Updated and simplified PHP testing structure (#8558)

* Simplified PHP testing setup.

- Consolidated on a single autoloader, created by composer.
- Consolidated on a single phpunit invocation strategy: we run
  phpunit on a directory, which will run all tests matching *Test.php
  in that directory.
- We now rely on autoloading to import all test protos. require_once()
  calls for test protos are removed.
- For now the valgrind tests are removed. A follow-up PR will re-enable
  them in a more robust way.

* More improvements to PHP testing.

1. Replace custom PHPUnit-selection logic in test.sh with generic
   composer version selection.
2. Optimized both test proto generation and the custom extension
   build to avoid unnecessary work when the files are already up
   to date.

* Added assertions to verify that the C test doesn't use PHP sources.

* Updated tests.sh for the new PHP testing commands.

* Removed obsolete rules from tests.sh.

* Fixed generate_test_protos.sh for when tmp does not exist.

Also removed undefined_test.php and fixed Makefile.am.

* Added php8.0_all again which is still used.

* Added missing file to Makefile.am.

* Re-added php_all_32 rule which is also still used.

* Updated testing commands for macOS and download composer.

* Use /usr/local/bin on mac instead of /usr/bin, since the latter is not writable.
17 files changed
tree: 46da52b710f96448f04d8293a755ff6b4444c281
  1. .github/
  2. benchmarks/
  3. cmake/
  4. conformance/
  5. csharp/
  6. docs/
  7. editors/
  8. examples/
  9. java/
  10. js/
  11. kokoro/
  12. m4/
  13. objectivec/
  14. php/
  15. protoc-artifacts/
  16. python/
  17. ruby/
  18. src/
  19. third_party/
  20. util/
  21. .bazelignore
  22. .gitignore
  23. .gitmodules
  24. .readthedocs.yml
  25. appveyor.bat
  26. appveyor.yml
  27. autogen.sh
  28. BUILD
  29. build_files_updated_unittest.sh
  30. cc_proto_blacklist_test.bzl
  31. CHANGES.txt
  32. compiler_config_setting.bzl
  33. composer.json
  34. configure.ac
  37. fix_permissions.sh
  38. generate_changelog.py
  39. generate_descriptor_proto.sh
  40. global.json
  41. internal.bzl
  43. Makefile.am
  44. maven_install.json
  45. post_process_dist.sh
  46. Protobuf-C++.podspec
  47. protobuf-lite.pc.in
  48. protobuf.bzl
  49. protobuf.pc.in
  50. Protobuf.podspec
  51. protobuf_deps.bzl
  52. README.md
  53. tests.sh
  54. update_compatibility_version.py
  55. update_file_lists.sh
  56. update_version.py

Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format

Copyright 2008 Google Inc.



Protocol Buffers (a.k.a., protobuf) are Google's language-neutral, platform-neutral, extensible mechanism for serializing structured data. You can find protobuf's documentation on the Google Developers site.

This README file contains protobuf installation instructions. To install protobuf, you need to install the protocol compiler (used to compile .proto files) and the protobuf runtime for your chosen programming language.

Protocol Compiler Installation

The protocol compiler is written in C++. If you are using C++, please follow the C++ Installation Instructions to install protoc along with the C++ runtime.

For non-C++ users, the simplest way to install the protocol compiler is to download a pre-built binary from our release page:


In the downloads section of each release, you can find pre-built binaries in zip packages: protoc-$VERSION-$PLATFORM.zip. It contains the protoc binary as well as a set of standard .proto files distributed along with protobuf.

If you are looking for an old version that is not available in the release page, check out the maven repo here:


These pre-built binaries are only provided for released versions. If you want to use the github master version at HEAD, or you need to modify protobuf code, or you are using C++, it's recommended to build your own protoc binary from source.

If you would like to build protoc binary from source, see the C++ Installation Instructions.

Protobuf Runtime Installation

Protobuf supports several different programming languages. For each programming language, you can find instructions in the corresponding source directory about how to install protobuf runtime for that specific language:

C++ (include C++ runtime and protoc)srcBuild status
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PythonpythonBuild status
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Objective-CobjectivecBuild status
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C#csharpBuild statusBuild status
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JavaScriptjsBuild statusBuild status
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PHPphpBuild status
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Dartdart-lang/protobufBuild Status

Quick Start

The best way to learn how to use protobuf is to follow the tutorials in our developer guide:


If you want to learn from code examples, take a look at the examples in the examples directory.


The complete documentation for Protocol Buffers is available via the web at:
