If you received an error message, please include it and any exceptions.
We commonly need to know what platform you are on:
java -version
)uname -a
)We definitely welcome patches and contributions to Instrumentation! Here are some guidelines and information about how to do so.
In order to protect both you and ourselves, you will need to sign the Contributor License Agreement.
Eclipse and IntelliJ style configurations are commonly useful. For IntelliJ 14, copy the style to ~/.IdeaIC14/config/codestyles/
, start IntelliJ, go to File > Settings > Code Style, and set the Scheme to GoogleStyle
We follow the Google Java Style Guide. Our build automatically will provide warnings for simple style issues.
We also follow these project-specific guidelines:
Run ./gradlew clean assemble check
on OS X or Linux, or run gradlew.bat clean assemble check
on Windows. This command performs the same checks as the continuous integration build.
Create a Pull Request with your changes. The continuous integration build will run the tests and static analysis. It will also check that the pull request branch has no merge commits. When the changes are accepted, they will be merged or cherry-picked by an Instrumentation core developer.