Initial revision 1.38
diff --git a/ b/
index ef3c2bd..e4cad76 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1 +1,14 @@
-TODO: Create a file called LICENSE (not LICENSE.TXT,, etc.)…
\ No newline at end of file
+This is a Microsoft Visual Studio solution that contains reference implementation of the TPM 2.0 Specification by TCG (


+See TPMCmd/tpm/include/TpmTypes.h for the exact revision/date of the TPM 2.0 specification issue, which the given source tree snapshot corresponds to.


+Before building the solution:


+1) Create TPMCmd/lib folder and place a static OpenSSL library (libeay32.lib) there. Recommended version is 1.0.2d or higher.


+2) Create TPMCmd/OsslInclude/openssl folder and copy there the contents of the include/openssl folder of the OpenSSL source tree used to build the static library used on the step 1).


+3) Uncomment and update the definitions of the following macros in the TPMCmd/tpm/include/VendorString.h header: