Projects using Oboe or AAudio
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JUCE has enabled Oboe as an experimental feature. JUCE middleware framework
GStomper Rhythm
Uses AAudio if you enable it in Settings.
- Click “SETUP” button at far right.
- Select “AUD” tab.
- Under “Audio System”, select “AAudio”.
- Hit Back icon.
- You will see a message saying to restart GStomper.
- Restart GStomper. It should now be using AAudio.
App on Play Store
CSound for Android.
Uses Oboe.
App on Play Store, Source
Volcano Mobile
They have several MIDI synthesizer apps using Oboe.
FluidSynth - App on Play Store
OPL3 MIDI Synth FM - App on Play Store
n-Track Studio
Uses AAudio if you enable it in Settings.
- Click menu icon at bottom right.
- Click “Settings”.
- Select AAudio for input and/or output.
- Scroll down and click “OK”.
App on Play Store