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## libXCam
Copyright (C) 2014-2017 Intel Corporation
libxcam core source code under the terms of Apache License, Version 2.0
#### Description:
libXCam is a project for extended camera features and focus on image
quality improvement and video analysis. There are lots features supported
in image pre-processing, image post-processing and smart analysis. This
library makes GPU/CPU/ISP working together to improve image quality.
OpenCL is used to improve performance in different platforms.
#### Features:
* Image processing features.
- Advanced features
- 360 Image stiching: generate 360 degree panorama photography by
stitching multiple neighbor fisheye images.
- Digital Video Stabilization:
- OpenCV feature-matched based video stabilization.
- gyroscope 3-DoF (orientation) based video stabilization.
- Blender: multi-band blender.
- Noise reduction.
- adaptive NR based on wavelet-haar and Bayersian shrinkage.
- 3D-NR with inter-block and intra-block reference.
- wavelet-hat NR (obsolete).
- Wide dynamic range (WDR).
- histogram adjustment tone-mapping.
- gaussian-based tone-mapping (obsolete).
- Fog removal: retinex and dark channel prior algorithm.
- dark channel prior algorithm based defog.
- multi-scale retinex based defog (obsolete).
- Basic pipeline from bayer to YUV/RGB format.
- Gamma correction, MACC, color space, demosaicing, simple bilateral
noise reduction, edge enhancement and temporal noise reduction.
- 3A features.
- Auto whitebalance, auto exposure, auto focus, black level correction,
color correction, 3a-statistics calculation.
* Support 3rd party 3A lib which can be loaded dynamically.
- hybrid 3a plugin.
* Support 3a analysis tuning framework for different features.
* Support smart analysis framework.
- Face detection interface/plugin.
* Enable gstreamer plugin.
- xcamsrc, capture from usb/isp camera, process 3a/basic/advanced features.
- xcamfilter, improve image quality by advanced features and smart analysis.
#### Prerequisite:
* install gcc/g++, automake, autoconf, libtool, gawk, pkg-config
* Linux kernel > 3.10
* install libdrm-dev
* install ocl-icd-dev, ocl-icd-opencl-dev
* If --enable-libcl, need compile ocl driver <>
* If --enable-opencv, need compile opencv <> (or: <>)
* If --enable-gst, need install libgstreamer1.0-dev, libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev
* If --enable-aiq, need get ia_imaging lib which we don't support.
#### Building and installing:
* Environment variable settings<BR>
For different --prefix options, the environment variables may be different. Please set the environment variable according to the actual situation.<BR>
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export GST_PLUGIN_PATH=/usr/local/lib/gstreamer-1.0:$GST_PLUGIN_PATH
export GST_PLUGIN_PATH=/usr/lib/gstreamer-1.0:$GST_PLUGIN_PATH
* $ ./ [options]
--prefix=PREFIX install architecture-independent files in PREFIX [default=/usr/local]
--enable-debug enable debug, [default=no]
--enable-profiling enable profiling, [default=no]
--enable-drm enable drm buffer, [default=yes]
--enable-aiq enable Aiq 3A algorithm build, [default=no]
--enable-gst enable gstreamer plugin build, [default=no]
--enable-libcl enable libcl image processor, [default=yes]
--enable-opencv enable opencv library, [default=no]
--enable-docs build Doxygen documentation [default=no]
--enable-3alib enable 3A lib build, [default=no]
--enable-smartlib enable smart analysis lib build, [default=no]
For example:
$ ./ --prefix=/usr --enable-3alib --enable-aiq --enable-gst --enable-drm \
--enable-libcl --enable-opencv --enable-profiling --enable-smartlib
* $ make
* $ sudo make install
#### Testing:
* For detailed test cases, please refer to:<BR>
#### Reporting Bugs:
* Bugs or suggestions can be reported on the github issues page:<BR>