tree: 31daff8c05dbef841044fce9ac8f5c8cf33acaef [path history] [tgz]
  1. heart_rate_monitor/
  2. scanner/
  3. speaker/
  4. bumble.js
  6. ui.js

Bumble For Web Browsers

Early prototype the consists of running the Bumble stack in a web browser environment, using pyodide

Two examples are included here:

  • scanner - a simple scanner
  • speaker - a pure-web-based version of the Speaker app

Both examples rely on the shared code in bumble.js.

Running The Examples

To run the examples, you will need an HTTP server to serve the HTML and JS files, and and a WebSocket server serving an HCI transport.

For HCI over WebSocket, recent versions of the netsim virtual controller support it, or you may use the Bumble HCI Bridge app to bridge a WebSocket server to a virtual controller using some other transport (ex: python apps/ ws-server:_:9999 usb:0).

For HTTP, start an HTTP server with the web directory as its root. You can use the invoke task inv web.serve for convenience.

In a browser, open either scanner/scanner.html or speaker/speaker.html. You can pass optional query parameters:

  • package may be set to point to a local build of Bumble (.whl files). The filename must be URL-encoded of course, and must be located under the web directory (the HTTP server won't serve files not under its root directory).
  • hci may be set to specify a non-default WebSocket URL to use as the HCI transport (the default is: "ws://localhost:9922/hci). This also needs to be URL-encoded.

Example: With a local HTTP server running on port 8000, to run the scanner example with a locally-built Bumble package ../bumble-0.0.163.dev5+g6f832b6.d20230812-py3-none-any.whl (assuming that bumble-0.0.163.dev5+g6f832b6.d20230812-py3-none-any.whl exists under the web directory and the HCI WebSocket transport at ws://localhost:9999/hci, the URL with the URL-encoded query parameters would be: http://localhost:8000/scanner/scanner.html?hci=ws%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A9999%2Fhci&package=..%2Fbumble-0.0.163.dev5%2Bg6f832b6.d20230812-py3-none-any.whl

NOTE: to get a local build of the Bumble package, use inv build, the built .whl file can be found in the dist directory. Make a copy of the built .whl file in the web directory.