Make OpenWRT IP address changable dynamically based on base_instance_num am: 6df3b6e14d
Original change:
Change-Id: I8a03745f3437a3156149fc4b139bc26f4993f469
Signed-off-by: Automerger Merge Worker <[email protected]>
diff --git a/shared/config/network b/shared/config/network
index ab71eb2..1d76e21 100644
--- a/shared/config/network
+++ b/shared/config/network
@@ -33,21 +33,16 @@
config interface 'wan'
option device 'br-lan'
option proto 'static'
- option netmask ''
- option ipaddr ''
+ option netmask ''
option ip6assign '30'
- option gateway ''
option dns ''
- option broadcast ''
config interface 'wifi0'
- option proto 'static'
- option ipaddr ''
- option netmask ''
option device 'br-wifi0'
+ option proto 'static'
+ option netmask ''
config interface 'wifi1'
- option proto 'static'
- option ipaddr ''
- option netmask ''
option device 'br-wifi1'
+ option proto 'static'
+ option netmask ''
diff --git a/shared/uci-defaults/0_default_config b/shared/uci-defaults/0_default_config
index 093006f..1f82066 100644
--- a/shared/uci-defaults/0_default_config
+++ b/shared/uci-defaults/0_default_config
@@ -1,4 +1,50 @@
opkg install /ipks/*
ip link set eth0 mtu 1460
+# Extract instance_num of CF instance. The default value is 1.
+words=$(cat /proc/cmdline)
+ word=${words%%" "*}
+ if echo "$word" | grep "instance_num"; then
+ instance_num=${word#*"="}
+ fi
+ if echo "$word" | grep "bridged_host_network=true"; then
+ bridged_host_network=true
+ fi
+ next=${words#*" "}
+ [ "$words" != "$next" ]
+ words=$next
+# Setup wan based on instance_num. Interface wan will occupy 192.168.96.X.
+rule_name=$(uci add network rule)
+if $bridged_host_network; then
+ uci set network.wan.gateway=""
+ uci set network.wan.ipaddr=""
+ uci set network.wan.broadcast=""
+ d_class_wan_gateway=$(expr $instance_num \* 4 - 3);
+ d_class_wan_ipaddr=$(expr $instance_num \* 4 - 2);
+ d_class_wan_broadcast=$(expr $instance_num \* 4 - 1);
+ uci set network.wan.gateway="192.168.96."$d_class_wan_gateway
+ uci set network.wan.ipaddr="192.168.96."$d_class_wan_ipaddr
+ uci set network.wan.broadcast="192.168.96."$d_class_wan_broadcast
+# Setup wifi0 and wifi1 based on instance_num.
+# Interfaces wifi0 and wifi1 will occupy 192.168.2.X - 192.168.33.X.
+c_class_wifi=$(expr \( $instance_num + 3 \) / 2)
+d_class_wifi0=$(expr \( $instance_num % 2 \* 128 \) + 1)
+d_class_wifi1=$(expr \( $instance_num % 2 \* 128 \) + 65)
+uci set network.wifi0.ipaddr="192.168."$c_class_wifi"."$d_class_wifi0
+uci set network.wifi1.ipaddr="192.168."$c_class_wifi"."$d_class_wifi1
+uci commit
+# Regarding hostapd issue of OpenWRT 22.03.X versions, reboot it.