Documentation for docgen
This change adds documentation for the pw_docgen module describing how
to use it to build documentation for Pigweed projects.
Change-Id: Ia8bb57d26b96f748adc021cc86f0a16865611295
diff --git a/pw_docgen/docgen.rst b/pw_docgen/docgen.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d1af5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pw_docgen/docgen.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+.. _chapter-docgen:
+.. default-domain:: cpp
+.. highlight:: sh
+The docgen module provides tools to generate documentation for Pigweed-based
+projects, and for Pigweed itself.
+Pigweed-based projects typically use a subset of Pigweed's modules and add their
+own product-specific modules on top of that, which may have product-specific
+documentation. Docgen provides a convenient way to combine all of the relevant
+documentation for a project into one place, allowing downstream consumers of
+release bundles (e.g. factory teams, QA teams, beta testers, etc.) to have a
+unified source of documentation early on.
+The documentation generation is integrated directly into the build system. Any
+build target can depend on documentation, which allows it to be included as part
+of a factory release build, for example. Additionally, documentation itself can
+depend on other build targets, such as report cards for binary size/profiling.
+Any time the code is changed, documentation will be regenerated with the updated
+Documentation overview
+Each Pigweed module provides documentation describing its functionality, use
+cases, and programming API.
+Included in a module's documentation are report cards which show an overview of
+the module's size cost and performance benchmarks. These allow prospective users
+to evaluate the impact of including the module in their projects.
+Build integration
+Pigweed documentation files are written in `reStructuredText`_ format and
+rendered to HTML using `Sphinx`_ through Pigweed's GN build system.
+.. _reStructuredText:
+.. _Sphinx:
+Documentation source and asset files are placed alongside code within a module
+and registered as a ``pw_docgen_group`` target within a ```` file. These
+groups become available for import within a special documentation generation
+target, which accumulates all of them and renders the resulting HTML. This
+system can either be used directly within Pigweed, or integrated into a
+downstream project.
+GN templates
+The main template for defining documentation files is ``pw_doc_group``. It is
+used to logically group a collection of documentation source files and assets.
+Each Pigweed module is expected to provide at least one ``pw_doc_group`` target
+defining the module's documentation. A ``pw_doc_group`` can depend on other
+groups, causing them to be built with it.
+* ``sources``: RST documentation source files.
+* ``inputs``: Additional resources required for the docs (images, data files,
+ etc.)
+* ``group_deps``: Other ``pw_doc_group`` targets required by this one.
+* ``report_deps``: Report card generating targets (e.g. ``pw_size_report``) on
+ which the docs depend.
+.. code::
+ pw_doc_group("my_doc_group") {
+ sources = [ "docs.rst" ]
+ inputs = [ "face-with-tears-of-joy-emoji.svg" ]
+ group_deps = [ ":sub_doc_group" ]
+ report_deps = [ ":my_size_report" ]
+ }
+The ``pw_doc_gen`` template creates a target which renders complete HTML
+documentation for a project. It depends on registered ``pw_doc_group`` targets
+and creates an action which collects and renders them.
+To generate the complete docs, the template also requires a ```` file
+configuring Sphinx's output, and a top level ``index.rst`` for the main page of
+the documentation. These are added at the root level of the built documentation
+to tie everything together.
+* ``conf``: Path to the ```` to use for Sphinx.
+* ``index``: Path to the top-level ``index.rst`` file.
+* ``output_directory``: Directory in which to render HTML output.
+* ``deps``: List of all ``pw_doc_group`` targets required for the documentation.
+.. code::
+ pw_doc_gen("my_docs") {
+ conf = "//my_docs/"
+ index = "//my_docs/index.rst"
+ output_directory = target_gen_dir
+ deps = [
+ "//my_module:my_doc_group",
+ ]
+ }
+Generating documentation
+All source files listed under a ``pw_doc_gen`` target and its ``pw_doc_group``
+dependencies get copied out into a directory structure mirroring the original
+layout of the modules in which the sources appear. This is demonstrated below
+using a subset of Pigweed's core documentation.
+Consider the following target in ``$dir_pigweed/docs/``:
+.. code::
+ pw_doc_gen("docs") {
+ conf = ""
+ index = "index.rst"
+ output_directory = target_gen_dir
+ deps = [
+ "$dir_pw_bloat:docs",
+ "$dir_pw_docgen:docs",
+ "$dir_pw_preprocessor:docs",
+ ]
+ }
+A documentation tree is created under the output directory. Each of the sources
+and inputs in the target's dependency graph is copied under this tree in the
+same directory structure as they appear under the root GN build directory
+(``$dir_pigweed`` in this case). The ```` and ``index.rst`` provided
+directly to the ``pw_doc_gen`` template are copied in at the root of the tree.
+.. code::
+ out/gen/docs/pw_docgen_tree/
+ ├──
+ ├── index.rst
+ ├── pw_bloat
+ │ ├── bloat.rst
+ │ └── examples
+ │ └── simple_bloat.rst
+ ├── pw_docgen
+ │ └── docgen.rst
+ └── pw_preprocessor
+ └── docs.rst
+This is the documentation tree which gets passed to Sphinx to build HTML output.
+Imports within documentation files must be relative to this structure. In
+practice, relative imports from within modules' documentation groups are
+identical to the project's directory structure. The only special case is the
+top-level ``index.rst`` file's imports; they must start from the project's build