| # RFC8949 CBOR Stream Parsing and Writing |
| |
| ||| |
| |---|---|---| |
| |Header| ./include/libwebsockets/lws-lecp.h| |
| |api-test| ./minimal-examples/api-tests/api-test-lecp/| |
| |test app| ./test-apps/test-lecp.c -> libwebsockets-test-lecp| |
| |
| LECP is the RFC8949 CBOR stream parsing counterpart to LEJP for JSON. |
| |
| ## Features |
| |
| - Completely immune to input fragmentation, give it any size blocks of CBOR as |
| they become available; 1 byte, or 100K at a time give identical parsing |
| results |
| - Input chunks discarded as they are parsed, whole CBOR never needed in memory |
| - Nonrecursive, fixed stack usage of a few dozen bytes |
| - No heap allocations at all, just requires ~500 byte context usually on |
| caller stack |
| - Creates callbacks to a user-provided handler as members are parsed out |
| - No payload size limit, supports huge / endless strings or blobs bigger than |
| system memory |
| - Collates utf-8 text and blob payloads into a 250-byte chunk buffer for ease |
| of access |
| - Write apis don't use any heap allocations or recursion either |
| - Write apis use an explicit context with its own lifecycle, and printf style |
| vaargs including sized blobs, C strings, double, int, unsigned long etc |
| - Completely immune to output fragmentation, supports huge strings and blobs |
| into small buffers, api returns to indicates unfinished if it needs to be |
| called again to continue; 1 byte or 100K output buffer give same results |
| - Write apis completely fill available buffer and if unfinished, continues |
| into same or different buffer when called again with same args; no |
| requirement for subsequent calls to be done sequentially or even from same |
| function |
| |
| ## Type limits |
| |
| CBOR allows negative integers of up to 64 bits, these do not fit into a `uint64_t`. |
| LECP has a union for numbers that includes the types `uint64_t` and `int64_t`, |
| but it does not separately handle negative integers. Only -2^63.. 2^64 -1 can |
| be handled by the C types, the oversize negative numbers wrap and should be |
| avoided. |
| |
| ## Floating point support |
| |
| Floats are handled using the IEEE memory format, it means they can be parsed |
| from the CBOR without needing any floating point support in the build. If |
| floating point is available, you can also enable `LWS_WITH_CBOR_FLOAT` and |
| a `float` and `double` types are available in the number item union. Otherwise |
| these are handled as `ctx->item.u.u32` and `ctx->item.u.u64` union members. |
| |
| Half-float (16-bit) is defined in CBOR and always handled as a `uint16_t` |
| number union member `ctx->item.u.hf`. |
| |
| ## Callback reasons |
| |
| The user callback does not have to handle any callbacks, it only needs to |
| process the data for the ones it is interested in. |
| |
| |Callback reason|CBOR structure|Associated data| |
| |---|---|---| |
| |`LECPCB_CONSTRUCTED`|Created the parse context|| |
| |`LECPCB_DESTRUCTED`|Destroyed the parse context|| |
| |`LECPCB_COMPLETE`|The parsing completed OK|| |
| |`LECPCB_FAILED`|The parsing failed|| |
| |`LECPCB_VAL_TRUE`|boolean true|| |
| |`LECPCB_VAL_FALSE`|boolean false|| |
| |`LECPCB_VAL_NULL`|explicit NULL|| |
| |`LECPCB_VAL_NUM_INT`|signed integer|`ctx->item.u.i64`| |
| |`LECPCB_VAL_STR_START`|A UTF-8 string is starting|| |
| |`LECPCB_VAL_STR_CHUNK`|The next string chunk|`ctx->npos` bytes in `ctx->buf`| |
| |`LECPCB_VAL_STR_END`|The last string chunk|`ctx->npos` bytes in `ctx->buf`| |
| |`LECPCB_ARRAY_START`|An array is starting|| |
| |`LECPCB_ARRAY_END`|An array has ended|| |
| |`LECPCB_OBJECT_START`|A CBOR map is starting|| |
| |`LECPCB_OBJECT_END`|A CBOR map has ended|| |
| |`LECPCB_TAG_START`|The following data has a tag index|`ctx->item.u.u64`| |
| |`LECPCB_TAG_END`|The end of the data referenced by the last tag|| |
| |`LECPCB_VAL_NUM_UINT`|Unsigned integer|`ctx->item.u.u64`| |
| |`LECPCB_VAL_UNDEFINED`|CBOR undefined|| |
| |`LECPCB_VAL_FLOAT16`|half-float available as host-endian `uint16_t`|`ctx->item.u.hf`| |
| |`LECPCB_VAL_FLOAT32`|`float` (`uint32_t` if no float support) available|`ctx->item.u.f`| |
| |`LECPCB_VAL_FLOAT64`|`double` (`uint64_t` if no float support) available|`ctx->item.u.d`| |
| |`LECPCB_VAL_SIMPLE`|CBOR simple|`ctx->item.u.u64`| |
| |`LECPCB_VAL_BLOB_START`|A binary blob is starting|| |
| |`LECPCB_VAL_BLOB_CHUNK`|The next blob chunk|`ctx->npos` bytes in `ctx->buf`| |
| |`LECPCB_VAL_BLOB_END`|The last blob chunk|`ctx->npos` bytes in `ctx->buf`| |
| |`LECPCB_ARRAY_ITEM_START`|A logical item in an array is starting| |
| |`LCEPDB_ARRAY_ITEM_END`|A logical item in an array has completed| |
| |
| ## CBOR indeterminite lengths |
| |
| Indeterminite lengths are supported, but are concealed in the parser as far as |
| possible, the CBOR lengths or its indeterminacy are not exposed in the callback |
| interface at all, just chunks of data that may be the start, the middle, or the |
| end. |
| |
| ## Handling CBOR UTF-8 strings and blobs |
| |
| When a string or blob is parsed, an advisory callback of `LECPCB_VAL_STR_START` or |
| `LECPCB_VAL_BLOB_START` occurs first. The `_STR_` callbacks indicate the |
| content is a CBOR UTF-8 string, `_BLOB_` indicates it is binary data. |
| |
| Strings or blobs may have indeterminite length, but if so, they are composed |
| of logical chunks which must have known lengths. When the `_START` callback |
| occurs, the logical length either of the whole string, or of the sub-chunk if |
| indeterminite length, can be found in `ctx->item.u.u64`. |
| |
| Payload is collated into `ctx->buf[]`, the valid length is in `ctx->npos`. |
| |
| For short strings or blobs where the length is known, the whole payload is |
| delivered in a single `LECPCB_VAL_STR_END` or `LECPCB_VAL_BLOB_END` callback. |
| |
| For payloads larger than the size of `ctx->buf[]`, `LECPCB_VAL_STR_CHUNK` or |
| `LECPCB_VAL_BLOB_CHUNK` callbacks occur delivering each sequential bufferload. |
| If the CBOR indicates the total length, the last chunk is delievered in a |
| |
| If the CBOR indicates the string end after the chunk, a zero-length `..._END` |
| callback is provided. |
| |
| ## Handling CBOR tags |
| |
| CBOR tags are exposed as `LECPCB_TAG_START` and `LECPCB_TAG_END` pairs, at |
| the `_START` callback the tag index is available in `ctx->item.u.u64`. |
| |
| ## CBOR maps |
| |
| You can check if you are on the "key" part of a map "key:value" pair using the |
| helper api `lecp_parse_map_is_key(ctx)`. |
| |
| ## Parsing paths |
| |
| LECP maintains a "parsing path" in `ctx->path` that represents the context of |
| the callback events. As a convenience, at LECP context creation time, you can |
| pass in an array of path strings you want to match on, and have any match |
| checkable in the callback using `ctx->path_match`, it's 0 if no active match, |
| or the match index from your path array starting from 1 for the first entry. |
| |
| |CBOR element|Representation in path| |
| |---|---| |
| |CBOR Array|`[]`| |
| |CBOR Map|`.`| |
| |CBOR Map entry key string|`keystring`| |
| |
| ## Accessing raw CBOR subtrees |
| |
| Some CBOR usages like COSE require access to selected raw CBOR from the input |
| stream. `lecp_parse_report_raw(ctx, on)` lets you turn on and off buffering of |
| raw CBOR and reporting it in the parse callback with `LECPCB_LITERAL_CBOR` |
| callbacks. The callbacks mean the temp buffer `ctx->cbor[]` has `ctx->cbor_pos` |
| bytes of raw CBOR available in it. Callbacks are triggered when the buffer |
| fills, or reporting is turned off and the buffer has something in it. |
| |
| By turning the reporting on and off according to the outer CBOR parsing state, |
| it's possible to get exactly the raw CBOR subtree that's needed. |
| |
| Capturing and reporting the raw CBOR does not change that the same CBOR is being |
| passed to the parser as usual as well. |
| |
| ## Comparison with LEJP (JSON parser) |
| |
| LECP is based on the same principles as LEJP and shares most of the callbacks. |
| The major differences: |
| |
| - LEJP value callbacks all appear in `ctx->buf[]`, ie, floating-point is |
| provided to the callback in ascii form like `"1.0"`. CBOR provides a more |
| strict typing system, and the different type values are provided either in |
| `ctx->buf[]` for blobs or utf-8 text strtings, or the `item.u` union for |
| converted types, with additional callback reasons specific to each type. |
| |
| - CBOR "maps" use `_OBJECT_START` and `_END` parsing callbacks around the |
| key / value pairs. LEJP has a special callback type `PAIR_NAME` for the |
| key string / integer, but in LECP these are provided as generic callbacks |
| dependent on type, ie, generic string callbacks or integer ones, and the |
| value part is represented according to whatever comes. |
| |
| |
| # Writing CBOR |
| |
| CBOR is written into a `lws_lec_pctx_t` object that has been initialized to |
| point to an output buffer of a specified size, using printf type formatting. |
| |
| Output is paused if the buffer fills, and the write api may be called again |
| later with the same context object, to resume emitting to the same or different |
| buffer. |
| |
| This allows bufferloads of encoded CBOR to be produced on demand, it's designed |
| to fit usage in WRITEABLE callbacks and Secure Streams tx() callbacks where the |
| buffer size for one packet is already fixed. |
| |
| CBOR array and map lengths are deduced from the format string, as is whether to |
| use indeterminite length formatting or not. For indeterminite text or binary |
| strings, a container of < > |
| |
| |Format|Arg(s)|Meaning| |
| |---|---|---| |
| |`123`||unsigned literal number| |
| |`-123`||signed literal number| |
| |`%u`|`unsigned int`|number| |
| |`%lu`|`unsigned long int`|number| |
| |`%llu`|`unsigned long long int`|number| |
| |`%d`|`signed int`|number| |
| |`%ld`|`signed long int`|number| |
| |`%lld`|`signed long long int`|number| |
| |`%f`|`double`|floating point number| |
| |`123(...)`||literal tag and scope| |
| |`%t(...)`|`unsigned int`|tag and scope| |
| |`%lt(...)`|`unsigned long int`|tag and scope| |
| |`%llt(...)`|`unsigned long long int`|tag and scope| |
| |`[...]`||Array (fixed len if `]` in same format string)| |
| |`{...}`||Map (fixed len if `}` in same format string)| |
| |`<t...>`||Container for indeterminite text string frags| |
| |`<b...>`||Container for indeterminite binary string frags| |
| |`'string'`||Literal text of known length| |
| |`%s`|`const char *`|NUL-terminated string| |
| |`%.*s`|`int`, `const char *`|length-specified string| |
| |`%.*b`|`int`, `const uint8_t *`|length-specified binary| |
| |`:`||separator between Map items (a:b)| |
| |`,`||separator between Map pairs or array items| |
| |
| Backslash is used as an escape in `'...'` literal strings, so `'\\'` represents |
| a string consisting of a single backslash, and `'\''` a string consisting of a |
| single single-quote. |
| |
| For integers, various natural C types are available, but in all cases, the |
| number is represented in CBOR using the smallest valid way based on its value, |
| the long or long-long modifiers just apply to the expected C type in the args. |
| |
| For floats, the C argument is always expected to be a `double` type following |
| C type promotion, but again it is represented in CBOR using the smallest valid |
| way based on value, half-floats are used for NaN / Infinity and where possible |
| for values like 0.0 and -1.0. |
| |
| ## Examples |
| |
| ### Literal ints |
| |
| ``` |
| uint8_t buf[128]; |
| lws_lec_pctx_t cbw; |
| |
| lws_lec_init(&cbw, buf, sizeof(buf)); |
| lws_lec_printf(ctx, "-1"); |
| ``` |
| ||| |
| |---|---| |
| |`ctx->used`|1| |
| |`buf[]`|20| |
| |
| ### Dynamic ints |
| |
| ``` |
| uint8_t buf[128]; |
| lws_lec_pctx_t cbw; |
| int n = -1; /* could be long */ |
| |
| lws_lec_init(&cbw, buf, sizeof(buf)); |
| lws_lec_printf(ctx, "%d", n); /* use %ld for long */ |
| ``` |
| ||| |
| |---|---| |
| |`ctx->used`|1| |
| |`buf[]`|20| |
| |
| ### Maps, arrays and dynamic ints |
| |
| ``` |
| ... |
| int args[3] = { 1, 2, 3 }; |
| |
| lws_lec_printf(ctx, "{'a':%d,'b':[%d,%d]}", args[0], args[1], args[2]); |
| ``` |
| |
| ||| |
| |---|---| |
| |`ctx->used`|9| |
| |`buf[]`|A2 61 61 01 61 62 82 02 03| |
| |
| ### String longer than the buffer |
| |
| Using `%s` and the same string as an arg gives same results |
| |
| ``` |
| uint8_t buf[16]; |
| lws_lec_pctx_t cbw; |
| |
| lws_lec_init(&cbw, buf, sizeof(buf)); |
| lws_lec_printf(ctx, "'A literal string > one buf'"); |
| /* not required to be in same function context or same buf, |
| * but the string must remain the same */ |
| lws_lec_setbuf(&cbw, buf, sizeof(buf)); |
| lws_lec_printf(ctx, "'A literal string > one buf'"); |
| ``` |
| |
| First call |
| |
| ||| |
| |---|---| |
| |`ctx->used`|16| |
| |`buf[]`|78 1A 41 20 6C 69 74 65 72 61 6C 20 73 74 72 69| |
| |
| Second call |
| |
| ||| |
| |---|---| |
| |`ctx->used`|12| |
| |`buf[]`|6E 67 20 3E 20 6F 6E 65 20 62 75 66| |
| |
| ### Binary blob longer than the buffer |
| |
| ``` |
| uint8_t buf[16], blob[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 }; |
| lws_lec_pctx_t cbw; |
| |
| lws_lec_init(&cbw, buf, sizeof(buf)); |
| lws_lec_printf(ctx, "%.*b", (int)sizeof(blob), blob); |
| /* not required to be in same function context or same buf, |
| * but the length and blob must remain the same */ |
| lws_lec_setbuf(&cbw, buf, sizeof(buf)); |
| lws_lec_printf(ctx, "%.*b", (int)sizeof(blob), blob); |
| ``` |
| |
| First call |
| |
| ||| |
| |---|---| |
| |`ctx->used`|16| |
| |`buf[]`|52 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F| |
| |
| Second call |
| |
| ||| |
| |---|---| |
| |`ctx->used`|3| |
| |`buf[]`|10 11 12| |