Migrate clap to monorepo

Bug: http://b/339424309
Test: treehugger
Change-Id: I12b399eb0a3ddfbce2c39a5077c018729039b419
diff --git a/Android.bp b/Android.bp
index 647197f..96beb97 100644
--- a/Android.bp
+++ b/Android.bp
@@ -1,70 +1 @@
-// This file is generated by cargo_embargo.
-// Do not modify this file because the changes will be overridden on upgrade.
-package {
-    default_applicable_licenses: ["external_rust_crates_clap_license"],
-    default_team: "trendy_team_android_rust",
-license {
-    name: "external_rust_crates_clap_license",
-    visibility: [":__subpackages__"],
-    license_kinds: ["SPDX-license-identifier-Apache-2.0"],
-    license_text: ["LICENSE"],
-rust_library {
-    name: "libclap",
-    host_supported: true,
-    crate_name: "clap",
-    cargo_env_compat: true,
-    cargo_pkg_version: "4.1.8",
-    crate_root: "src/lib.rs",
-    edition: "2021",
-    features: [
-        "derive",
-        "error-context",
-        "help",
-        "std",
-        "usage",
-    ],
-    rustlibs: [
-        "libbitflags-1.3.2",
-        "libclap_lex",
-        "libonce_cell",
-    ],
-    proc_macros: ["libclap_derive"],
-    apex_available: [
-        "//apex_available:anyapex",
-        "//apex_available:platform",
-    ],
-    product_available: true,
-    vendor_available: true,
-    min_sdk_version: "29",
-rust_binary {
-    name: "stdio_fixture",
-    host_supported: true,
-    crate_name: "stdio_fixture",
-    cargo_env_compat: true,
-    cargo_pkg_version: "4.1.8",
-    crate_root: "src/bin/stdio-fixture.rs",
-    edition: "2021",
-    features: [
-        "derive",
-        "error-context",
-        "help",
-        "std",
-        "usage",
-    ],
-    rustlibs: [
-        "libbitflags-1.3.2",
-        "libclap",
-        "libclap_lex",
-        "libonce_cell",
-    ],
-    proc_macros: ["libclap_derive"],
-    product_available: true,
-    vendor_available: true,
+// This crate has been migrated to external/rust/android-crates-io.
deleted file mode 100644
index 999bbcf..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-// Generated by update_crate_tests.py for tests that depend on this crate.
-  "imports": [
-    {
-      "path": "external/rust/crates/libsqlite3-sys"
-    },
-    {
-      "path": "packages/modules/Virtualization/apkdmverity"
-    },
-    {
-      "path": "packages/modules/Virtualization/authfs"
-    },
-    {
-      "path": "packages/modules/Virtualization/avmd"
-    },
-    {
-      "path": "packages/modules/Virtualization/encryptedstore"
-    },
-    {
-      "path": "packages/modules/Virtualization/virtualizationmanager"
-    },
-    {
-      "path": "packages/modules/Virtualization/vm"
-    },
-    {
-      "path": "packages/modules/Virtualization/zipfuse"
-    },
-    {
-      "path": "system/security/diced"
-    },
-    {
-      "path": "system/security/keystore2"
-    },
-    {
-      "path": "system/security/keystore2/legacykeystore"
-    }
-  ]
diff --git a/cargo_embargo.json b/cargo_embargo.json
deleted file mode 100644
index bdeac14..0000000
--- a/cargo_embargo.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-  "features": [
-    "derive",
-    "error-context",
-    "help",
-    "std",
-    "usage"
-  ],
-  "module_name_overrides": {
-    "libbitflags": "libbitflags-1.3.2"
-  },
-  "apex_available": [
-    "//apex_available:anyapex",
-    "//apex_available:platform"
-  ],
-  "min_sdk_version": "29",
-  "run_cargo": false