Fix copyright check on empty files

For empty files the copyright check would keep reading but because
it was at EOF it would keep getting an empty string, for which
'not line.strip()' would always evaluate to True. This change
causes it to exit the loop when it hits EOF.

Change-Id: I0fe5d95fe1d4f1d9dcaf1ff4e1351fa40b96bd72
1 file changed
tree: 06539dc651c766410a6e280c5ac9fd39f374d384
  1. docs/
  2. env_setup/
  3. pw_bloat/
  4. pw_build/
  5. pw_cli/
  6. pw_cpu_exception/
  7. pw_cpu_exception_armv7m/
  8. pw_docgen/
  9. pw_doctor/
  10. pw_dumb_io/
  11. pw_dumb_io_baremetal_stm32f429/
  12. pw_dumb_io_stdio/
  13. pw_module/
  14. pw_preprocessor/
  15. pw_presubmit/
  16. pw_protobuf/
  17. pw_protobuf_compiler/
  18. pw_span/
  19. pw_status/
  20. pw_string/
  21. pw_target_runner/
  22. pw_toolchain/
  23. pw_unit_test/
  24. pw_varint/
  25. pw_watch/
  26. targets/
  27. .clang-format
  28. .gitignore
  29. .gn
  30. .pylintrc
  32. BUILD
  35. CMakeLists.txt
  37. gn_defaults.gni
  39. modules.gni
  40. pw_vars_default.gni

Pigweed Embedded Oriented Software Libraries

Pigweed is a collection of embedded-focused libraries, which we call “modules”. These modules are designed for small-footprint MMU-less microcontrollers like the ST Micro STM32L452 or the Nordic NRF82832. The modules are designed to facilitate easy integration into existing codebases.

Pigweed is in the early stages of development.

Getting Started

$ git clone sso:// ~/pigweed
$ cd ~/pigweed
$ env_setup/cipd/ auth-login  # Once per machine.
$ . env_setup/

You can use . env_setup/ in place of . env_setup/ Both should work every time, but tends to remove and reinstall things at the expense of time whereas tends to do basic checks to see if time can be saved by skipping expensive operations.

If you‘re using Homebrew and you get an error saying module 'http.client' has no attribute 'HTTPSConnection' then your Homebrew Python was not set up to support SSL. Ensure it’s installed with brew install openssl and then run brew uninstall python && brew install python. After that things should work.

The environment setup script will pull down the versions of tools necessary to build Pigweed and add them to your environment. You can then build with either GN or Bazel. You can also confirm you're getting the right versions of tools—they should be installed under env_setup/.

$ which gn
$ gn gen out/host
$ ninja -C out/host
$ which cmake
$ cmake -B out/cmake-host -S . -G Ninja
$ ninja -C out/cmake-host
$ which bazel
$ bazel test //...

And do the following to test on the STM32F429 Discovery board. (The bazel build does not yet support building for hardware.)

To flash firmware (and run pw test) to a STMicroelectronics Discovery development board command you need to install OpenOCD.

On macOS install Homebrew using the latest instructions at Install OpenOCD with brew install openocd

$ gn gen --args='pw_target_config = "//targets/stm32f429i-disc1/target_config.gni"' out/disco
$ ninja -C out/disco
$ pw test --root out/disco/ --runner stm32f429i_disc1_unit_test_runner

If any of this doesn't work please file a bug.