| Below is a list of sponsors for the clap-rs project |
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| If you are interested in becoming a sponsor for this project please our [sponsorship page](https://clap.rs/sponsorship/). |
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| ## Recurring Sponsors: |
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| | [<img alt="Noelia Seva-Gonzalez" src="https://clap.rs/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/noelia_sm-1.png" width="117">](https://noeliasg.com/about/) | [<img alt="messense" src="https://clap.rs/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/messense-400x400.png" width="117">](https://github.com/messense) | [<img alt="Josh" src="https://clap.rs/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/josh_t.jpg" width="117">](https://joshtriplett.org) | <img alt="Stephen Oats" src="https://clap.rs/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/stephenoats.png" width="117"> | |
| |:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| |
| |Noelia Seva-Gonzalez | Messense | Josh Triplett | Stephen Oats | |
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| ## Single-Donation and Former Sponsors: |
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| | [<img alt="Rob Tsuk" src="https://clap.rs/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/robtsuk_sm.png" width="117">](https://github.com/rtsuk)| | | |
| |:-:|:-:|:-:| |
| |Rob Tsuk| | | |
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