| # Protobuf Global Extension Registry |
| |
| This file contains a global registry of known extensions for descriptor.proto, |
| so that any developer who wishes to use multiple 3rd party projects, each with |
| their own extensions, can be confident that there won't be collisions in |
| extension numbers. |
| |
| If you need an extension number for your custom option (see [custom options]( |
| https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/proto#customoptions)), |
| please [send us a pull request](https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/pulls) to |
| add an entry to this doc, or [create an issue](https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/issues) |
| with info about your project (name and website) so we can add an entry for you. |
| |
| ## Existing Registered Extensions |
| |
| 1. C# port of protocol buffers |
| * Website: https://github.com/jskeet/protobuf-csharp-port |
| * Extensions: 1000 |
| |
| 1. Perl/XS port of protocol buffers |
| * Website: http://code.google.com/p/protobuf-perlxs |
| * Extensions: 1001 |
| |
| 1. Objective-C port of protocol buffers |
| * Website: http://code.google.com/p/protobuf-objc |
| * Extensions: 1002 |
| |
| 1. Google Wave Federation Protocol open-source release (FedOne) |
| * Website: http://code.google.com/p/wave-protocol |
| * Extensions: 1003 |
| |
| 1. PHP code generator plugin |
| * Website: ??? |
| * Extensions: 1004 |
| |
| 1. GWT code generator plugin (third-party!) |
| * Website: http://code.google.com/p/protobuf-gwt/ |
| * Extensions: 1005 |
| |
| 1. Unix Domain RPC code generator plugin |
| * Website: http://go/udrpc |
| * Extensions: 1006 |
| |
| 1. Object-C generator plugin (Plausible Labs) |
| * Website: http://www.plausible.coop |
| * Extensions: 1007 |
| |
| 1. TBD (code42.com) |
| * Website: ??? |
| * Extensions: 1008 |
| |
| 1. Goby Underwater Autonomy Project |
| * Website: https://github.com/GobySoft/goby |
| * Extensions: 1009 |
| |
| 1. Nanopb |
| * Website: http://kapsi.fi/~jpa/nanopb |
| * Extensions: 1010 |
| |
| 1. Bluefin AUV Communication Extensions |
| * Website: http://www.bluefinrobotics.com |
| * Extensions: 1011 |
| |
| 1. Dynamic Compact Control Language |
| * Website: http://github.com/GobySoft/dccl |
| * Extensions: 1012 |
| |
| 1. ScaleOut StateServer® Native C++ API |
| * Website: http://www.scaleoutsoftware.com |
| * Extensions: 1013 |
| |
| 1. FoundationDB SQL Layer |
| * Website: https://github.com/FoundationDB/sql-layer |
| * Extensions: 1014 |
| |
| 1. Fender |
| * Website: https://github.com/hassox/fender |
| * Extensions: 1015 |
| |
| 1. Vortex |
| * Website: http://www.prismtech.com/vortex |
| * Extensions: 1016 |
| |
| 1. tresorit |
| * Website: https://tresorit.com/ |
| * Extensions: 1017 |
| |
| 1. CRIU (Checkpoint Restore In Userspace) |
| * Website: http://criu.org/Main_Page |
| * Extensions: 1018 |
| |
| 1. protobuf-c |
| * Website: https://github.com/protobuf-c/protobuf-c |
| * Extensions: 1019 |
| |
| 1. ScalaPB |
| * Website: https://scalapb.github.io/ |
| * Extensions: 1020 |
| |
| 1. protoc-gen-bq-schema |
| * Website: https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/protoc-gen-bq-schema |
| * Extensions: 1021 |
| |
| 1. grpc-gateway |
| * Website: https://github.com/gengo/grpc-gateway |
| * Extensions: 1022 |
| |
| 1. Certificate Transparency |
| * Website: https://github.com/google/certificate-transparency |
| * Extensions: 1023 |
| |
| 1. JUNOS Router Telemetry |
| * Website: http://www.juniper.net |
| * Extensions: 1024 |
| |
| 1. Spine Event Engine |
| * Website: https://github.com/SpineEventEngine/core-java |
| * Extensions: 1025 |
| |
| 1. Aruba cloud platform |
| * Website: ??? |
| * Extensions: 1026 -> 1030 |
| |
| 1. Voltha |
| * Website: ??? |
| * Extensions: 1031 -> 1033 |
| |
| 1. gator |
| * Website: ??? |
| * Extensions: 1034 |
| |
| 1. protoc-gen-flowtypes |
| * Website: https://github.com/tmc/grpcutil/tree/master/protoc-gen-flowtypes |
| * Extensions: 1035 |
| |
| 1. ProfaneDB |
| * Website: https://gitlab.com/ProfaneDB/ProfaneDB |
| * Extensions: 1036 |
| |
| 1. protobuf-net |
| * Website: https://github.com/mgravell/protobuf-net |
| * Extensions: 1037 |
| |
| 1. FICO / StreamEngine |
| * Website: http://www.fico.com/ |
| * Extensions: 1038 |
| |
| 1. GopherJS |
| * Website: https://github.com/johanbrandhorst/protobuf |
| * Extensions: 1039 |
| |
| 1. ygot |
| * Website: https://github.com/openconfig/ygot |
| * Extensions: 1040 |
| |
| 1. go-grpcmw |
| * Website: https://github.com/MarquisIO/go-grpcmw |
| * Extensions: 1041 |
| |
| 1. grpc-gateway protoc-gen-swagger |
| * Website: https://github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway |
| * Extensions: 1042 |
| |
| 1. AN Message |
| * Website: TBD |
| * Extensions: 1043 |
| |
| 1. protofire |
| * Website: https://github.com/ribrdb/protofire |
| * Extensions: 1044 |
| |
| 1. Gravity |
| * Website: https://github.com/aphysci/gravity |
| * Extensions: 1045 |
| |
| 1. SEMI Standards – I&C Technical Committee |
| * Website: http://downloads.semi.org/web/wstdsbal.nsf/9c2b317e76523cca88257641005a47f5/88a5863a580e323088256e7b00707489!OpenDocument |
| * Extensions: 1046 |
| |
| 1. Elixir plugin |
| * Website: https://github.com/tony612/grpc-elixir |
| * Extensions: 1047 |
| |
| 1. API client generators |
| * Website: ??? |
| * Extensions: 1048-1056 |
| |
| 1. Netifi Proteus |
| * Website: https://github.com/netifi-proteus |
| * Extensions: 1057 |
| |
| 1. CGSN Mooring Project |
| * Website: https://bitbucket.org/ooicgsn/cgsn-mooring |
| * Extensions: 1058 |
| |
| 1. Container Storage Interface |
| * Website: https://github.com/container-storage-interface/spec |
| * Extensions: 1059-1069 |
| |
| 1. TwirpQL Plugin |
| * Website: https://twirpql.dev |
| * Extensions: 1070 |
| |
| 1. Protoc-gen-validate |
| * Website: https://github.com/envoyproxy/protoc-gen-validate |
| * Extensions: 1071 |
| |
| 1. protokt |
| * Website: https://github.com/toasttab/protokt (Currently Private but will be open soon.) |
| * Extensions: 1072 |
| |
| 1. Dart port of protocol buffers |
| * Website https://github.com/dart-lang/protobuf |
| * Extensions: 1073 |
| |
| 1. Ocaml-protoc-plugin |
| * Website: https://github.com/issuu/ocaml-protoc-plugin |
| * Extensions: 1074 |
| |
| 1. Analyze Re Graphene |
| * Website: https://analyzere.com |
| * Extensions: 1075 |
| |
| 1. Wire since and until |
| * Website: https://square.github.io/wire/ |
| * Extensions: 1076, 1077 |
| |
| 1. Bazel, Failure Details |
| * Website: https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel |
| * Extensions: 1078 |
| |
| 1. grpc-graphql-gateway |
| * Website: https://github.com/ysugimoto/grpc-graphql-gateway |
| * Extensions: 1079 |
| |
| 1. Cloudstate |
| * Website: https://cloudstate.io |
| * Extensions: 1080-1084 |
| |
| 1. SummaFT protoc-plugins |
| * Website: https://summaft.com/ |
| * Extensions: 1085 |
| |
| 1. ADLINK EdgeSDK |
| * Website: https://www.adlinktech.com/en/Edge-SDK-IoT |
| * Extensions: 1086 |
| |
| 1. Wire wire_package |
| * Website: https://square.github.io/wire/ |
| * Extensions: 1087 |
| |
| 1. Confluent Schema Registry |
| * Website: https://github.com/confluentinc/schema-registry |
| * Extensions: 1088 |