Merge remote-tracking branch 'aosp/upstream-main' into HEAD am: 81d7bc080a am: 990b851e8a am: fb2725bb3e

Original change:

Change-Id: I2cce4f1f53781ae2d4780dc7a3efdadba88503be
Signed-off-by: Automerger Merge Worker <[email protected]>
diff --git a/Android.bp b/Android.bp
index 3083993..640bded 100644
--- a/Android.bp
+++ b/Android.bp
@@ -26,3 +26,38 @@
+python_library_host {
+    name: "bumble-pandora",
+    srcs: [
+        "bumble/pandora/*.py",
+    ],
+    libs: [
+        "bumble",
+        "pandora-python",
+        "libprotobuf-python",
+    ],
+    data: [
+        "bumble/pandora/py.typed"
+    ]
+python_test_host {
+    name: "bumble_pandora_server",
+    main: "apps/",
+    srcs: [
+        "apps/",
+    ],
+    libs: [
+        "bumble-pandora",
+        "pandora-python",
+    ],
+    test_options: {
+        unit_test: false,
+    },
+    test_suites: [
+        "general-tests"
+    ]
diff --git a/apps/ b/apps/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f92309
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+import asyncio
+import click
+import logging
+from bumble.pandora import PandoraDevice, serve
[email protected]()
[email protected]('--grpc-port', help='gRPC port to serve', default=BUMBLE_SERVER_GRPC_PORT)
[email protected](
+    '--rootcanal-port', help='Rootcanal TCP port', default=ROOTCANAL_PORT_CUTTLEFISH
[email protected](
+    '--transport',
+    help='HCI transport',
+    default=f'tcp-client:<rootcanal-port>',
+def main(grpc_port: int, rootcanal_port: int, transport: str) -> None:
+    if '<rootcanal-port>' in transport:
+        transport = transport.replace('<rootcanal-port>', str(rootcanal_port))
+    device = PandoraDevice({'transport': transport})
+    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
+, port=grpc_port))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()  # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter
diff --git a/bumble/ b/bumble/
index 72fd755..258a43d 100644
--- a/bumble/
+++ b/bumble/
@@ -889,7 +889,7 @@
 # List of host event handlers for the Device class.
 # (we define this list outside the class, because referencing a class in method
 #  decorators is not straightforward)
-device_host_event_handlers: list[str] = []
+device_host_event_handlers: List[str] = []
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/bumble/ b/bumble/
index e57f0a6..ea2b690 100644
--- a/bumble/
+++ b/bumble/
@@ -205,8 +205,16 @@
     uuid: UUID
+    characteristics: List[Characteristic]
+    included_services: List[Service]
-    def __init__(self, uuid, characteristics: list[Characteristic], primary=True):
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        uuid,
+        characteristics: List[Characteristic],
+        primary=True,
+        included_services: List[Service] = [],
+    ):
         # Convert the uuid to a UUID object if it isn't already
         if isinstance(uuid, str):
             uuid = UUID(uuid)
@@ -219,7 +227,7 @@
         self.uuid = uuid
-        # self.included_services = []
+        self.included_services = included_services[:]
         self.characteristics = characteristics[:]
         self.primary = primary
@@ -254,6 +262,33 @@
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class IncludedServiceDeclaration(Attribute):
+    '''
+    See Vol 3, Part G - 3.2 INCLUDE DEFINITION
+    '''
+    service: Service
+    def __init__(self, service):
+        declaration_bytes = struct.pack(
+            '<HH2s', service.handle, service.end_group_handle, service.uuid.to_bytes()
+        )
+        super().__init__(
+            GATT_INCLUDE_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, Attribute.READABLE, declaration_bytes
+        )
+        self.service = service
+    def __str__(self):
+        return (
+            f'IncludedServiceDefinition(handle=0x{self.handle:04X}, '
+            f'group_starting_handle=0x{self.service.handle:04X}, '
+            f'group_ending_handle=0x{self.service.end_group_handle:04X}, '
+            f'uuid={self.service.uuid}, '
+            f'{!s})'
+        )
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 class Characteristic(Attribute):
diff --git a/bumble/ b/bumble/
index 35d8eb7..a33039e 100644
--- a/bumble/
+++ b/bumble/
@@ -63,6 +63,7 @@
@@ -109,6 +110,7 @@
 class ServiceProxy(AttributeProxy):
     uuid: UUID
     characteristics: List[CharacteristicProxy]
+    included_services: List[ServiceProxy]
     def from_client(service_class, client, service_uuid):
@@ -502,12 +504,69 @@
         return services
-    async def discover_included_services(self, _service):
+    async def discover_included_services(
+        self, service: ServiceProxy
+    ) -> List[ServiceProxy]:
         See Vol 3, Part G - 4.5.1 Find Included Services
-        # TODO
-        return []
+        starting_handle = service.handle
+        ending_handle = service.end_group_handle
+        included_services: List[ServiceProxy] = []
+        while starting_handle <= ending_handle:
+            response = await self.send_request(
+                ATT_Read_By_Type_Request(
+                    starting_handle=starting_handle,
+                    ending_handle=ending_handle,
+                    attribute_type=GATT_INCLUDE_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE,
+                )
+            )
+            if response is None:
+                # TODO raise appropriate exception
+                return []
+            # Check if we reached the end of the iteration
+            if response.op_code == ATT_ERROR_RESPONSE:
+                if response.error_code != ATT_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR:
+                    # Unexpected end
+                    logger.warning(
+                        '!!! unexpected error while discovering included services: '
+                        f'{HCI_Constant.error_name(response.error_code)}'
+                    )
+                    raise ATT_Error(
+                        error_code=response.error_code,
+                        message='Unexpected error while discovering included services',
+                    )
+                break
+            # Stop if for some reason the list was empty
+            if not response.attributes:
+                break
+            # Process all included services returned in this iteration
+            for attribute_handle, attribute_value in response.attributes:
+                if attribute_handle < starting_handle:
+                    # Something's not right
+                    logger.warning(f'bogus handle value: {attribute_handle}')
+                    return []
+                group_starting_handle, group_ending_handle = struct.unpack_from(
+                    '<HH', attribute_value
+                )
+                service_uuid = UUID.from_bytes(attribute_value[4:])
+                included_service = ServiceProxy(
+                    self, group_starting_handle, group_ending_handle, service_uuid, True
+                )
+                included_services.append(included_service)
+            # Move on to the next included services
+            starting_handle = response.attributes[-1][0] + 1
+        service.included_services = included_services
+        return included_services
     async def discover_characteristics(
         self, uuids, service: Optional[ServiceProxy]
diff --git a/bumble/ b/bumble/
index 51f3ec0..3624905 100644
--- a/bumble/
+++ b/bumble/
@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@
+    IncludedServiceDeclaration,
@@ -94,6 +95,7 @@
     def __init__(self, device):
         self.device = device
+ = []
         self.attributes = []  # Attributes, ordered by increasing handle values
         self.attributes_by_handle = {}  # Map for fast attribute access by handle
         self.max_mtu = (
@@ -222,7 +224,14 @@
         # Add the service attribute to the DB
-        # TODO: add included services
+        # Add all included service
+        for included_service in service.included_services:
+            # Not registered yet, register the included service first.
+            if included_service not in
+                self.add_service(included_service)
+                # TODO: Handle circular service reference
+            include_declaration = IncludedServiceDeclaration(included_service)
+            self.add_attribute(include_declaration)
         # Add all characteristics
         for characteristic in service.characteristics:
@@ -274,6 +283,7 @@
         # Update the service group end
         service.end_group_handle = self.attributes[-1].handle
     def add_services(self, services):
         for service in services:
diff --git a/bumble/pandora/ b/bumble/pandora/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e02f54a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bumble/pandora/
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+# Copyright 2022 Google LLC
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+Bumble Pandora server.
+This module implement the Pandora Bluetooth test APIs for the Bumble stack.
+__version__ = "0.0.1"
+import grpc
+import grpc.aio
+from .config import Config
+from .device import PandoraDevice
+from .host import HostService
+from .security import SecurityService, SecurityStorageService
+from pandora.host_grpc_aio import add_HostServicer_to_server
+from pandora.security_grpc_aio import (
+    add_SecurityServicer_to_server,
+    add_SecurityStorageServicer_to_server,
+from typing import Callable, List, Optional
+# public symbols
+__all__ = [
+    'register_servicer_hook',
+    'serve',
+    'Config',
+    'PandoraDevice',
+# Add servicers hooks.
+_SERVICERS_HOOKS: List[Callable[[PandoraDevice, Config, grpc.aio.Server], None]] = []
+def register_servicer_hook(
+    hook: Callable[[PandoraDevice, Config, grpc.aio.Server], None]
+) -> None:
+    _SERVICERS_HOOKS.append(hook)
+async def serve(
+    bumble: PandoraDevice,
+    config: Config = Config(),
+    grpc_server: Optional[grpc.aio.Server] = None,
+    port: int = 0,
+) -> None:
+    # initialize a gRPC server if not provided.
+    server = grpc_server if grpc_server is not None else grpc.aio.server()
+    port = server.add_insecure_port(f'localhost:{port}')
+    try:
+        while True:
+            # load server config from dict.
+            config.load_from_dict(bumble.config.get('server', {}))
+            # add Pandora services to the gRPC server.
+            add_HostServicer_to_server(
+                HostService(server, bumble.device, config), server
+            )
+            add_SecurityServicer_to_server(
+                SecurityService(bumble.device, config), server
+            )
+            add_SecurityStorageServicer_to_server(
+                SecurityStorageService(bumble.device, config), server
+            )
+            # call hooks if any.
+            for hook in _SERVICERS_HOOKS:
+                hook(bumble, config, server)
+            # open device.
+            await
+            try:
+                # Pandora require classic devices to be discoverable & connectable.
+                if bumble.device.classic_enabled:
+                    await bumble.device.set_discoverable(True)
+                    await bumble.device.set_connectable(True)
+                # start & serve gRPC server.
+                await server.start()
+                await server.wait_for_termination()
+            finally:
+                # close device.
+                await bumble.close()
+            # re-initialize the gRPC server.
+            server = grpc.aio.server()
+            server.add_insecure_port(f'localhost:{port}')
+    finally:
+        # stop server.
+        await server.stop(None)
diff --git a/bumble/pandora/ b/bumble/pandora/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5edba55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bumble/pandora/
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# Copyright 2022 Google LLC
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from bumble.pairing import PairingDelegate
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from typing import Any, Dict
+class Config:
+    io_capability: PairingDelegate.IoCapability = PairingDelegate.NO_OUTPUT_NO_INPUT
+    pairing_sc_enable: bool = True
+    pairing_mitm_enable: bool = True
+    pairing_bonding_enable: bool = True
+    smp_local_initiator_key_distribution: PairingDelegate.KeyDistribution = (
+        PairingDelegate.DEFAULT_KEY_DISTRIBUTION
+    )
+    smp_local_responder_key_distribution: PairingDelegate.KeyDistribution = (
+        PairingDelegate.DEFAULT_KEY_DISTRIBUTION
+    )
+    def load_from_dict(self, config: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
+        io_capability_name: str = config.get(
+            'io_capability', 'no_output_no_input'
+        ).upper()
+        self.io_capability = getattr(PairingDelegate, io_capability_name)
+        self.pairing_sc_enable = config.get('pairing_sc_enable', True)
+        self.pairing_mitm_enable = config.get('pairing_mitm_enable', True)
+        self.pairing_bonding_enable = config.get('pairing_bonding_enable', True)
+        self.smp_local_initiator_key_distribution = config.get(
+            'smp_local_initiator_key_distribution',
+            PairingDelegate.DEFAULT_KEY_DISTRIBUTION,
+        )
+        self.smp_local_responder_key_distribution = config.get(
+            'smp_local_responder_key_distribution',
+            PairingDelegate.DEFAULT_KEY_DISTRIBUTION,
+        )
diff --git a/bumble/pandora/ b/bumble/pandora/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4403b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bumble/pandora/
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+# Copyright 2022 Google LLC
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Generic & dependency free Bumble (reference) device."""
+from bumble import transport
+from bumble.core import (
+from bumble.device import Device, DeviceConfiguration
+from import Host
+from bumble.sdp import (
+    DataElement,
+    ServiceAttribute,
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional
+class PandoraDevice:
+    """
+    Small wrapper around a Bumble device and it's HCI transport.
+    Notes:
+      - The Bumble device is idle by default.
+      - Repetitive calls to `open`/`close` will result on new Bumble device instances.
+    """
+    # Bumble device instance & configuration.
+    device: Device
+    config: Dict[str, Any]
+    # HCI transport name & instance.
+    _hci_name: str
+    _hci: Optional[transport.Transport]  # type: ignore[name-defined]
+    def __init__(self, config: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
+        self.config = config
+        self.device = _make_device(config)
+        self._hci_name = config.get('transport', '')
+        self._hci = None
+    @property
+    def idle(self) -> bool:
+        return self._hci is None
+    async def open(self) -> None:
+        if self._hci is not None:
+            return
+        # open HCI transport & set device host.
+        self._hci = await transport.open_transport(self._hci_name)
+ = Host(controller_source=self._hci.source, controller_sink=self._hci.sink)  # type: ignore[no-untyped-call]
+        # power-on.
+        await self.device.power_on()
+    async def close(self) -> None:
+        if self._hci is None:
+            return
+        # flush & re-initialize device.
+        await
+ = None  # type: ignore[assignment]
+        self.device = _make_device(self.config)
+        # close HCI transport.
+        await self._hci.close()
+        self._hci = None
+    async def reset(self) -> None:
+        await self.close()
+        await
+    def info(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]:
+        return {
+            'public_bd_address': str(self.device.public_address),
+            'random_address': str(self.device.random_address),
+        }
+def _make_device(config: Dict[str, Any]) -> Device:
+    """Initialize an idle Bumble device instance."""
+    # initialize bumble device.
+    device_config = DeviceConfiguration()
+    device_config.load_from_dict(config)
+    device = Device(config=device_config, host=None)
+    # Add fake a2dp service to avoid Android disconnect
+    device.sdp_service_records = _make_sdp_records(1)
+    return device
+# TODO(b/267540823): remove when Pandora A2dp is supported
+def _make_sdp_records(rfcomm_channel: int) -> Dict[int, List[ServiceAttribute]]:
+    return {
+        0x00010001: [
+            ServiceAttribute(
+                DataElement.unsigned_integer_32(0x00010001),
+            ),
+            ServiceAttribute(
+                DataElement.sequence(
+                    [
+                        DataElement.uuid(BT_HANDSFREE_SERVICE),
+                        DataElement.uuid(BT_GENERIC_AUDIO_SERVICE),
+                    ]
+                ),
+            ),
+            ServiceAttribute(
+                DataElement.sequence(
+                    [
+                        DataElement.sequence([DataElement.uuid(BT_L2CAP_PROTOCOL_ID)]),
+                        DataElement.sequence(
+                            [
+                                DataElement.uuid(BT_RFCOMM_PROTOCOL_ID),
+                                DataElement.unsigned_integer_8(rfcomm_channel),
+                            ]
+                        ),
+                    ]
+                ),
+            ),
+            ServiceAttribute(
+                DataElement.sequence(
+                    [
+                        DataElement.sequence(
+                            [
+                                DataElement.uuid(BT_HANDSFREE_SERVICE),
+                                DataElement.unsigned_integer_16(0x0105),
+                            ]
+                        )
+                    ]
+                ),
+            ),
+        ]
+    }
diff --git a/bumble/pandora/ b/bumble/pandora/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63b295d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bumble/pandora/
@@ -0,0 +1,856 @@
+# Copyright 2022 Google LLC
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import asyncio
+import bumble.device
+import grpc
+import grpc.aio
+import logging
+import struct
+from . import utils
+from .config import Config
+from bumble.core import (
+    UUID,
+    AdvertisingData,
+    ConnectionError,
+from bumble.device import (
+    Advertisement,
+    AdvertisingType,
+    Device,
+from bumble.gatt import Service
+from bumble.hci import (
+    Address,
+from google.protobuf import any_pb2, empty_pb2  # pytype: disable=pyi-error
+from pandora.host_grpc_aio import HostServicer
+from pandora.host_pb2 import (
+    PRIMARY_1M,
+    AdvertiseRequest,
+    AdvertiseResponse,
+    Connection,
+    ConnectLERequest,
+    ConnectLEResponse,
+    ConnectRequest,
+    ConnectResponse,
+    DataTypes,
+    DisconnectRequest,
+    InquiryResponse,
+    PrimaryPhy,
+    ReadLocalAddressResponse,
+    ScanningResponse,
+    ScanRequest,
+    SecondaryPhy,
+    SetConnectabilityModeRequest,
+    SetDiscoverabilityModeRequest,
+    WaitConnectionRequest,
+    WaitConnectionResponse,
+    WaitDisconnectionRequest,
+from typing import AsyncGenerator, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, cast
+PRIMARY_PHY_MAP: Dict[int, PrimaryPhy] = {
+    # Default value reported by Bumble for legacy Advertising reports.
+    # FIXME(uael): `None` might be a better value, but Bumble need to change accordingly.
+    0: PRIMARY_1M,
+    1: PRIMARY_1M,
+SECONDARY_PHY_MAP: Dict[int, SecondaryPhy] = {
+    1: SECONDARY_1M,
+    2: SECONDARY_2M,
+class HostService(HostServicer):
+    waited_connections: Set[int]
+    def __init__(
+        self, grpc_server: grpc.aio.Server, device: Device, config: Config
+    ) -> None:
+        self.log = utils.BumbleServerLoggerAdapter(
+            logging.getLogger(), {'service_name': 'Host', 'device': device}
+        )
+        self.grpc_server = grpc_server
+        self.device = device
+        self.config = config
+        self.waited_connections = set()
+    @utils.rpc
+    async def FactoryReset(
+        self, request: empty_pb2.Empty, context: grpc.ServicerContext
+    ) -> empty_pb2.Empty:
+        # delete all bonds
+        if self.device.keystore is not None:
+            await self.device.keystore.delete_all()
+        # trigger gRCP server stop then return
+        asyncio.create_task(self.grpc_server.stop(None))
+        return empty_pb2.Empty()
+    @utils.rpc
+    async def Reset(
+        self, request: empty_pb2.Empty, context: grpc.ServicerContext
+    ) -> empty_pb2.Empty:
+        # clear service.
+        self.waited_connections.clear()
+        # (re) power device on
+        await self.device.power_on()
+        return empty_pb2.Empty()
+    @utils.rpc
+    async def ReadLocalAddress(
+        self, request: empty_pb2.Empty, context: grpc.ServicerContext
+    ) -> ReadLocalAddressResponse:
+        return ReadLocalAddressResponse(
+            address=bytes(reversed(bytes(self.device.public_address)))
+        )
+    @utils.rpc
+    async def Connect(
+        self, request: ConnectRequest, context: grpc.ServicerContext
+    ) -> ConnectResponse:
+        # Need to reverse bytes order since Bumble Address is using MSB.
+        address = Address(
+            bytes(reversed(request.address)), address_type=Address.PUBLIC_DEVICE_ADDRESS
+        )
+"Connect to {address}")
+        try:
+            connection = await self.device.connect(
+                address, transport=BT_BR_EDR_TRANSPORT
+            )
+        except ConnectionError as e:
+            if e.error_code == HCI_PAGE_TIMEOUT_ERROR:
+                self.log.warning(f"Peer not found: {e}")
+                return ConnectResponse(peer_not_found=empty_pb2.Empty())
+            if e.error_code == HCI_CONNECTION_ALREADY_EXISTS_ERROR:
+                self.log.warning(f"Connection already exists: {e}")
+                return ConnectResponse(connection_already_exists=empty_pb2.Empty())
+            raise e
+"Connect to {address} done (handle={connection.handle})")
+        cookie = any_pb2.Any(value=connection.handle.to_bytes(4, 'big'))
+        return ConnectResponse(connection=Connection(cookie=cookie))
+    @utils.rpc
+    async def WaitConnection(
+        self, request: WaitConnectionRequest, context: grpc.ServicerContext
+    ) -> WaitConnectionResponse:
+        if not request.address:
+            raise ValueError('Request address field must be set')
+        # Need to reverse bytes order since Bumble Address is using MSB.
+        address = Address(
+            bytes(reversed(request.address)), address_type=Address.PUBLIC_DEVICE_ADDRESS
+        )
+        if address in (Address.NIL, Address.ANY):
+            raise ValueError('Invalid address')
+"WaitConnection from {address}...")
+        connection = self.device.find_connection_by_bd_addr(
+            address, transport=BT_BR_EDR_TRANSPORT
+        )
+        if connection and id(connection) in self.waited_connections:
+            # this connection was already returned: wait for a new one.
+            connection = None
+        if not connection:
+            connection = await self.device.accept(address)
+        # save connection has waited and respond.
+        self.waited_connections.add(id(connection))
+            f"WaitConnection from {address} done (handle={connection.handle})"
+        )
+        cookie = any_pb2.Any(value=connection.handle.to_bytes(4, 'big'))
+        return WaitConnectionResponse(connection=Connection(cookie=cookie))
+    @utils.rpc
+    async def ConnectLE(
+        self, request: ConnectLERequest, context: grpc.ServicerContext
+    ) -> ConnectLEResponse:
+        address = utils.address_from_request(request, request.WhichOneof("address"))
+        if address in (Address.NIL, Address.ANY):
+            raise ValueError('Invalid address')
+"ConnectLE to {address}...")
+        try:
+            connection = await self.device.connect(
+                address,
+                transport=BT_LE_TRANSPORT,
+                own_address_type=request.own_address_type,
+            )
+        except ConnectionError as e:
+            if e.error_code == HCI_PAGE_TIMEOUT_ERROR:
+                self.log.warning(f"Peer not found: {e}")
+                return ConnectLEResponse(peer_not_found=empty_pb2.Empty())
+            if e.error_code == HCI_CONNECTION_ALREADY_EXISTS_ERROR:
+                self.log.warning(f"Connection already exists: {e}")
+                return ConnectLEResponse(connection_already_exists=empty_pb2.Empty())
+            raise e
+"ConnectLE to {address} done (handle={connection.handle})")
+        cookie = any_pb2.Any(value=connection.handle.to_bytes(4, 'big'))
+        return ConnectLEResponse(connection=Connection(cookie=cookie))
+    @utils.rpc
+    async def Disconnect(
+        self, request: DisconnectRequest, context: grpc.ServicerContext
+    ) -> empty_pb2.Empty:
+        connection_handle = int.from_bytes(request.connection.cookie.value, 'big')
+"Disconnect: {connection_handle}")
+        if connection := self.device.lookup_connection(connection_handle):
+            await connection.disconnect(HCI_REMOTE_USER_TERMINATED_CONNECTION_ERROR)
+        return empty_pb2.Empty()
+    @utils.rpc
+    async def WaitDisconnection(
+        self, request: WaitDisconnectionRequest, context: grpc.ServicerContext
+    ) -> empty_pb2.Empty:
+        connection_handle = int.from_bytes(request.connection.cookie.value, 'big')
+"WaitDisconnection: {connection_handle}")
+        if connection := self.device.lookup_connection(connection_handle):
+            disconnection_future: asyncio.Future[
+                None
+            ] = asyncio.get_running_loop().create_future()
+            def on_disconnection(_: None) -> None:
+                disconnection_future.set_result(None)
+            connection.on('disconnection', on_disconnection)
+            try:
+                await disconnection_future
+      "Disconnected")
+            finally:
+                connection.remove_listener('disconnection', on_disconnection)  # type: ignore
+        return empty_pb2.Empty()
+    @utils.rpc
+    async def Advertise(
+        self, request: AdvertiseRequest, context: grpc.ServicerContext
+    ) -> AsyncGenerator[AdvertiseResponse, None]:
+        if not request.legacy:
+            raise NotImplementedError(
+                "TODO: add support for extended advertising in Bumble"
+            )
+        if request.interval:
+            raise NotImplementedError("TODO: add support for `request.interval`")
+        if request.interval_range:
+            raise NotImplementedError("TODO: add support for `request.interval_range`")
+        if request.primary_phy:
+            raise NotImplementedError("TODO: add support for `request.primary_phy`")
+        if request.secondary_phy:
+            raise NotImplementedError("TODO: add support for `request.secondary_phy`")
+        if self.device.is_advertising:
+            raise NotImplementedError('TODO: add support for advertising sets')
+        if data :=
+            self.device.advertising_data = bytes(self.unpack_data_types(data))
+            if scan_response_data := request.scan_response_data:
+                self.device.scan_response_data = bytes(
+                    self.unpack_data_types(scan_response_data)
+                )
+                scannable = True
+            else:
+                scannable = False
+            # Retrieve services data
+            for service in self.device.gatt_server.attributes:
+                if isinstance(service, Service) and (
+                    service_data := service.get_advertising_data()
+                ):
+                    service_uuid = service.uuid.to_hex_str('-')
+                    if (
+                        service_uuid in
+                        or service_uuid in
+                        or service_uuid in
+                        or service_uuid in
+                        or service_uuid
+                        in
+                        or service_uuid in
+                    ):
+                        self.device.advertising_data += service_data
+                    if (
+                        service_uuid
+                        in scan_response_data.incomplete_service_class_uuids16
+                        or service_uuid
+                        in scan_response_data.complete_service_class_uuids16
+                        or service_uuid
+                        in scan_response_data.incomplete_service_class_uuids32
+                        or service_uuid
+                        in scan_response_data.complete_service_class_uuids32
+                        or service_uuid
+                        in scan_response_data.incomplete_service_class_uuids128
+                        or service_uuid
+                        in scan_response_data.complete_service_class_uuids128
+                    ):
+                        self.device.scan_response_data += service_data
+            target = None
+            if request.connectable and scannable:
+                advertising_type = AdvertisingType.UNDIRECTED_CONNECTABLE_SCANNABLE
+            elif scannable:
+                advertising_type = AdvertisingType.UNDIRECTED_SCANNABLE
+            else:
+                advertising_type = AdvertisingType.UNDIRECTED
+        else:
+            target = None
+            advertising_type = AdvertisingType.UNDIRECTED
+        if
+            # Need to reverse bytes order since Bumble Address is using MSB.
+            target_bytes = bytes(reversed(
+            if request.target_variant() == "public":
+                target = Address(target_bytes, Address.PUBLIC_DEVICE_ADDRESS)
+                advertising_type = (
+                    AdvertisingType.DIRECTED_CONNECTABLE_HIGH_DUTY
+                )  # FIXME: HIGH_DUTY ?
+            else:
+                target = Address(target_bytes, Address.RANDOM_DEVICE_ADDRESS)
+                advertising_type = (
+                    AdvertisingType.DIRECTED_CONNECTABLE_HIGH_DUTY
+                )  # FIXME: HIGH_DUTY ?
+        if request.connectable:
+            def on_connection(connection: bumble.device.Connection) -> None:
+                if (
+                    connection.transport == BT_LE_TRANSPORT
+                    and connection.role == BT_PERIPHERAL_ROLE
+                ):
+                    pending_connection.set_result(connection)
+            self.device.on('connection', on_connection)
+        try:
+            while True:
+                if not self.device.is_advertising:
+          'Advertise')
+                    await self.device.start_advertising(
+                        target=target,
+                        advertising_type=advertising_type,
+                        own_address_type=request.own_address_type,
+                    )
+                if not request.connectable:
+                    await asyncio.sleep(1)
+                    continue
+                pending_connection: asyncio.Future[
+                    bumble.device.Connection
+                ] = asyncio.get_running_loop().create_future()
+      'Wait for LE connection...')
+                connection = await pending_connection
+                    f"Advertise: Connected to {connection.peer_address} (handle={connection.handle})"
+                )
+                cookie = any_pb2.Any(value=connection.handle.to_bytes(4, 'big'))
+                yield AdvertiseResponse(connection=Connection(cookie=cookie))
+                # wait a small delay before restarting the advertisement.
+                await asyncio.sleep(1)
+        finally:
+            if request.connectable:
+                self.device.remove_listener('connection', on_connection)  # type: ignore
+            try:
+      'Stop advertising')
+                await self.device.abort_on('flush', self.device.stop_advertising())
+            except:
+                pass
+    @utils.rpc
+    async def Scan(
+        self, request: ScanRequest, context: grpc.ServicerContext
+    ) -> AsyncGenerator[ScanningResponse, None]:
+        # TODO: modify `start_scanning` to accept floats instead of int for ms values
+        if request.phys:
+            raise NotImplementedError("TODO: add support for `request.phys`")
+        scan_queue: asyncio.Queue[Advertisement] = asyncio.Queue()
+        handler = self.device.on('advertisement', scan_queue.put_nowait)
+        await self.device.start_scanning(
+            legacy=request.legacy,
+            active=not request.passive,
+            own_address_type=request.own_address_type,
+            scan_interval=int(request.interval)
+            if request.interval
+            scan_window=int(request.window)
+            if request.window
+        )
+        try:
+            # TODO: add support for `direct_address` in Bumble
+            # TODO: add support for `periodic_advertising_interval` in Bumble
+            while adv := await scan_queue.get():
+                sr = ScanningResponse(
+                    legacy=adv.is_legacy,
+                    connectable=adv.is_connectable,
+                    scannable=adv.is_scannable,
+                    truncated=adv.is_truncated,
+                    sid=adv.sid,
+                    primary_phy=PRIMARY_PHY_MAP[adv.primary_phy],
+                    secondary_phy=SECONDARY_PHY_MAP[adv.secondary_phy],
+                    tx_power=adv.tx_power,
+                    rssi=adv.rssi,
+                    data=self.pack_data_types(,
+                )
+                if adv.address.address_type == Address.PUBLIC_DEVICE_ADDRESS:
+                    sr.public = bytes(reversed(bytes(adv.address)))
+                elif adv.address.address_type == Address.RANDOM_DEVICE_ADDRESS:
+                    sr.random = bytes(reversed(bytes(adv.address)))
+                elif adv.address.address_type == Address.PUBLIC_IDENTITY_ADDRESS:
+                    sr.public_identity = bytes(reversed(bytes(adv.address)))
+                else:
+                    sr.random_static_identity = bytes(reversed(bytes(adv.address)))
+                yield sr
+        finally:
+            self.device.remove_listener('advertisement', handler)  # type: ignore
+            try:
+      'Stop scanning')
+                await self.device.abort_on('flush', self.device.stop_scanning())
+            except:
+                pass
+    @utils.rpc
+    async def Inquiry(
+        self, request: empty_pb2.Empty, context: grpc.ServicerContext
+    ) -> AsyncGenerator[InquiryResponse, None]:
+        inquiry_queue: asyncio.Queue[
+            Optional[Tuple[Address, int, AdvertisingData, int]]
+        ] = asyncio.Queue()
+        complete_handler = self.device.on(
+            'inquiry_complete', lambda: inquiry_queue.put_nowait(None)
+        )
+        result_handler = self.device.on(  # type: ignore
+            'inquiry_result',
+            lambda address, class_of_device, eir_data, rssi: inquiry_queue.put_nowait(  # type: ignore
+                (address, class_of_device, eir_data, rssi)  # type: ignore
+            ),
+        )
+        await self.device.start_discovery(auto_restart=False)
+        try:
+            while inquiry_result := await inquiry_queue.get():
+                (address, class_of_device, eir_data, rssi) = inquiry_result
+                # FIXME: if needed, add support for `page_scan_repetition_mode` and `clock_offset` in Bumble
+                yield InquiryResponse(
+                    address=bytes(reversed(bytes(address))),
+                    class_of_device=class_of_device,
+                    rssi=rssi,
+                    data=self.pack_data_types(eir_data),
+                )
+        finally:
+            self.device.remove_listener('inquiry_complete', complete_handler)  # type: ignore
+            self.device.remove_listener('inquiry_result', result_handler)  # type: ignore
+            try:
+      'Stop inquiry')
+                await self.device.abort_on('flush', self.device.stop_discovery())
+            except:
+                pass
+    @utils.rpc
+    async def SetDiscoverabilityMode(
+        self, request: SetDiscoverabilityModeRequest, context: grpc.ServicerContext
+    ) -> empty_pb2.Empty:
+        await self.device.set_discoverable(request.mode != NOT_DISCOVERABLE)
+        return empty_pb2.Empty()
+    @utils.rpc
+    async def SetConnectabilityMode(
+        self, request: SetConnectabilityModeRequest, context: grpc.ServicerContext
+    ) -> empty_pb2.Empty:
+        await self.device.set_connectable(request.mode != NOT_CONNECTABLE)
+        return empty_pb2.Empty()
+    def unpack_data_types(self, dt: DataTypes) -> AdvertisingData:
+        ad_structures: List[Tuple[int, bytes]] = []
+        uuids: List[str]
+        datas: Dict[str, bytes]
+        def uuid128_from_str(uuid: str) -> bytes:
+            """Decode a 128-bit uuid encoded as XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX
+            to byte format."""
+            return bytes(reversed(bytes.fromhex(uuid.replace('-', ''))))
+        def uuid32_from_str(uuid: str) -> bytes:
+            """Decode a 32-bit uuid encoded as XXXXXXXX to byte format."""
+            return bytes(reversed(bytes.fromhex(uuid)))
+        def uuid16_from_str(uuid: str) -> bytes:
+            """Decode a 16-bit uuid encoded as XXXX to byte format."""
+            return bytes(reversed(bytes.fromhex(uuid)))
+        if uuids := dt.incomplete_service_class_uuids16:
+            ad_structures.append(
+                (
+                    AdvertisingData.INCOMPLETE_LIST_OF_16_BIT_SERVICE_CLASS_UUIDS,
+                    b''.join([uuid16_from_str(uuid) for uuid in uuids]),
+                )
+            )
+        if uuids := dt.complete_service_class_uuids16:
+            ad_structures.append(
+                (
+                    AdvertisingData.COMPLETE_LIST_OF_16_BIT_SERVICE_CLASS_UUIDS,
+                    b''.join([uuid16_from_str(uuid) for uuid in uuids]),
+                )
+            )
+        if uuids := dt.incomplete_service_class_uuids32:
+            ad_structures.append(
+                (
+                    AdvertisingData.INCOMPLETE_LIST_OF_32_BIT_SERVICE_CLASS_UUIDS,
+                    b''.join([uuid32_from_str(uuid) for uuid in uuids]),
+                )
+            )
+        if uuids := dt.complete_service_class_uuids32:
+            ad_structures.append(
+                (
+                    AdvertisingData.COMPLETE_LIST_OF_32_BIT_SERVICE_CLASS_UUIDS,
+                    b''.join([uuid32_from_str(uuid) for uuid in uuids]),
+                )
+            )
+        if uuids := dt.incomplete_service_class_uuids128:
+            ad_structures.append(
+                (
+                    AdvertisingData.INCOMPLETE_LIST_OF_128_BIT_SERVICE_CLASS_UUIDS,
+                    b''.join([uuid128_from_str(uuid) for uuid in uuids]),
+                )
+            )
+        if uuids := dt.complete_service_class_uuids128:
+            ad_structures.append(
+                (
+                    AdvertisingData.COMPLETE_LIST_OF_128_BIT_SERVICE_CLASS_UUIDS,
+                    b''.join([uuid128_from_str(uuid) for uuid in uuids]),
+                )
+            )
+        if dt.HasField('include_shortened_local_name'):
+            ad_structures.append(
+                (
+                    AdvertisingData.SHORTENED_LOCAL_NAME,
+                    bytes([:8], 'utf-8'),
+                )
+            )
+        elif dt.shortened_local_name:
+            ad_structures.append(
+                (
+                    AdvertisingData.SHORTENED_LOCAL_NAME,
+                    bytes(dt.shortened_local_name, 'utf-8'),
+                )
+            )
+        if dt.HasField('include_complete_local_name'):
+            ad_structures.append(
+                (AdvertisingData.COMPLETE_LOCAL_NAME, bytes(, 'utf-8'))
+            )
+        elif dt.complete_local_name:
+            ad_structures.append(
+                (
+                    AdvertisingData.COMPLETE_LOCAL_NAME,
+                    bytes(dt.complete_local_name, 'utf-8'),
+                )
+            )
+        if dt.HasField('include_tx_power_level'):
+            raise ValueError('unsupported data type')
+        elif dt.tx_power_level:
+            ad_structures.append(
+                (
+                    AdvertisingData.TX_POWER_LEVEL,
+                    bytes(struct.pack('<I', dt.tx_power_level)[:1]),
+                )
+            )
+        if dt.HasField('include_class_of_device'):
+            ad_structures.append(
+                (
+                    AdvertisingData.CLASS_OF_DEVICE,
+                    bytes(struct.pack('<I', self.device.class_of_device)[:-1]),
+                )
+            )
+        elif dt.class_of_device:
+            ad_structures.append(
+                (
+                    AdvertisingData.CLASS_OF_DEVICE,
+                    bytes(struct.pack('<I', dt.class_of_device)[:-1]),
+                )
+            )
+        if dt.peripheral_connection_interval_min:
+            ad_structures.append(
+                (
+                    AdvertisingData.PERIPHERAL_CONNECTION_INTERVAL_RANGE,
+                    bytes(
+                        [
+                            *struct.pack('<H', dt.peripheral_connection_interval_min),
+                            *struct.pack(
+                                '<H',
+                                dt.peripheral_connection_interval_max
+                                if dt.peripheral_connection_interval_max
+                                else dt.peripheral_connection_interval_min,
+                            ),
+                        ]
+                    ),
+                )
+            )
+        if uuids := dt.service_solicitation_uuids16:
+            ad_structures.append(
+                (
+                    AdvertisingData.LIST_OF_16_BIT_SERVICE_SOLICITATION_UUIDS,
+                    b''.join([uuid16_from_str(uuid) for uuid in uuids]),
+                )
+            )
+        if uuids := dt.service_solicitation_uuids32:
+            ad_structures.append(
+                (
+                    AdvertisingData.LIST_OF_32_BIT_SERVICE_SOLICITATION_UUIDS,
+                    b''.join([uuid32_from_str(uuid) for uuid in uuids]),
+                )
+            )
+        if uuids := dt.service_solicitation_uuids128:
+            ad_structures.append(
+                (
+                    AdvertisingData.LIST_OF_128_BIT_SERVICE_SOLICITATION_UUIDS,
+                    b''.join([uuid128_from_str(uuid) for uuid in uuids]),
+                )
+            )
+        if datas := dt.service_data_uuid16:
+            ad_structures.extend(
+                [
+                    (
+                        AdvertisingData.SERVICE_DATA_16_BIT_UUID,
+                        uuid16_from_str(uuid) + data,
+                    )
+                    for uuid, data in datas.items()
+                ]
+            )
+        if datas := dt.service_data_uuid32:
+            ad_structures.extend(
+                [
+                    (
+                        AdvertisingData.SERVICE_DATA_32_BIT_UUID,
+                        uuid32_from_str(uuid) + data,
+                    )
+                    for uuid, data in datas.items()
+                ]
+            )
+        if datas := dt.service_data_uuid128:
+            ad_structures.extend(
+                [
+                    (
+                        AdvertisingData.SERVICE_DATA_128_BIT_UUID,
+                        uuid128_from_str(uuid) + data,
+                    )
+                    for uuid, data in datas.items()
+                ]
+            )
+        if dt.appearance:
+            ad_structures.append(
+                (AdvertisingData.APPEARANCE, struct.pack('<H', dt.appearance))
+            )
+        if dt.advertising_interval:
+            ad_structures.append(
+                (
+                    AdvertisingData.ADVERTISING_INTERVAL,
+                    struct.pack('<H', dt.advertising_interval),
+                )
+            )
+        if dt.uri:
+            ad_structures.append((AdvertisingData.URI, bytes(dt.uri, 'utf-8')))
+        if dt.le_supported_features:
+            ad_structures.append(
+                (AdvertisingData.LE_SUPPORTED_FEATURES, dt.le_supported_features)
+            )
+        if dt.manufacturer_specific_data:
+            ad_structures.append(
+                (
+                    AdvertisingData.MANUFACTURER_SPECIFIC_DATA,
+                    dt.manufacturer_specific_data,
+                )
+            )
+        return AdvertisingData(ad_structures)
+    def pack_data_types(self, ad: AdvertisingData) -> DataTypes:
+        dt = DataTypes()
+        uuids: List[UUID]
+        s: str
+        i: int
+        ij: Tuple[int, int]
+        uuid_data: Tuple[UUID, bytes]
+        data: bytes
+        if uuids := cast(
+            List[UUID],
+            ad.get(AdvertisingData.INCOMPLETE_LIST_OF_16_BIT_SERVICE_CLASS_UUIDS),
+        ):
+            dt.incomplete_service_class_uuids16.extend(
+                list(map(lambda x: x.to_hex_str('-'), uuids))
+            )
+        if uuids := cast(
+            List[UUID],
+            ad.get(AdvertisingData.COMPLETE_LIST_OF_16_BIT_SERVICE_CLASS_UUIDS),
+        ):
+            dt.complete_service_class_uuids16.extend(
+                list(map(lambda x: x.to_hex_str('-'), uuids))
+            )
+        if uuids := cast(
+            List[UUID],
+            ad.get(AdvertisingData.INCOMPLETE_LIST_OF_32_BIT_SERVICE_CLASS_UUIDS),
+        ):
+            dt.incomplete_service_class_uuids32.extend(
+                list(map(lambda x: x.to_hex_str('-'), uuids))
+            )
+        if uuids := cast(
+            List[UUID],
+            ad.get(AdvertisingData.COMPLETE_LIST_OF_32_BIT_SERVICE_CLASS_UUIDS),
+        ):
+            dt.complete_service_class_uuids32.extend(
+                list(map(lambda x: x.to_hex_str('-'), uuids))
+            )
+        if uuids := cast(
+            List[UUID],
+            ad.get(AdvertisingData.INCOMPLETE_LIST_OF_128_BIT_SERVICE_CLASS_UUIDS),
+        ):
+            dt.incomplete_service_class_uuids128.extend(
+                list(map(lambda x: x.to_hex_str('-'), uuids))
+            )
+        if uuids := cast(
+            List[UUID],
+            ad.get(AdvertisingData.COMPLETE_LIST_OF_128_BIT_SERVICE_CLASS_UUIDS),
+        ):
+            dt.complete_service_class_uuids128.extend(
+                list(map(lambda x: x.to_hex_str('-'), uuids))
+            )
+        if s := cast(str, ad.get(AdvertisingData.SHORTENED_LOCAL_NAME)):
+            dt.shortened_local_name = s
+        if s := cast(str, ad.get(AdvertisingData.COMPLETE_LOCAL_NAME)):
+            dt.complete_local_name = s
+        if i := cast(int, ad.get(AdvertisingData.TX_POWER_LEVEL)):
+            dt.tx_power_level = i
+        if i := cast(int, ad.get(AdvertisingData.CLASS_OF_DEVICE)):
+            dt.class_of_device = i
+        if ij := cast(
+            Tuple[int, int],
+            ad.get(AdvertisingData.PERIPHERAL_CONNECTION_INTERVAL_RANGE),
+        ):
+            dt.peripheral_connection_interval_min = ij[0]
+            dt.peripheral_connection_interval_max = ij[1]
+        if uuids := cast(
+            List[UUID],
+            ad.get(AdvertisingData.LIST_OF_16_BIT_SERVICE_SOLICITATION_UUIDS),
+        ):
+            dt.service_solicitation_uuids16.extend(
+                list(map(lambda x: x.to_hex_str('-'), uuids))
+            )
+        if uuids := cast(
+            List[UUID],
+            ad.get(AdvertisingData.LIST_OF_32_BIT_SERVICE_SOLICITATION_UUIDS),
+        ):
+            dt.service_solicitation_uuids32.extend(
+                list(map(lambda x: x.to_hex_str('-'), uuids))
+            )
+        if uuids := cast(
+            List[UUID],
+            ad.get(AdvertisingData.LIST_OF_128_BIT_SERVICE_SOLICITATION_UUIDS),
+        ):
+            dt.service_solicitation_uuids128.extend(
+                list(map(lambda x: x.to_hex_str('-'), uuids))
+            )
+        if uuid_data := cast(
+            Tuple[UUID, bytes], ad.get(AdvertisingData.SERVICE_DATA_16_BIT_UUID)
+        ):
+            dt.service_data_uuid16[uuid_data[0].to_hex_str('-')] = uuid_data[1]
+        if uuid_data := cast(
+            Tuple[UUID, bytes], ad.get(AdvertisingData.SERVICE_DATA_32_BIT_UUID)
+        ):
+            dt.service_data_uuid32[uuid_data[0].to_hex_str('-')] = uuid_data[1]
+        if uuid_data := cast(
+            Tuple[UUID, bytes], ad.get(AdvertisingData.SERVICE_DATA_128_BIT_UUID)
+        ):
+            dt.service_data_uuid128[uuid_data[0].to_hex_str('-')] = uuid_data[1]
+        if data := cast(bytes, ad.get(AdvertisingData.PUBLIC_TARGET_ADDRESS, raw=True)):
+            dt.public_target_addresses.extend(
+                [data[i * 6 :: i * 6 + 6] for i in range(int(len(data) / 6))]
+            )
+        if data := cast(bytes, ad.get(AdvertisingData.RANDOM_TARGET_ADDRESS, raw=True)):
+            dt.random_target_addresses.extend(
+                [data[i * 6 :: i * 6 + 6] for i in range(int(len(data) / 6))]
+            )
+        if i := cast(int, ad.get(AdvertisingData.APPEARANCE)):
+            dt.appearance = i
+        if i := cast(int, ad.get(AdvertisingData.ADVERTISING_INTERVAL)):
+            dt.advertising_interval = i
+        if s := cast(str, ad.get(AdvertisingData.URI)):
+            dt.uri = s
+        if data := cast(bytes, ad.get(AdvertisingData.LE_SUPPORTED_FEATURES, raw=True)):
+            dt.le_supported_features = data
+        if data := cast(
+            bytes, ad.get(AdvertisingData.MANUFACTURER_SPECIFIC_DATA, raw=True)
+        ):
+            dt.manufacturer_specific_data = data
+        return dt
diff --git a/bumble/pandora/py.typed b/bumble/pandora/py.typed
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bumble/pandora/py.typed
diff --git a/bumble/pandora/ b/bumble/pandora/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fee1b7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bumble/pandora/
@@ -0,0 +1,529 @@
+# Copyright 2022 Google LLC
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import asyncio
+import grpc
+import logging
+from . import utils
+from .config import Config
+from bumble import hci
+from bumble.core import (
+    ProtocolError,
+from bumble.device import Connection as BumbleConnection, Device
+from bumble.hci import HCI_Error
+from bumble.pairing import PairingConfig, PairingDelegate as BasePairingDelegate
+from contextlib import suppress
+from google.protobuf import (
+    any_pb2,
+    empty_pb2,
+    wrappers_pb2,
+)  # pytype: disable=pyi-error
+from google.protobuf.wrappers_pb2 import BoolValue  # pytype: disable=pyi-error
+from pandora.host_pb2 import Connection
+from pandora.security_grpc_aio import SecurityServicer, SecurityStorageServicer
+from pandora.security_pb2 import (
+    LE_LEVEL1,
+    LE_LEVEL2,
+    LE_LEVEL3,
+    LE_LEVEL4,
+    LEVEL0,
+    LEVEL1,
+    LEVEL2,
+    LEVEL3,
+    LEVEL4,
+    DeleteBondRequest,
+    IsBondedRequest,
+    LESecurityLevel,
+    PairingEvent,
+    PairingEventAnswer,
+    SecureRequest,
+    SecureResponse,
+    SecurityLevel,
+    WaitSecurityRequest,
+    WaitSecurityResponse,
+from typing import Any, AsyncGenerator, AsyncIterator, Callable, Dict, Optional, Union
+class PairingDelegate(BasePairingDelegate):
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        connection: BumbleConnection,
+        service: "SecurityService",
+        io_capability: BasePairingDelegate.IoCapability = BasePairingDelegate.NO_OUTPUT_NO_INPUT,
+        local_initiator_key_distribution: BasePairingDelegate.KeyDistribution = BasePairingDelegate.DEFAULT_KEY_DISTRIBUTION,
+        local_responder_key_distribution: BasePairingDelegate.KeyDistribution = BasePairingDelegate.DEFAULT_KEY_DISTRIBUTION,
+    ) -> None:
+        self.log = utils.BumbleServerLoggerAdapter(
+            logging.getLogger(),
+            {'service_name': 'Security', 'device': connection.device},
+        )
+        self.connection = connection
+        self.service = service
+        super().__init__(
+            io_capability,
+            local_initiator_key_distribution,
+            local_responder_key_distribution,
+        )
+    async def accept(self) -> bool:
+        return True
+    def add_origin(self, ev: PairingEvent) -> PairingEvent:
+        if not self.connection.is_incomplete:
+            assert ev.connection
+            ev.connection.CopyFrom(
+                Connection(
+                    cookie=any_pb2.Any(value=self.connection.handle.to_bytes(4, 'big'))
+                )
+            )
+        else:
+            # In BR/EDR, connection may not be complete,
+            # use address instead
+            assert self.connection.transport == BT_BR_EDR_TRANSPORT
+            ev.address = bytes(reversed(bytes(self.connection.peer_address)))
+        return ev
+    async def confirm(self, auto: bool = False) -> bool:
+            f"Pairing event: `just_works` (io_capability: {self.io_capability})"
+        )
+        if self.service.event_queue is None or self.service.event_answer is None:
+            return True
+        event = self.add_origin(PairingEvent(just_works=empty_pb2.Empty()))
+        self.service.event_queue.put_nowait(event)
+        answer = await anext(self.service.event_answer)  # pytype: disable=name-error
+        assert answer.event == event
+        assert answer.answer_variant() == 'confirm' and answer.confirm is not None
+        return answer.confirm
+    async def compare_numbers(self, number: int, digits: int = 6) -> bool:
+            f"Pairing event: `numeric_comparison` (io_capability: {self.io_capability})"
+        )
+        if self.service.event_queue is None or self.service.event_answer is None:
+            raise RuntimeError('security: unhandled number comparison request')
+        event = self.add_origin(PairingEvent(numeric_comparison=number))
+        self.service.event_queue.put_nowait(event)
+        answer = await anext(self.service.event_answer)  # pytype: disable=name-error
+        assert answer.event == event
+        assert answer.answer_variant() == 'confirm' and answer.confirm is not None
+        return answer.confirm
+    async def get_number(self) -> Optional[int]:
+            f"Pairing event: `passkey_entry_request` (io_capability: {self.io_capability})"
+        )
+        if self.service.event_queue is None or self.service.event_answer is None:
+            raise RuntimeError('security: unhandled number request')
+        event = self.add_origin(PairingEvent(passkey_entry_request=empty_pb2.Empty()))
+        self.service.event_queue.put_nowait(event)
+        answer = await anext(self.service.event_answer)  # pytype: disable=name-error
+        assert answer.event == event
+        if answer.answer_variant() is None:
+            return None
+        assert answer.answer_variant() == 'passkey'
+        return answer.passkey
+    async def get_string(self, max_length: int) -> Optional[str]:
+            f"Pairing event: `pin_code_request` (io_capability: {self.io_capability})"
+        )
+        if self.service.event_queue is None or self.service.event_answer is None:
+            raise RuntimeError('security: unhandled pin_code request')
+        event = self.add_origin(PairingEvent(pin_code_request=empty_pb2.Empty()))
+        self.service.event_queue.put_nowait(event)
+        answer = await anext(self.service.event_answer)  # pytype: disable=name-error
+        assert answer.event == event
+        if answer.answer_variant() is None:
+            return None
+        assert answer.answer_variant() == 'pin'
+        if is None:
+            return None
+        pin ='utf-8')
+        if not pin or len(pin) > max_length:
+            raise ValueError(f'Pin must be utf-8 encoded up to {max_length} bytes')
+        return pin
+    async def display_number(self, number: int, digits: int = 6) -> None:
+        if (
+            self.connection.transport == BT_BR_EDR_TRANSPORT
+            and self.io_capability == BasePairingDelegate.DISPLAY_OUTPUT_ONLY
+        ):
+            return
+            f"Pairing event: `passkey_entry_notification` (io_capability: {self.io_capability})"
+        )
+        if self.service.event_queue is None:
+            raise RuntimeError('security: unhandled number display request')
+        event = self.add_origin(PairingEvent(passkey_entry_notification=number))
+        self.service.event_queue.put_nowait(event)
+BR_LEVEL_REACHED: Dict[SecurityLevel, Callable[[BumbleConnection], bool]] = {
+    LEVEL0: lambda connection: True,
+    LEVEL1: lambda connection: connection.encryption == 0 or connection.authenticated,
+    LEVEL2: lambda connection: connection.encryption != 0 and connection.authenticated,
+    LEVEL3: lambda connection: connection.encryption != 0
+    and connection.authenticated
+    and connection.link_key_type
+    in (
+    ),
+    LEVEL4: lambda connection: connection.encryption
+    == hci.HCI_Encryption_Change_Event.AES_CCM
+    and connection.authenticated
+    and connection.link_key_type
+LE_LEVEL_REACHED: Dict[LESecurityLevel, Callable[[BumbleConnection], bool]] = {
+    LE_LEVEL1: lambda connection: True,
+    LE_LEVEL2: lambda connection: connection.encryption != 0,
+    LE_LEVEL3: lambda connection: connection.encryption != 0
+    and connection.authenticated,
+    LE_LEVEL4: lambda connection: connection.encryption != 0
+    and connection.authenticated
+    and,
+class SecurityService(SecurityServicer):
+    def __init__(self, device: Device, config: Config) -> None:
+        self.log = utils.BumbleServerLoggerAdapter(
+            logging.getLogger(), {'service_name': 'Security', 'device': device}
+        )
+        self.event_queue: Optional[asyncio.Queue[PairingEvent]] = None
+        self.event_answer: Optional[AsyncIterator[PairingEventAnswer]] = None
+        self.device = device
+        self.config = config
+        def pairing_config_factory(connection: BumbleConnection) -> PairingConfig:
+            return PairingConfig(
+                sc=config.pairing_sc_enable,
+                mitm=config.pairing_mitm_enable,
+                bonding=config.pairing_bonding_enable,
+                delegate=PairingDelegate(
+                    connection,
+                    self,
+                    io_capability=config.io_capability,
+                    local_initiator_key_distribution=config.smp_local_initiator_key_distribution,
+                    local_responder_key_distribution=config.smp_local_responder_key_distribution,
+                ),
+            )
+        self.device.pairing_config_factory = pairing_config_factory
+    @utils.rpc
+    async def OnPairing(
+        self, request: AsyncIterator[PairingEventAnswer], context: grpc.ServicerContext
+    ) -> AsyncGenerator[PairingEvent, None]:
+        if self.event_queue is not None:
+            raise RuntimeError('already streaming pairing events')
+        if len(self.device.connections):
+            raise RuntimeError(
+                'the `OnPairing` method shall be initiated before establishing any connections.'
+            )
+        self.event_queue = asyncio.Queue()
+        self.event_answer = request
+        try:
+            while event := await self.event_queue.get():
+                yield event
+        finally:
+            self.event_queue = None
+            self.event_answer = None
+    @utils.rpc
+    async def Secure(
+        self, request: SecureRequest, context: grpc.ServicerContext
+    ) -> SecureResponse:
+        connection_handle = int.from_bytes(request.connection.cookie.value, 'big')
+"Secure: {connection_handle}")
+        connection = self.device.lookup_connection(connection_handle)
+        assert connection
+        oneof = request.WhichOneof('level')
+        level = getattr(request, oneof)
+        assert {BT_BR_EDR_TRANSPORT: 'classic', BT_LE_TRANSPORT: 'le'}[
+            connection.transport
+        ] == oneof
+        # security level already reached
+        if self.reached_security_level(connection, level):
+            return SecureResponse(success=empty_pb2.Empty())
+        # trigger pairing if needed
+        if self.need_pairing(connection, level):
+            try:
+      'Pair...')
+                if (
+                    connection.transport == BT_LE_TRANSPORT
+                    and connection.role == BT_PERIPHERAL_ROLE
+                ):
+                    wait_for_security: asyncio.Future[
+                        bool
+                    ] = asyncio.get_running_loop().create_future()
+                    connection.on("pairing", lambda *_: wait_for_security.set_result(True))  # type: ignore
+                    connection.on("pairing_failure", wait_for_security.set_exception)
+                    connection.request_pairing()
+                    await wait_for_security
+                else:
+                    await connection.pair()
+      'Paired')
+            except asyncio.CancelledError:
+                self.log.warning("Connection died during encryption")
+                return SecureResponse(connection_died=empty_pb2.Empty())
+            except (HCI_Error, ProtocolError) as e:
+                self.log.warning(f"Pairing failure: {e}")
+                return SecureResponse(pairing_failure=empty_pb2.Empty())
+        # trigger authentication if needed
+        if self.need_authentication(connection, level):
+            try:
+      'Authenticate...')
+                await connection.authenticate()
+      'Authenticated')
+            except asyncio.CancelledError:
+                self.log.warning("Connection died during authentication")
+                return SecureResponse(connection_died=empty_pb2.Empty())
+            except (HCI_Error, ProtocolError) as e:
+                self.log.warning(f"Authentication failure: {e}")
+                return SecureResponse(authentication_failure=empty_pb2.Empty())
+        # trigger encryption if needed
+        if self.need_encryption(connection, level):
+            try:
+      'Encrypt...')
+                await connection.encrypt()
+      'Encrypted')
+            except asyncio.CancelledError:
+                self.log.warning("Connection died during encryption")
+                return SecureResponse(connection_died=empty_pb2.Empty())
+            except (HCI_Error, ProtocolError) as e:
+                self.log.warning(f"Encryption failure: {e}")
+                return SecureResponse(encryption_failure=empty_pb2.Empty())
+        # security level has been reached ?
+        if self.reached_security_level(connection, level):
+            return SecureResponse(success=empty_pb2.Empty())
+        return SecureResponse(not_reached=empty_pb2.Empty())
+    @utils.rpc
+    async def WaitSecurity(
+        self, request: WaitSecurityRequest, context: grpc.ServicerContext
+    ) -> WaitSecurityResponse:
+        connection_handle = int.from_bytes(request.connection.cookie.value, 'big')
+"WaitSecurity: {connection_handle}")
+        connection = self.device.lookup_connection(connection_handle)
+        assert connection
+        assert request.level
+        level = request.level
+        assert {BT_BR_EDR_TRANSPORT: 'classic', BT_LE_TRANSPORT: 'le'}[
+            connection.transport
+        ] == request.level_variant()
+        wait_for_security: asyncio.Future[
+            str
+        ] = asyncio.get_running_loop().create_future()
+        authenticate_task: Optional[asyncio.Future[None]] = None
+        async def authenticate() -> None:
+            assert connection
+            if (encryption := connection.encryption) != 0:
+                self.log.debug('Disable encryption...')
+                try:
+                    await connection.encrypt(enable=False)
+                except:
+                    pass
+                self.log.debug('Disable encryption: done')
+            self.log.debug('Authenticate...')
+            await connection.authenticate()
+            self.log.debug('Authenticate: done')
+            if encryption != 0 and connection.encryption != encryption:
+                self.log.debug('Re-enable encryption...')
+                await connection.encrypt()
+                self.log.debug('Re-enable encryption: done')
+        def set_failure(name: str) -> Callable[..., None]:
+            def wrapper(*args: Any) -> None:
+      'Wait for security: error `{name}`: {args}')
+                wait_for_security.set_result(name)
+            return wrapper
+        def try_set_success(*_: Any) -> None:
+            assert connection
+            if self.reached_security_level(connection, level):
+      'Wait for security: done')
+                wait_for_security.set_result('success')
+        def on_encryption_change(*_: Any) -> None:
+            assert connection
+            if self.reached_security_level(connection, level):
+      'Wait for security: done')
+                wait_for_security.set_result('success')
+            elif (
+                connection.transport == BT_BR_EDR_TRANSPORT
+                and self.need_authentication(connection, level)
+            ):
+                nonlocal authenticate_task
+                if authenticate_task is None:
+                    authenticate_task = asyncio.create_task(authenticate())
+        listeners: Dict[str, Callable[..., None]] = {
+            'disconnection': set_failure('connection_died'),
+            'pairing_failure': set_failure('pairing_failure'),
+            'connection_authentication_failure': set_failure('authentication_failure'),
+            'connection_encryption_failure': set_failure('encryption_failure'),
+            'pairing': try_set_success,
+            'connection_authentication': try_set_success,
+            'connection_encryption_change': on_encryption_change,
+        }
+        # register event handlers
+        for event, listener in listeners.items():
+            connection.on(event, listener)
+        # security level already reached
+        if self.reached_security_level(connection, level):
+            return WaitSecurityResponse(success=empty_pb2.Empty())
+'Wait for security...')
+        kwargs = {}
+        kwargs[await wait_for_security] = empty_pb2.Empty()
+        # remove event handlers
+        for event, listener in listeners.items():
+            connection.remove_listener(event, listener)  # type: ignore
+        # wait for `authenticate` to finish if any
+        if authenticate_task is not None:
+  'Wait for authentication...')
+            try:
+                await authenticate_task  # type: ignore
+            except:
+                pass
+  'Authenticated')
+        return WaitSecurityResponse(**kwargs)
+    def reached_security_level(
+        self, connection: BumbleConnection, level: Union[SecurityLevel, LESecurityLevel]
+    ) -> bool:
+        self.log.debug(
+            str(
+                {
+                    'level': level,
+                    'encryption': connection.encryption,
+                    'authenticated': connection.authenticated,
+                    'sc':,
+                    'link_key_type': connection.link_key_type,
+                }
+            )
+        )
+        if isinstance(level, LESecurityLevel):
+            return LE_LEVEL_REACHED[level](connection)
+        return BR_LEVEL_REACHED[level](connection)
+    def need_pairing(self, connection: BumbleConnection, level: int) -> bool:
+        if connection.transport == BT_LE_TRANSPORT:
+            return level >= LE_LEVEL3 and not connection.authenticated
+        return False
+    def need_authentication(self, connection: BumbleConnection, level: int) -> bool:
+        if connection.transport == BT_LE_TRANSPORT:
+            return False
+        if level == LEVEL2 and connection.encryption != 0:
+            return not connection.authenticated
+        return level >= LEVEL2 and not connection.authenticated
+    def need_encryption(self, connection: BumbleConnection, level: int) -> bool:
+        # TODO(abel): need to support MITM
+        if connection.transport == BT_LE_TRANSPORT:
+            return level == LE_LEVEL2 and not connection.encryption
+        return level >= LEVEL2 and not connection.encryption
+class SecurityStorageService(SecurityStorageServicer):
+    def __init__(self, device: Device, config: Config) -> None:
+        self.log = utils.BumbleServerLoggerAdapter(
+            logging.getLogger(), {'service_name': 'SecurityStorage', 'device': device}
+        )
+        self.device = device
+        self.config = config
+    @utils.rpc
+    async def IsBonded(
+        self, request: IsBondedRequest, context: grpc.ServicerContext
+    ) -> wrappers_pb2.BoolValue:
+        address = utils.address_from_request(request, request.WhichOneof("address"))
+"IsBonded: {address}")
+        if self.device.keystore is not None:
+            is_bonded = await self.device.keystore.get(str(address)) is not None
+        else:
+            is_bonded = False
+        return BoolValue(value=is_bonded)
+    @utils.rpc
+    async def DeleteBond(
+        self, request: DeleteBondRequest, context: grpc.ServicerContext
+    ) -> empty_pb2.Empty:
+        address = utils.address_from_request(request, request.WhichOneof("address"))
+"DeleteBond: {address}")
+        if self.device.keystore is not None:
+            with suppress(KeyError):
+                await self.device.keystore.delete(str(address))
+        return empty_pb2.Empty()
diff --git a/bumble/pandora/ b/bumble/pandora/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c07a5bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bumble/pandora/
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# Copyright 2022 Google LLC
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import contextlib
+import functools
+import grpc
+import inspect
+import logging
+from bumble.device import Device
+from bumble.hci import Address
+from google.protobuf.message import Message  # pytype: disable=pyi-error
+from typing import Any, Dict, Generator, MutableMapping, Optional, Tuple
+ADDRESS_TYPES: Dict[str, int] = {
+    "public": Address.PUBLIC_DEVICE_ADDRESS,
+    "random": Address.RANDOM_DEVICE_ADDRESS,
+    "public_identity": Address.PUBLIC_IDENTITY_ADDRESS,
+    "random_static_identity": Address.RANDOM_IDENTITY_ADDRESS,
+def address_from_request(request: Message, field: Optional[str]) -> Address:
+    if field is None:
+        return Address.ANY
+    return Address(bytes(reversed(getattr(request, field))), ADDRESS_TYPES[field])
+class BumbleServerLoggerAdapter(logging.LoggerAdapter):  # type: ignore
+    """Formats logs from the PandoraClient."""
+    def process(
+        self, msg: str, kwargs: MutableMapping[str, Any]
+    ) -> Tuple[str, MutableMapping[str, Any]]:
+        assert self.extra
+        service_name = self.extra['service_name']
+        assert isinstance(service_name, str)
+        device = self.extra['device']
+        assert isinstance(device, Device)
+        addr_bytes = bytes(
+            reversed(bytes(device.public_address))
+        )  # pytype: disable=attribute-error
+        addr = ':'.join([f'{x:02X}' for x in addr_bytes[4:]])
+        return (f'[bumble.{service_name}:{addr}] {msg}', kwargs)
[email protected]
+def exception_to_rpc_error(
+    context: grpc.ServicerContext,
+) -> Generator[None, None, None]:
+    try:
+        yield None
+    except NotImplementedError as e:
+        context.set_code(grpc.StatusCode.UNIMPLEMENTED)  # type: ignore
+        context.set_details(str(e))  # type: ignore
+    except ValueError as e:
+        context.set_code(grpc.StatusCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT)  # type: ignore
+        context.set_details(str(e))  # type: ignore
+    except RuntimeError as e:
+        context.set_code(grpc.StatusCode.ABORTED)  # type: ignore
+        context.set_details(str(e))  # type: ignore
+# Decorate an RPC servicer method with a wrapper that transform exceptions to gRPC errors.
+def rpc(func: Any) -> Any:
+    @functools.wraps(func)
+    async def asyncgen_wrapper(
+        self: Any, request: Any, context: grpc.ServicerContext
+    ) -> Any:
+        with exception_to_rpc_error(context):
+            async for v in func(self, request, context):
+                yield v
+    @functools.wraps(func)
+    async def async_wrapper(
+        self: Any, request: Any, context: grpc.ServicerContext
+    ) -> Any:
+        with exception_to_rpc_error(context):
+            return await func(self, request, context)
+    @functools.wraps(func)
+    def gen_wrapper(self: Any, request: Any, context: grpc.ServicerContext) -> Any:
+        with exception_to_rpc_error(context):
+            for v in func(self, request, context):
+                yield v
+    @functools.wraps(func)
+    def wrapper(self: Any, request: Any, context: grpc.ServicerContext) -> Any:
+        with exception_to_rpc_error(context):
+            return func(self, request, context)
+    if inspect.isasyncgenfunction(func):
+        return asyncgen_wrapper
+    if inspect.iscoroutinefunction(func):
+        return async_wrapper
+    if inspect.isgenerator(func):
+        return gen_wrapper
+    return wrapper
diff --git a/docs/mkdocs/requirements.txt b/docs/mkdocs/requirements.txt
index 8fc37dd..a241683 100644
--- a/docs/mkdocs/requirements.txt
+++ b/docs/mkdocs/requirements.txt
@@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
 mkdocs == 1.4.0
 mkdocs-material == 8.5.6
 mkdocs-material-extensions == 1.0.3
-pymdown-extensions == 9.6
+pymdown-extensions == 10.0
 mkdocstrings-python == 0.7.1
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index f6abc31..8662723 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -40,6 +40,9 @@
+ignore="pandora" # FIXME: pylint does not support stubs yet:
diff --git a/setup.cfg b/setup.cfg
index 1644b28..45c7264 100644
--- a/setup.cfg
+++ b/setup.cfg
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 python_requires = >=3.8
-packages = bumble, bumble.transport, bumble.profiles, bumble.apps, bumble.apps.link_relay
+packages = bumble, bumble.transport, bumble.profiles, bumble.apps, bumble.apps.link_relay, bumble.pandora
 package_dir =
     bumble = bumble
     bumble.apps = apps
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
     appdirs >= 1.4
     click >= 7.1.2; platform_system!='Emscripten'
     cryptography == 35; platform_system!='Emscripten'
-    grpcio >= 1.46; platform_system!='Emscripten'
+    grpcio == 1.51.1; platform_system!='Emscripten'
     libusb1 >= 2.0.1; platform_system!='Emscripten'
     libusb-package ==; platform_system!='Emscripten'
     prompt_toolkit >= 3.0.16; platform_system!='Emscripten'
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
     websockets >= 8.1; platform_system!='Emscripten'
     prettytable >= 3.6.0
     humanize >= 4.6.0
+    bt-test-interfaces >= 0.0.2
 console_scripts =
@@ -60,6 +61,7 @@
     bumble-usb-probe = bumble.apps.usb_probe:main
     bumble-link-relay = bumble.apps.link_relay.link_relay:main
     bumble-bench = bumble.apps.bench:main
+    bumble-pandora-server = bumble.apps.pandora_server:main
 * = py.typed, *.pyi
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 9105d2b..1a1a474 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -190,7 +190,9 @@
     s1 = Service('8140E247-04F0-42C1-BC34-534C344DAFCA', [c1, c2, c3])
     s2 = Service('97210A0F-1875-4D05-9E5D-326EB171257A', [c4])
-    two_devices.devices[1].add_services([s1, s2])
+    s3 = Service('1853', [])
+    s4 = Service('3A12C182-14E2-4FE0-8C5B-65D7C569F9DB', [], included_services=[s2, s3])
+    two_devices.devices[1].add_services([s1, s2, s4])
     # Start
     await two_devices.devices[0].power_on()
@@ -225,6 +227,13 @@
     assert result is not None
     assert result == c1.value
+    result = await peer.discover_service(s4.uuid)
+    assert len(result) == 1
+    result = await peer.discover_included_services(result[0])
+    assert len(result) == 2
+    # Service UUID is only present when the UUID is 16-bit Bluetooth UUID
+    assert result[1].uuid.to_bytes() == s3.uuid.to_bytes()
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------