add support for field arrays in hci packet definitions
diff --git a/bumble/ b/bumble/
index cba207d..0dbb127 100644
--- a/bumble/
+++ b/bumble/
@@ -1445,8 +1445,14 @@
     def init_from_fields(hci_object, fields, values):
         if isinstance(values, dict):
-            for field_name, _ in fields:
-                setattr(hci_object, field_name, values[field_name])
+            for field in fields:
+                if isinstance(field, list):
+                    # The field is an array, up-level the array field names
+                    for sub_field_name, _ in field:
+                        setattr(hci_object, sub_field_name, values[sub_field_name])
+                else:
+                    field_name = field[0]
+                    setattr(hci_object, field_name, values[field_name])
             for field_name, field_value in zip(fields, values):
                 setattr(hci_object, field_name, field_value)
@@ -1457,132 +1463,160 @@
         HCI_Object.init_from_fields(hci_object, parsed.keys(), parsed.values())
+    def parse_field(data, offset, field_type):
+        # The field_type may be a dictionary with a mapper, parser, and/or size
+        if isinstance(field_type, dict):
+            if 'size' in field_type:
+                field_type = field_type['size']
+            elif 'parser' in field_type:
+                field_type = field_type['parser']
+        # Parse the field
+        if field_type == '*':
+            # The rest of the bytes
+            field_value = data[offset:]
+            return (field_value, len(field_value))
+        if field_type == 1:
+            # 8-bit unsigned
+            return (data[offset], 1)
+        if field_type == -1:
+            # 8-bit signed
+            return (struct.unpack_from('b', data, offset)[0], 1)
+        if field_type == 2:
+            # 16-bit unsigned
+            return (struct.unpack_from('<H', data, offset)[0], 2)
+        if field_type == '>2':
+            # 16-bit unsigned big-endian
+            return (struct.unpack_from('>H', data, offset)[0], 2)
+        if field_type == -2:
+            # 16-bit signed
+            return (struct.unpack_from('<h', data, offset)[0], 2)
+        if field_type == 3:
+            # 24-bit unsigned
+            padded = data[offset : offset + 3] + bytes([0])
+            return (struct.unpack('<I', padded)[0], 3)
+        if field_type == 4:
+            # 32-bit unsigned
+            return (struct.unpack_from('<I', data, offset)[0], 4)
+        if field_type == '>4':
+            # 32-bit unsigned big-endian
+            return (struct.unpack_from('>I', data, offset)[0], 4)
+        if isinstance(field_type, int) and 4 < field_type <= 256:
+            # Byte array (from 5 up to 256 bytes)
+            return (data[offset : offset + field_type], field_type)
+        if callable(field_type):
+            new_offset, field_value = field_type(data, offset)
+            return (field_value, new_offset - offset)
+        raise ValueError(f'unknown field type {field_type}')
+    @staticmethod
     def dict_from_bytes(data, offset, fields):
         result = collections.OrderedDict()
-        for (field_name, field_type) in fields:
-            # The field_type may be a dictionary with a mapper, parser, and/or size
-            if isinstance(field_type, dict):
-                if 'size' in field_type:
-                    field_type = field_type['size']
-                elif 'parser' in field_type:
-                    field_type = field_type['parser']
-            # Parse the field
-            if field_type == '*':
-                # The rest of the bytes
-                field_value = data[offset:]
-                offset += len(field_value)
-            elif field_type == 1:
-                # 8-bit unsigned
-                field_value = data[offset]
+        for field in fields:
+            if isinstance(field, list):
+                # This is an array field, starting with a 1-byte item count.
+                item_count = data[offset]
                 offset += 1
-            elif field_type == -1:
-                # 8-bit signed
-                field_value = struct.unpack_from('b', data, offset)[0]
-                offset += 1
-            elif field_type == 2:
-                # 16-bit unsigned
-                field_value = struct.unpack_from('<H', data, offset)[0]
-                offset += 2
-            elif field_type == '>2':
-                # 16-bit unsigned big-endian
-                field_value = struct.unpack_from('>H', data, offset)[0]
-                offset += 2
-            elif field_type == -2:
-                # 16-bit signed
-                field_value = struct.unpack_from('<h', data, offset)[0]
-                offset += 2
-            elif field_type == 3:
-                # 24-bit unsigned
-                padded = data[offset : offset + 3] + bytes([0])
-                field_value = struct.unpack('<I', padded)[0]
-                offset += 3
-            elif field_type == 4:
-                # 32-bit unsigned
-                field_value = struct.unpack_from('<I', data, offset)[0]
-                offset += 4
-            elif field_type == '>4':
-                # 32-bit unsigned big-endian
-                field_value = struct.unpack_from('>I', data, offset)[0]
-                offset += 4
-            elif isinstance(field_type, int) and 4 < field_type <= 256:
-                # Byte array (from 5 up to 256 bytes)
-                field_value = data[offset : offset + field_type]
-                offset += field_type
-            elif callable(field_type):
-                offset, field_value = field_type(data, offset)
-            else:
-                raise ValueError(f'unknown field type {field_type}')
+                for _ in range(item_count):
+                    for sub_field_name, sub_field_type in field:
+                        value, size = HCI_Object.parse_field(
+                            data, offset, sub_field_type
+                        )
+                        result.setdefault(sub_field_name, []).append(value)
+                        offset += size
+                continue
+            field_name, field_type = field
+            field_value, field_size = HCI_Object.parse_field(data, offset, field_type)
             result[field_name] = field_value
+            offset += field_size
         return result
+    def serialize_field(field_value, field_type):
+        # The field_type may be a dictionary with a mapper, parser, serializer,
+        # and/or size
+        serializer = None
+        if isinstance(field_type, dict):
+            if 'serializer' in field_type:
+                serializer = field_type['serializer']
+            if 'size' in field_type:
+                field_type = field_type['size']
+        # Serialize the field
+        if serializer:
+            field_bytes = serializer(field_value)
+        elif field_type == 1:
+            # 8-bit unsigned
+            field_bytes = bytes([field_value])
+        elif field_type == -1:
+            # 8-bit signed
+            field_bytes = struct.pack('b', field_value)
+        elif field_type == 2:
+            # 16-bit unsigned
+            field_bytes = struct.pack('<H', field_value)
+        elif field_type == '>2':
+            # 16-bit unsigned big-endian
+            field_bytes = struct.pack('>H', field_value)
+        elif field_type == -2:
+            # 16-bit signed
+            field_bytes = struct.pack('<h', field_value)
+        elif field_type == 3:
+            # 24-bit unsigned
+            field_bytes = struct.pack('<I', field_value)[0:3]
+        elif field_type == 4:
+            # 32-bit unsigned
+            field_bytes = struct.pack('<I', field_value)
+        elif field_type == '>4':
+            # 32-bit unsigned big-endian
+            field_bytes = struct.pack('>I', field_value)
+        elif field_type == '*':
+            if isinstance(field_value, int):
+                if 0 <= field_value <= 255:
+                    field_bytes = bytes([field_value])
+                else:
+                    raise ValueError('value too large for *-typed field')
+            else:
+                field_bytes = bytes(field_value)
+        elif isinstance(field_value, (bytes, bytearray)) or hasattr(
+            field_value, 'to_bytes'
+        ):
+            field_bytes = bytes(field_value)
+            if isinstance(field_type, int) and 4 < field_type <= 256:
+                # Truncate or pad with zeros if the field is too long or too short
+                if len(field_bytes) < field_type:
+                    field_bytes += bytes(field_type - len(field_bytes))
+                elif len(field_bytes) > field_type:
+                    field_bytes = field_bytes[:field_type]
+        else:
+            raise ValueError(f"don't know how to serialize type {type(field_value)}")
+        return field_bytes
+    @staticmethod
     def dict_to_bytes(hci_object, fields):
         result = bytearray()
-        for (field_name, field_type) in fields:
-            # The field_type may be a dictionary with a mapper, parser, serializer,
-            # and/or size
-            serializer = None
-            if isinstance(field_type, dict):
-                if 'serializer' in field_type:
-                    serializer = field_type['serializer']
-                if 'size' in field_type:
-                    field_type = field_type['size']
-            # Serialize the field
-            field_value = hci_object[field_name]
-            if serializer:
-                field_bytes = serializer(field_value)
-            elif field_type == 1:
-                # 8-bit unsigned
-                field_bytes = bytes([field_value])
-            elif field_type == -1:
-                # 8-bit signed
-                field_bytes = struct.pack('b', field_value)
-            elif field_type == 2:
-                # 16-bit unsigned
-                field_bytes = struct.pack('<H', field_value)
-            elif field_type == '>2':
-                # 16-bit unsigned big-endian
-                field_bytes = struct.pack('>H', field_value)
-            elif field_type == -2:
-                # 16-bit signed
-                field_bytes = struct.pack('<h', field_value)
-            elif field_type == 3:
-                # 24-bit unsigned
-                field_bytes = struct.pack('<I', field_value)[0:3]
-            elif field_type == 4:
-                # 32-bit unsigned
-                field_bytes = struct.pack('<I', field_value)
-            elif field_type == '>4':
-                # 32-bit unsigned big-endian
-                field_bytes = struct.pack('>I', field_value)
-            elif field_type == '*':
-                if isinstance(field_value, int):
-                    if 0 <= field_value <= 255:
-                        field_bytes = bytes([field_value])
-                    else:
-                        raise ValueError('value too large for *-typed field')
-                else:
-                    field_bytes = bytes(field_value)
-            elif isinstance(field_value, (bytes, bytearray)) or hasattr(
-                field_value, 'to_bytes'
-            ):
-                field_bytes = bytes(field_value)
-                if isinstance(field_type, int) and 4 < field_type <= 256:
-                    # Truncate or Pad with zeros if the field is too long or too short
-                    if len(field_bytes) < field_type:
-                        field_bytes += bytes(field_type - len(field_bytes))
-                    elif len(field_bytes) > field_type:
-                        field_bytes = field_bytes[:field_type]
-            else:
-                raise ValueError(
-                    f"don't know how to serialize type {type(field_value)}"
+        for field in fields:
+            if isinstance(field, list):
+                # The field is an array. The serialized form starts with a 1-byte
+                # item count. We use the length of the first array field as the
+                # array count, since all array fields have the same number of items.
+                item_count = len(hci_object[field[0][0]])
+                result += bytes([item_count]) + b''.join(
+                    b''.join(
+                        HCI_Object.serialize_field(
+                            hci_object[sub_field_name][i], sub_field_type
+                        )
+                        for sub_field_name, sub_field_type in field
+                    )
+                    for i in range(item_count)
+                continue
-            result += field_bytes
+            (field_name, field_type) = field
+            result += HCI_Object.serialize_field(hci_object[field_name], field_type)
         return bytes(result)
@@ -1617,48 +1651,73 @@
         return str(value)
-    def format_fields(hci_object, keys, indentation='', value_mappers=None):
-        if not keys:
-            return ''
+    def stringify_field(
+        field_name, field_type, field_value, indentation, value_mappers
+    ):
+        value_mapper = None
+        if isinstance(field_type, dict):
+            # Get the value mapper from the specifier
+            value_mapper = field_type.get('mapper')
-        # Measure the widest field name
-        max_field_name_length = max(
-            (len(key[0] if isinstance(key, tuple) else key) for key in keys)
+        # Check if there's a matching mapper passed
+        if value_mappers:
+            value_mapper = value_mappers.get(field_name, value_mapper)
+        # Map the value if we have a mapper
+        if value_mapper is not None:
+            field_value = value_mapper(field_value)
+        # Get the string representation of the value
+        return HCI_Object.format_field_value(
+            field_value, indentation=indentation + '  '
+    @staticmethod
+    def format_fields(hci_object, fields, indentation='', value_mappers=None):
+        if not fields:
+            return ''
         # Build array of formatted key:value pairs
-        fields = []
-        for key in keys:
-            value_mapper = None
-            if isinstance(key, tuple):
-                # The key has an associated specifier
-                key, specifier = key
+        field_strings = []
+        for field in fields:
+            if isinstance(field, list):
+                for sub_field in field:
+                    sub_field_name, sub_field_type = sub_field
+                    item_count = len(hci_object[sub_field_name])
+                    for i in range(item_count):
+                        field_strings.append(
+                            (
+                                f'{sub_field_name}[{i}]',
+                                HCI_Object.stringify_field(
+                                    sub_field_name,
+                                    sub_field_type,
+                                    hci_object[sub_field_name][i],
+                                    indentation,
+                                    value_mappers,
+                                ),
+                            ),
+                        )
+                continue
-                # Get the value mapper from the specifier
-                if isinstance(specifier, dict):
-                    value_mapper = specifier.get('mapper')
-            # Get the value for the field
-            value = hci_object[key]
-            # Check if there's a matching mapper passed
-            if value_mappers:
-                value_mapper = value_mappers.get(key, value_mapper)
-            # Map the value if we have a mapper
-            if value_mapper is not None:
-                value = value_mapper(value)
-            # Get the string representation of the value
-            value_str = HCI_Object.format_field_value(
-                value, indentation=indentation + '  '
+            field_name, field_type = field
+            field_value = hci_object[field_name]
+            field_strings.append(
+                (
+                    field_name,
+                    HCI_Object.stringify_field(
+                        field_name, field_type, field_value, indentation, value_mappers
+                    ),
+                ),
-            # Add the field to the formatted result
-            key_str = color(f'{key + ":":{1 + max_field_name_length}}', 'cyan')
-            fields.append(f'{indentation}{key_str} {value_str}')
-        return '\n'.join(fields)
+        # Measure the widest field name
+        max_field_name_length = max(len(s[0]) for s in field_strings)
+        sep = ':'
+        return '\n'.join(
+            f'{indentation}'
+            f'{color(f"{field_name + sep:{1 + max_field_name_length}}", "cyan")} {field_value}'
+            for field_name, field_value in field_strings
+        )
     def __bytes__(self):
         return self.to_bytes()
@@ -3769,9 +3828,7 @@
                 'parser': HCI_Object.parse_length_prefixed_bytes,
-                'serializer': functools.partial(
-                    HCI_Object.serialize_length_prefixed_bytes
-                ),
+                'serializer': HCI_Object.serialize_length_prefixed_bytes,
@@ -3819,9 +3876,7 @@
                 'parser': HCI_Object.parse_length_prefixed_bytes,
-                'serializer': functools.partial(
-                    HCI_Object.serialize_length_prefixed_bytes
-                ),
+                'serializer': HCI_Object.serialize_length_prefixed_bytes,
@@ -3849,73 +3904,21 @@
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    [
+        ('enable', 1),
+        [
+            ('advertising_handles', 1),
+            ('durations', 2),
+            ('max_extended_advertising_events', 1),
+        ],
+    ]
 class HCI_LE_Set_Extended_Advertising_Enable_Command(HCI_Command):
     See Bluetooth spec @ 7.8.56 LE Set Extended Advertising Enable Command
-    @classmethod
-    def from_parameters(cls, parameters):
-        enable = parameters[0]
-        num_sets = parameters[1]
-        advertising_handles = []
-        durations = []
-        max_extended_advertising_events = []
-        offset = 2
-        for _ in range(num_sets):
-            advertising_handles.append(parameters[offset])
-            durations.append(struct.unpack_from('<H', parameters, offset + 1)[0])
-            max_extended_advertising_events.append(parameters[offset + 3])
-            offset += 4
-        return cls(
-            enable, advertising_handles, durations, max_extended_advertising_events
-        )
-    def __init__(
-        self, enable, advertising_handles, durations, max_extended_advertising_events
-    ):
-        self.enable = enable
-        self.advertising_handles = advertising_handles
-        self.durations = durations
-        self.max_extended_advertising_events = max_extended_advertising_events
-        self.parameters = bytes([enable, len(advertising_handles)]) + b''.join(
-            [
-                struct.pack(
-                    '<BHB',
-                    advertising_handles[i],
-                    durations[i],
-                    max_extended_advertising_events[i],
-                )
-                for i in range(len(advertising_handles))
-            ]
-        )
-    def __str__(self):
-        fields = [('enable:', self.enable)]
-        for i, advertising_handle in enumerate(self.advertising_handles):
-            fields.append(
-                (f'advertising_handle[{i}]:             ', advertising_handle)
-            )
-            fields.append((f'duration[{i}]:                       ', self.durations[i]))
-            fields.append(
-                (
-                    f'max_extended_advertising_events[{i}]:',
-                    self.max_extended_advertising_events[i],
-                )
-            )
-        return (
-            color(, 'green')
-            + ':\n'
-            + '\n'.join(
-                [color(field[0], 'cyan') + ' ' + str(field[1]) for field in fields]
-            )
-        )
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -4066,7 +4069,10 @@
             color(, 'green')
             + ':\n'
             + '\n'.join(
-                [color(field[0], 'cyan') + ' ' + str(field[1]) for field in fields]
+                [
+                    color('  ' + field[0], 'cyan') + ' ' + str(field[1])
+                    for field in fields
+                ]
@@ -4242,7 +4248,10 @@
             color(, 'green')
             + ':\n'
             + '\n'.join(
-                [color(field[0], 'cyan') + ' ' + str(field[1]) for field in fields]
+                [
+                    color('  ' + field[0], 'cyan') + ' ' + str(field[1])
+                    for field in fields
+                ]
@@ -5205,7 +5214,7 @@
     def __str__(self):
         lines = [
             color(, 'magenta') + ':',
-            color('  number_of_handles:         ', 'cyan')
+            color('  number_of_handles:        ', 'cyan')
             + f'{len(self.connection_handles)}',
         for i, connection_handle in enumerate(self.connection_handles):
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index af68e86..c648592 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
+    HCI_LE_Set_Extended_Advertising_Enable_Command,
@@ -423,6 +424,25 @@
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def test_HCI_LE_Set_Extended_Advertising_Enable_Command():
+    command = HCI_Packet.from_bytes(
+        bytes.fromhex('0139200e010301050008020600090307000a')
+    )
+    assert command.enable == 1
+    assert command.advertising_handles == [1, 2, 3]
+    assert command.durations == [5, 6, 7]
+    assert command.max_extended_advertising_events == [8, 9, 10]
+    command = HCI_LE_Set_Extended_Advertising_Enable_Command(
+        enable=1,
+        advertising_handles=[1, 2, 3],
+        durations=[5, 6, 7],
+        max_extended_advertising_events=[8, 9, 10],
+    )
+    basic_check(command)
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 def test_address():
     a = Address('C4:F2:17:1A:1D:BB')
     assert not a.is_public
@@ -478,6 +498,7 @@
+    test_HCI_LE_Set_Extended_Advertising_Enable_Command()
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------