Add Android.bp file am: cb80e1f241

Original change:

Change-Id: If19e4573bd21f1f0a5b3caa23f0a7691e09847b6
Signed-off-by: Automerger Merge Worker <[email protected]>
tree: 268027fbfb56ab4ea0f2df977bafd06e7c2a0653
  1. .cargo/
  2. benches/
  3. examples/
  4. src/
  5. test_utils/
  6. tests/
  7. .cargo_vcs_info.json
  8. Android.bp
  9. Cargo.lock
  10. Cargo.toml
  11. cargo_embargo.json
  12. LICENSE-apache
  13. LICENSE-mit
  16. OWNERS
  18. webdriver.json

mls-rs   Build Status Latest Version API Documentation codecov

An implementation of the IETF Messaging Layer Security end-to-end encryption (E2EE) protocol.

What is MLS?

MLS is a new IETF end-to-end encryption standard that is designed to provide transport agnostic, asynchronous, and highly performant communication between a group of clients.

MLS Protocol Features

  • Multi-party E2EE group evolution via a propose-then-commit mechanism.
  • Asynchronous by design with pre-computed key packages, allowing members to be added to a group while offline.
  • Customizable credential system with built in support for X.509 certificates.
  • Extension system allowing for application specific data to be negotiated via the protocol.
  • Strong forward secrecy and post compromise security.
  • Crypto agility via support for multiple cipher suites.
  • Pre-shared key support.
  • Subgroup branching.
  • Group reinitialization for breaking changes such as protocol upgrades.


  • Easy to use client interface that can manage multiple MLS identities and groups.
  • 100% RFC 9420 conformance with support for all default credential, proposal, and extension types.
  • Support for WASM builds.
  • Configurable storage for key packages, secrets and group state via traits along with provided “in memory” and SQLite implementations.
  • Support for custom user proposal and extension types.
  • Ability to create user defined credentials with custom validation routines that can bridge to existing credential schemes.
  • OpenSSL and Rust Crypto based cipher suite implementations.
  • Crypto agility with support for user defined cipher suite.
  • Extensive test suite including security and interop focused tests against pre-computed test vectors.

Crypto Providers

For cipher suite descriptions see the RFC documentation here

NameCipher SuitesX509 Support
Rust Crypto1,2,3⚠️ Experimental
Web Crypto⚠️ Experimental 2,5,7Unsupported

Security Notice

This library has been validated for conformance to the RFC 9420 specification but has not yet received a full security audit by a 3rd party.


This library is licensed under the Apache-2.0 or the MIT License.