirect ,
+.BR \%icmp-echo ,
+.BR \%icmp-routeradvert ,
+.BR \%icmp-routersolicit ,
+.BR \%icmp-timxceed ,
+.BR \%icmp-paramprob ,
+.BR \%icmp-tstamp ,
+.BR \%icmp-tstampreply ,
+.BR \%icmp-ireq ,
+.BR \%icmp-ireqreply ,
+.BR \%icmp-maskreq ,
+.BR \%icmp-maskreply .
-The following ICMPv6 type fields are available: \fBicmp6-destinationunreach\fP,
-\fBicmp6-packettoobig\fP, \fBicmp6-timeexceeded\fP,
-\fBicmp6-parameterproblem\fP, \fBicmp6-echo\fP,
-\fBicmp6-echoreply\fP, \fBicmp6-multicastlistenerquery\fP,
-\fBicmp6-multicastlistenerreportv1\fP, \fBicmp6-multicastlistenerdone\fP,
-\fBicmp6-routersolicit\fP, \fBicmp6-routeradvert\fP,
-\fBicmp6-neighborsolicit\fP, \fBicmp6-neighboradvert\fP, \fBicmp6-redirect\fP,
-\fBicmp6-routerrenum\fP, \fBicmp6-nodeinformationquery\fP,
-\fBicmp6-nodeinformationresponse\fP, \fBicmp6-ineighbordiscoverysolicit\fP,
-\fBicmp6-ineighbordiscoveryadvert\fP, \fBicmp6-multicastlistenerreportv2\fP,
-\fBicmp6-homeagentdiscoveryrequest\fP, \fBicmp6-homeagentdiscoveryreply\fP,
-\fBicmp6-mobileprefixsolicit\fP, \fBicmp6-mobileprefixadvert\fP,
-\fBicmp6-certpathsolicit\fP, \fBicmp6-certpathadvert\fP,
-\fBicmp6-multicastrouteradvert\fP, \fBicmp6-multicastroutersolicit\fP,
+The following ICMPv6 type field values are available:
+.BR \%icmp6-destinationunreach ,
+.BR \%icmp6-packettoobig ,
+.BR \%icmp6-timeexceeded ,
+.BR \%icmp6-parameterproblem ,
+.BR \%icmp6-echo ,
+.BR \%icmp6-echoreply ,
+.BR \%icmp6-multicastlistenerquery ,
+.BR \%icmp6-multicastlistenerreportv1 ,
+.BR \%icmp6-multicastlistenerdone ,
+.BR \%icmp6-routersolicit ,
+.BR \%icmp6-routeradvert ,
+.BR \%icmp6-neighborsolicit ,
+.BR \%icmp6-neighboradvert ,
+.BR \%icmp6-redirect ,
+.BR \%icmp6-routerrenum ,
+.BR \%icmp6-nodeinformationquery ,
+.BR \%icmp6-nodeinformationresponse ,
+.BR \%icmp6-ineighbordiscoverysolicit ,
+.BR \%icmp6-ineighbordiscoveryadvert ,
+.BR \%icmp6-multicastlistenerreportv2 ,
+.BR \%icmp6-homeagentdiscoveryrequest ,
+.BR \%icmp6-homeagentdiscoveryreply ,
+.BR \%icmp6-mobileprefixsolicit ,
+.BR \%icmp6-mobileprefixadvert ,
+.BR \%icmp6-certpathsolicit ,
+.BR \%icmp6-certpathadvert ,
+.BR \%icmp6-multicastrouteradvert ,
+.BR \%icmp6-multicastroutersolicit ,
+.BR \%icmp6-multicastrouterterm .
 The following TCP flags field values are available: \fBtcp-fin\fP,
 \fBtcp-syn\fP, \fBtcp-rst\fP, \fBtcp-push\fP,