Add default build rules and reduce duplication

Bug: 263697604
Test: launch_cvd with checking wifi for x86_64 and arm64

Change-Id: I561e7ad0c798f68f6a7bcbc70c44152dbf14fe8c
diff --git a/Android.bp b/Android.bp
index 8f77b67..eebf86a 100644
--- a/Android.bp
+++ b/Android.bp
@@ -38,116 +38,113 @@
+genrule_defaults {
+    name: "openwrt_rootfs_base_defaults",
+    cmd: "cp $(in) $(genDir) && gzip -d $(genDir)/* && cp $(genDir)/* $(out)",
 genrule {
-    name: "openwrt_rootfs_base_img_x86_64",
+    name: "openwrt_rootfs_base_x86_64",
     srcs: [
-    out: ["base_rootfs_x86_64.img"],
-    cmd: "cp $(in) $(genDir) && gzip -d $(genDir)/* && cp $(genDir)/* $(out)",
+    out: ["openwrt_rootfs_base_x86_64.img"],
+    defaults: ["openwrt_rootfs_base_defaults"],
 genrule {
-    name: "openwrt_rootfs_base_img_aarch64",
+    name: "openwrt_rootfs_base_aarch64",
     srcs: [
-    out: ["base_rootfs_aarch64.img"],
-    cmd: "cp $(in) $(genDir) && gzip -d $(genDir)/* && cp $(genDir)/* $(out)",
+    out: ["openwrt_rootfs_base_aarch64.img"],
+    defaults: ["openwrt_rootfs_base_defaults"],
-genrule {
-    name: "openwrt_customization_x86_64",
+genrule_defaults {
+    name: "openwrt_rootfs_customization_defaults",
     tools: [
     srcs: [
+        "shared/uci-defaults/*",
+        "shared/config/*",
+    ],
+    cmd: "mkdir -p $(genDir)/root/upper/etc/uci-defaults && " +
+         "mkdir -p $(genDir)/root/upper/ipks && " +
+         "mkdir -p $(genDir)/root/upper/etc/config && " +
+         "cp $(in) $(genDir)/ && " +
+         "mv $(genDir)/*.ipk $(genDir)/root/upper/ipks && " +
+         "mv $(genDir)/LICENSE $(genDir)/HOW_TO_GET_SOURCE_CODE $(genDir)/root/upper && " +
+         "mv $(genDir)/0_default_config $(genDir)/root/upper/etc/uci-defaults && " +
+         "find $(genDir) -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec mv {} $(genDir)/root/upper/etc/config \\; && " +
+         "ln -s 2 $(genDir)/root/.fs_state && " +
+         "truncate -s 128M $(out) && " +
+         "$(location make_f2fs) $(out) && " +
+         "$(location sload_f2fs) -f $(genDir)/root -t / $(out)",
+genrule {
+    name: "openwrt_rootfs_customization_x86_64",
+    srcs: [
-        "shared/uci-defaults/*",
-        "shared/config/*",
-    out: ["customization_x86_64.img"],
-    cmd: "mkdir -p $(genDir)/root/upper/etc/uci-defaults && " +
-         "mkdir -p $(genDir)/root/upper/ipks && " +
-         "mkdir -p $(genDir)/root/upper/etc/config && " +
-         "cp $(in) $(genDir)/ && " +
-         "mv $(genDir)/*.ipk $(genDir)/root/upper/ipks && " +
-         "mv $(genDir)/LICENSE $(genDir)/HOW_TO_GET_SOURCE_CODE $(genDir)/root/upper && " +
-         "mv $(genDir)/0_default_config $(genDir)/root/upper/etc/uci-defaults && " +
-         "find $(genDir) -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec mv {} $(genDir)/root/upper/etc/config \\; && " +
-         "ln -s 2 $(genDir)/root/.fs_state && " +
-         "truncate -s 128M $(out) && " +
-         "$(location make_f2fs) $(out) && " +
-         "$(location sload_f2fs) -f $(genDir)/root -t / $(out)",
+    out: ["openwrt_rootfs_customization_x86_64.img"],
+    defaults: ["openwrt_rootfs_customization_defaults"],
 genrule {
-    name: "openwrt_customization_aarch64",
-    tools: [
-        "make_f2fs",
-        "sload_f2fs",
-    ],
+    name: "openwrt_rootfs_customization_aarch64",
     srcs: [
-        ":openwrt_license_files",
-        "shared/uci-defaults/*",
-        "shared/config/*",
-    out: ["customization_aarch64.img"],
-    cmd: "mkdir -p $(genDir)/root/upper/etc/uci-defaults && " +
-         "mkdir -p $(genDir)/root/upper/ipks && " +
-         "mkdir -p $(genDir)/root/upper/etc/config && " +
-         "cp $(in) $(genDir)/ && " +
-         "mv $(genDir)/*.ipk $(genDir)/root/upper/ipks && " +
-         "mv $(genDir)/LICENSE $(genDir)/HOW_TO_GET_SOURCE_CODE $(genDir)/root/upper && " +
-         "mv $(genDir)/0_default_config $(genDir)/root/upper/etc/uci-defaults && " +
-         "find $(genDir) -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec mv {} $(genDir)/root/upper/etc/config \\; && " +
-         "ln -s 2 $(genDir)/root/.fs_state && " +
-         "truncate -s 128M $(out) && " +
-         "$(location make_f2fs) $(out) && " +
-         "$(location sload_f2fs) -f $(genDir)/root -t / $(out)",
+    out: ["openwrt_rootfs_customization_aarch64.img"],
+    defaults: ["openwrt_rootfs_customization_defaults"],
-genrule {
-    name: "combined_openwrt_rootfs_x86_64",
+genrule_defaults {
+    name: "openwrt_rootfs_combined_defaults",
     tools: [
-    srcs: [
-        ":openwrt_rootfs_base_img_x86_64",
-        ":openwrt_customization_x86_64",
-    ],
-    out: ["openwrt_rootfs_x86_64.img"],
     cmd: "$(location append_squashfs_overlay) $(in) $(out) -w",
 genrule {
-    name: "combined_openwrt_rootfs_aarch64",
-    tools: [
-        "append_squashfs_overlay",
-    ],
+    name: "openwrt_rootfs_combined_x86_64",
     srcs: [
-        ":openwrt_rootfs_base_img_aarch64",
-        ":openwrt_customization_aarch64",
+        ":openwrt_rootfs_base_x86_64",
+        ":openwrt_rootfs_customization_x86_64",
-    out: ["openwrt_rootfs_aarch64.img"],
-    cmd: "$(location append_squashfs_overlay) $(in) $(out) -w",
+    out: ["openwrt_rootfs_combined_x86_64.img"],
+    defaults: ["openwrt_rootfs_combined_defaults"],
+genrule {
+    name: "openwrt_rootfs_combined_aarch64",
+    srcs: [
+        ":openwrt_rootfs_base_aarch64",
+        ":openwrt_rootfs_customization_aarch64",
+    ],
+    out: ["openwrt_rootfs_combined_aarch64.img"],
+    defaults: ["openwrt_rootfs_combined_defaults"],
 prebuilt_etc_host {
     name: "openwrt_rootfs_x86_64",
-    src: ":combined_openwrt_rootfs_x86_64",
+    src: ":openwrt_rootfs_combined_x86_64",
     sub_dir: "openwrt/images",
     visibility: ["//device/google/cuttlefish/build"],
 prebuilt_etc_host {
     name: "openwrt_rootfs_aarch64",
-    src: ":combined_openwrt_rootfs_aarch64",
+    src: ":openwrt_rootfs_combined_aarch64",
     sub_dir: "openwrt/images",
     visibility: ["//device/google/cuttlefish/build"],