| # Oboe [](https://travis-ci.org/google/oboe) |
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| [](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csfHAbr5ilI&list=PLWz5rJ2EKKc_duWv9IPNvx9YBudNMmLSa) |
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| Oboe is a C++ library which makes it easy to build high-performance audio apps on Android. It was created primarily to allow developers to target a simplified API that works across multiple API levels back to API level 16 (Jelly Bean). |
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| ## Features |
| - Compatible with API 16 onwards - runs on 99% of Android devices |
| - Chooses the audio API (OpenSL ES on API 16+ or AAudio on API 27+) which will give the best audio performance on the target Android device |
| - Automatic latency tuning |
| - Modern C++ allowing you to write clean, elegant code |
| - [Used by popular apps and frameworks](docs/AppsUsingOboe.md) |
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| ## Requirements |
| To build Oboe you will need the Android NDK r17 or above. It can be installed using Android Studio's SDK manager, or via [direct download](https://developer.android.com/ndk/downloads/). |
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| ## Documentation |
| - [Getting Started Guide](docs/GettingStarted.md) |
| - [Full Guide to Oboe](docs/FullGuide.md) |
| - [API reference](https://google.github.io/oboe/reference) |
| - [History of Audio features/bugs by Android version](docs/AndroidAudioHistory.md) |
| - [Frequently Asked Questions](docs/FAQ.md) (FAQ) |
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| ## Sample code |
| Sample apps can be found in the [samples directory](samples). Also check out the [Rhythm Game codelab](https://codelabs.developers.google.com/codelabs/musicalgame-using-oboe/index.html#0). |
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| ### Third party sample code |
| - [Ableton Link integration demo](https://github.com/jbloit/AndroidLinkAudio) (author: jbloit) |
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| ## Contributing |
| We would love to receive your pull requests. Before we can though, please read the [contributing](CONTRIBUTING.md) guidelines. |
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| ## Version history |
| View the [releases page](../../releases). |
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| ## License |
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