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| # Using Audio Effects with Oboe |
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| ## Overview |
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| The Android Audio framework provides some effects processing that can be used by apps. |
| It is available through the Java or Kotlin |
| [AudioEffect API](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/media/audiofx/AudioEffect) |
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| Another alternative is to do your own effects processing in your own app. |
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| ### Reasons to use the Android AudioEffect in the OS: |
| 1. Functions are provided for you so they are easy to use. |
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| ### Reasons to do your own effects Processing: |
| 1. They will work on all versions of Android. The AudioEffects can only be used with Oboe on Android 9 (Pie) and above. They are not supported for OpenSL ES. |
| 2. You can customize the effects as needed. |
| 3. You can get lower latency when you use your own effects. Using Android AudioEffects prevents you from getting a low latency path. |
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| ## Using Android AudioEffects |
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| Oboe streams on Android 9 (Pie) and above can use the Java/Kotlin. |
| See [AudioEffect API](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/media/audiofx/AudioEffect) |
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| The basic idea is to use Java or Kotlin to create a Session with Effects. |
| Then associate your Oboe streams with the session by creating them with a SessionID. |
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| In Java: |
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| AudioManager audioManager = (AudioManager) context.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE); |
| int audioSessionId = audioManager.generateAudioSessionId(); |
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| Pass the audioSessionId to your C++ code using JNI. Then use it when opening your Oboe streams: |
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| builder->setSessionId(sessionId); |
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| Note that these streams will probably not have low latency. So you may want to do your own effects processing. |
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| ## Using Third Party Affects Processing |
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| There are many options for finding audio effects. |
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| - [Music DSP Archive](http://www.musicdsp.org/en/latest/Effects/index.html) |
| - [Synthesis Toolkit in C++ (STK)](https://ccrma.stanford.edu/software/stk/index.html) |
| - [Cookbook for Biquad Filters, EQ, etc.](https://www.w3.org/2011/audio/audio-eq-cookbook.html) |
| - [Faust - language for generating effects, big library](https://faust.grame.fr/index.html) |
| - [DAFX Digital Audio Effects conference proceedings](http://dafx.de/) |