Allow extra fields in wrapper messages, more tests.
diff --git a/csharp/src/Google.Protobuf.Test/WellKnownTypes/WrappersTest.cs b/csharp/src/Google.Protobuf.Test/WellKnownTypes/WrappersTest.cs
index 8a9c3d0..4a425f7 100644
--- a/csharp/src/Google.Protobuf.Test/WellKnownTypes/WrappersTest.cs
+++ b/csharp/src/Google.Protobuf.Test/WellKnownTypes/WrappersTest.cs
@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@
-        public void UnknownFieldInWrapper()
+        public void UnknownFieldInWrapperInt32FastPath()
             var stream = new MemoryStream();
             var output = new CodedOutputStream(stream);
@@ -395,13 +395,40 @@
             var valueTag = WireFormat.MakeTag(Int32Value.ValueFieldNumber, WireFormat.WireType.Varint);
-            output.WriteLength(4); // unknownTag + value 5 + valueType + value 6, each 1 byte
+            // Wrapper message is just long enough - 6 bytes - to use the wrapper fast-path.
+            output.WriteLength(6); // unknownTag + value 5 + valueType, each 1 byte, + value 65536, 3 bytes
             output.WriteInt32((int) valueTag); // Sneakily "pretend" it's a tag when it's really a value
+            output.WriteInt32(65536);
+            output.Flush();
+            Assert.AreEqual(8, stream.Length); // tag (1 byte) + length (1 byte) + message (6 bytes)
+            stream.Position = 0;
+            var message = TestWellKnownTypes.Parser.ParseFrom(stream);
+            Assert.AreEqual(65536, message.Int32Field);
+        }
+        [Test]
+        public void UnknownFieldInWrapperInt32SlowPath()
+        {
+            var stream = new MemoryStream();
+            var output = new CodedOutputStream(stream);
+            var wrapperTag = WireFormat.MakeTag(TestWellKnownTypes.Int32FieldFieldNumber, WireFormat.WireType.LengthDelimited);
+            var unknownTag = WireFormat.MakeTag(15, WireFormat.WireType.Varint);
+            var valueTag = WireFormat.MakeTag(Int32Value.ValueFieldNumber, WireFormat.WireType.Varint);
+            output.WriteTag(wrapperTag);
+            // Wrapper message is too short to be used on the wrapper fast-path.
+            output.WriteLength(4); // unknownTag + value 5 + valueType + value 6, each 1 byte
+            output.WriteTag(unknownTag);
+            output.WriteInt32((int)valueTag); // Sneakily "pretend" it's a tag when it's really a value
+            output.WriteTag(valueTag);
+            Assert.Less(stream.Length, 8); // tag (1 byte) + length (1 byte) + message
             stream.Position = 0;
             var message = TestWellKnownTypes.Parser.ParseFrom(stream);
@@ -409,6 +436,56 @@
+        public void UnknownFieldInWrapperInt64FastPath()
+        {
+            var stream = new MemoryStream();
+            var output = new CodedOutputStream(stream);
+            var wrapperTag = WireFormat.MakeTag(TestWellKnownTypes.Int64FieldFieldNumber, WireFormat.WireType.LengthDelimited);
+            var unknownTag = WireFormat.MakeTag(15, WireFormat.WireType.Varint);
+            var valueTag = WireFormat.MakeTag(Int64Value.ValueFieldNumber, WireFormat.WireType.Varint);
+            output.WriteTag(wrapperTag);
+            // Wrapper message is just long enough - 10 bytes - to use the wrapper fast-path.
+            output.WriteLength(11); // unknownTag + value 5 + valueType, each 1 byte, + value 0xfffffffffffff, 8 bytes
+            output.WriteTag(unknownTag);
+            output.WriteInt64((int)valueTag); // Sneakily "pretend" it's a tag when it's really a value
+            output.WriteTag(valueTag);
+            output.WriteInt64(0xfffffffffffffL);
+            output.Flush();
+            Assert.AreEqual(13, stream.Length); // tag (1 byte) + length (1 byte) + message (11 bytes)
+            stream.Position = 0;
+            var message = TestWellKnownTypes.Parser.ParseFrom(stream);
+            Assert.AreEqual(0xfffffffffffffL, message.Int64Field);
+        }
+        [Test]
+        public void UnknownFieldInWrapperInt64SlowPath()
+        {
+            var stream = new MemoryStream();
+            var output = new CodedOutputStream(stream);
+            var wrapperTag = WireFormat.MakeTag(TestWellKnownTypes.Int64FieldFieldNumber, WireFormat.WireType.LengthDelimited);
+            var unknownTag = WireFormat.MakeTag(15, WireFormat.WireType.Varint);
+            var valueTag = WireFormat.MakeTag(Int64Value.ValueFieldNumber, WireFormat.WireType.Varint);
+            output.WriteTag(wrapperTag);
+            // Wrapper message is too short to be used on the wrapper fast-path.
+            output.WriteLength(4); // unknownTag + value 5 + valueType + value 6, each 1 byte
+            output.WriteTag(unknownTag);
+            output.WriteInt64((int)valueTag); // Sneakily "pretend" it's a tag when it's really a value
+            output.WriteTag(valueTag);
+            output.WriteInt64(6);
+            output.Flush();
+            Assert.Less(stream.Length, 12); // tag (1 byte) + length (1 byte) + message
+            stream.Position = 0;
+            var message = TestWellKnownTypes.Parser.ParseFrom(stream);
+            Assert.AreEqual(6L, message.Int64Field);
+        }
+        [Test]
         public void ClearWithReflection()
             // String and Bytes are the tricky ones here, as the CLR type of the property
diff --git a/csharp/src/Google.Protobuf/CodedInputStream.cs b/csharp/src/Google.Protobuf/CodedInputStream.cs
index cd091b2..44934f3 100644
--- a/csharp/src/Google.Protobuf/CodedInputStream.cs
+++ b/csharp/src/Google.Protobuf/CodedInputStream.cs
@@ -737,29 +737,76 @@
             return false;



+        internal static float? ReadFloatWrapperLittleEndian(CodedInputStream input)

+        {

+            // length:1 + tag:1 + value:4 = 6 bytes

+            if (input.bufferPos + 6 <= input.bufferSize)

+            {

+                // The entire wrapper message is already contained in `buffer`.

+                int length = input.buffer[input.bufferPos];

+                if (length == 0)

+                {

+                    input.bufferPos++;

+                    return 0F;

+                }

+                // tag:1 + value:4 = length of 5 bytes

+                // field=1, type=32-bit = tag of 13

+                if (length != 5 || input.buffer[input.bufferPos + 1] != 13)

+                {

+                    return ReadFloatWrapperSlow(input);

+                }

+                var result = BitConverter.ToSingle(input.buffer, input.bufferPos + 2);

+                input.bufferPos += 6;

+                return result;

+            }

+            else

+            {

+                return ReadFloatWrapperSlow(input);

+            }

+        }


+        internal static float? ReadFloatWrapperSlow(CodedInputStream input)

+        {

+            int length = input.ReadLength();

+            if (length == 0)

+            {

+                return 0F;

+            }

+            int finalBufferPos = input.totalBytesRetired + input.bufferPos + length;

+            float result = 0F;

+            do

+            {

+                // field=1, type=32-bit = tag of 13

+                if (input.ReadTag() == 13)

+                {

+                    result = input.ReadFloat();

+                }

+                else

+                {

+                    input.SkipLastField();

+                }

+            }

+            while (input.totalBytesRetired + input.bufferPos < finalBufferPos);

+            return result;

+        }


         internal static double? ReadDoubleWrapperLittleEndian(CodedInputStream input)


-            // tag:1 + value:8 = 9 bytes

-            const int expectedLength = 9;

-            // field=1, type=64-bit = tag of 9

-            const int expectedTag = 9;

             // length:1 + tag:1 + value:8 = 10 bytes

             if (input.bufferPos + 10 <= input.bufferSize)


+                // The entire wrapper message is already contained in `buffer`.

                 int length = input.buffer[input.bufferPos];

                 if (length == 0)



                     return 0D;


-                if (length != expectedLength)

-                {

-                    throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.InvalidWrapperMessageLength();

-                }

+                // tag:1 + value:8 = length of 9 bytes

                 // field=1, type=64-bit = tag of 9

-                if (input.buffer[input.bufferPos + 1] != expectedTag)

+                if (length != 9 || input.buffer[input.bufferPos + 1] != 9)


-                    throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.InvalidWrapperMessageTag();

+                    return ReadDoubleWrapperSlow(input);


                 var result = BitConverter.ToDouble(input.buffer, input.bufferPos + 2);

                 input.bufferPos += 10;

@@ -767,50 +814,119 @@



-                int length = input.ReadLength();

-                if (length == 0)

-                {

-                    return 0D;

-                }

-                if (length != expectedLength)

-                {

-                    throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.InvalidWrapperMessageLength();

-                }

-                if (input.ReadTag() != expectedTag)

-                {

-                    throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.InvalidWrapperMessageTag();

-                }

-                return input.ReadDouble();

+                return ReadDoubleWrapperSlow(input);




-        internal static double? ReadDoubleWrapperBigEndian(CodedInputStream input)

+        internal static double? ReadDoubleWrapperSlow(CodedInputStream input)


             int length = input.ReadLength();

             if (length == 0)


                 return 0D;


-            // tag:1 + value:8 = 9 bytes

-            if (length != 9)

+            int finalBufferPos = input.totalBytesRetired + input.bufferPos + length;

+            double result = 0D;

+            do


-                throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.InvalidWrapperMessageLength();

+                // field=1, type=64-bit = tag of 9

+                if (input.ReadTag() == 9)

+                {

+                    result = input.ReadDouble();

+                }

+                else

+                {

+                    input.SkipLastField();

+                }


-            // field=1, type=64-bit = tag of 9

-            if (input.ReadTag() != 9)

-            {

-                throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.InvalidWrapperMessageTag();

-            }

-            return input.ReadDouble();

+            while (input.totalBytesRetired + input.bufferPos < finalBufferPos);

+            return result;



-        internal static long? ReadInt64Wrapper(CodedInputStream input)

+        internal static bool? ReadBoolWrapper(CodedInputStream input)

+        {

+            return ReadUInt32Wrapper(input) != 0;

+        }


+        internal static uint? ReadUInt32Wrapper(CodedInputStream input)

+        {

+            // length:1 + tag:1 + value:5(varint32-max) = 7 bytes

+            if (input.bufferPos + 7 <= input.bufferSize)

+            {

+                // The entire wrapper message is already contained in `buffer`.

+                int pos0 = input.bufferPos;

+                int length = input.buffer[input.bufferPos++];

+                if (length == 0)

+                {

+                    return 0;

+                }

+                // Length will always fit in a single byte.

+                if (length >= 128)

+                {

+                    input.bufferPos = pos0;

+                    return ReadUInt32WrapperSlow(input);

+                }

+                int finalBufferPos = input.bufferPos + length;

+                // field=1, type=varint = tag of 8

+                if (input.buffer[input.bufferPos++] != 8)

+                {

+                    input.bufferPos = pos0;

+                    return ReadUInt32WrapperSlow(input);

+                }

+                var result = input.ReadUInt32();

+                // Verify this message only contained a single field.

+                if (input.bufferPos != finalBufferPos)

+                {

+                    input.bufferPos = pos0;

+                    return ReadUInt32WrapperSlow(input);

+                }

+                return result;

+            }

+            else

+            {

+                return ReadUInt32WrapperSlow(input);

+            }

+        }


+        private static uint? ReadUInt32WrapperSlow(CodedInputStream input)

+        {

+            int length = input.ReadLength();

+            if (length == 0)

+            {

+                return 0;

+            }

+            int finalBufferPos = input.totalBytesRetired + input.bufferPos + length;

+            uint result = 0;

+            do

+            {

+                // field=1, type=varint = tag of 8

+                if (input.ReadTag() == 8)

+                {

+                    result = input.ReadUInt32();

+                }

+                else

+                {

+                    input.SkipLastField();

+                }

+            }

+            while (input.totalBytesRetired + input.bufferPos < finalBufferPos);

+            return result;

+        }


+        internal static int? ReadInt32Wrapper(CodedInputStream input)

+        {

+            return (int?)ReadUInt32Wrapper(input);

+        }


+        internal static ulong? ReadUInt64Wrapper(CodedInputStream input)


             // field=1, type=varint = tag of 8

             const int expectedTag = 8;

             // length:1 + tag:1 + value:10(varint64-max) = 12 bytes

             if (input.bufferPos + 12 <= input.bufferSize)


+                // The entire wrapper message is already contained in `buffer`.

+                int pos0 = input.bufferPos;

                 int length = input.buffer[input.bufferPos++];

                 if (length == 0)


@@ -819,43 +935,61 @@
                 // Length will always fit in a single byte.

                 if (length >= 128)


-                    throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.InvalidWrapperMessageLength();

+                    input.bufferPos = pos0;

+                    return ReadUInt64WrapperSlow(input);


                 int finalBufferPos = input.bufferPos + length;

                 if (input.buffer[input.bufferPos++] != expectedTag)


-                    throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.InvalidWrapperMessageTag();

+                    input.bufferPos = pos0;

+                    return ReadUInt64WrapperSlow(input);


-                var result = input.ReadInt64();

+                var result = input.ReadUInt64();

                 // Verify this message only contained a single field.

                 if (input.bufferPos != finalBufferPos)


-                    throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.InvalidWrapperMessageExtraFields();

+                    input.bufferPos = pos0;

+                    return ReadUInt64WrapperSlow(input);


                 return result;




-                int length = input.ReadLength();

-                if (length == 0)

-                {

-                    return 0L;

-                }

-                int finalBufferPos = input.totalBytesRetired + input.bufferPos + length;

-                if (input.ReadTag() != expectedTag)

-                {

-                    throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.InvalidWrapperMessageTag();

-                }

-                var result = input.ReadInt64();

-                // Verify this message only contained a single field.

-                if (input.totalBytesRetired + input.bufferPos != finalBufferPos)

-                {

-                    throw InvalidProtocolBufferException.InvalidWrapperMessageExtraFields();

-                }

-                return result;

+                return ReadUInt64WrapperSlow(input);





+        internal static ulong? ReadUInt64WrapperSlow(CodedInputStream input)

+        {

+            // field=1, type=varint = tag of 8

+            const int expectedTag = 8;

+            int length = input.ReadLength();

+            if (length == 0)

+            {

+                return 0L;

+            }

+            int finalBufferPos = input.totalBytesRetired + input.bufferPos + length;

+            ulong result = 0L;

+            do

+            {

+                if (input.ReadTag() == expectedTag)

+                {

+                    result = input.ReadUInt64();

+                }

+                else

+                {

+                    input.SkipLastField();

+                }

+            }

+            while (input.totalBytesRetired + input.bufferPos < finalBufferPos);

+            return result;

+        }


+        internal static long? ReadInt64Wrapper(CodedInputStream input)

+        {

+            return (long?)ReadUInt64Wrapper(input);

+        }




         #region Underlying reading primitives

diff --git a/csharp/src/Google.Protobuf/FieldCodec.cs b/csharp/src/Google.Protobuf/FieldCodec.cs
index 7689964..1971261 100644
--- a/csharp/src/Google.Protobuf/FieldCodec.cs
+++ b/csharp/src/Google.Protobuf/FieldCodec.cs
@@ -539,18 +539,21 @@
                 { typeof(ByteString), ForBytes(WireFormat.MakeTag(WrappersReflection.WrapperValueFieldNumber, WireFormat.WireType.LengthDelimited)) }
-            private static readonly Dictionary<System.Type, Func<object>> Readers = new Dictionary<System.Type, Func<object>>
+            private static readonly Dictionary<System.Type, object> Readers = new Dictionary<System.Type, object>
                 // TODO: Provide more optimized readers.
-                { typeof(bool), null },
-                { typeof(int), null },
-                { typeof(long), () => (Func<CodedInputStream, long?>)CodedInputStream.ReadInt64Wrapper },
-                { typeof(uint), null },
-                { typeof(ulong), null },
-                { typeof(float), null },
-                { typeof(double), () => BitConverter.IsLittleEndian ?
+                { typeof(bool), (Func<CodedInputStream, bool?>)CodedInputStream.ReadBoolWrapper },
+                { typeof(int), (Func<CodedInputStream, int?>)CodedInputStream.ReadInt32Wrapper },
+                { typeof(long), (Func<CodedInputStream, long?>)CodedInputStream.ReadInt64Wrapper },
+                { typeof(uint), (Func<CodedInputStream, uint?>)CodedInputStream.ReadUInt32Wrapper },
+                { typeof(ulong), (Func<CodedInputStream, ulong?>)CodedInputStream.ReadUInt64Wrapper },
+                { typeof(float), BitConverter.IsLittleEndian ?
+                    (Func<CodedInputStream, float?>)CodedInputStream.ReadFloatWrapperLittleEndian :
+                    (Func<CodedInputStream, float?>)CodedInputStream.ReadFloatWrapperSlow },
+                { typeof(double), BitConverter.IsLittleEndian ?
                     (Func<CodedInputStream, double?>)CodedInputStream.ReadDoubleWrapperLittleEndian :
-                    (Func<CodedInputStream, double?>)CodedInputStream.ReadDoubleWrapperBigEndian },
+                    (Func<CodedInputStream, double?>)CodedInputStream.ReadDoubleWrapperSlow },
+                // `string` and `ByteString` less performance-sensitive. Do not implement for now.
                 { typeof(string), null },
                 { typeof(ByteString), null },
@@ -571,7 +574,7 @@
             internal static Func<CodedInputStream, T?> GetReader<T>() where T : struct
-                Func<object> value;
+                object value;
                 if (!Readers.TryGetValue(typeof(T), out value))
                     throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid type argument requested for wrapper reader: " + typeof(T));
@@ -583,7 +586,7 @@
                     return input => Read<T>(input, nestedCoded);
                 // Return optimized read for the wrapper type.
-                return (Func<CodedInputStream, T?>)value();
+                return (Func<CodedInputStream, T?>)value;
             internal static T Read<T>(CodedInputStream input, FieldCodec<T> codec)