| regex-automata |
| ============== |
| A low level regular expression library that uses deterministic finite automata. |
| It supports a rich syntax with Unicode support, has extensive options for |
| configuring the best space vs time trade off for your use case and provides |
| support for cheap deserialization of automata for use in `no_std` environments. |
| |
| [](https://github.com/BurntSushi/regex-automata/actions) |
| [](https://crates.io/crates/regex-automata) |
|  |
| |
| Dual-licensed under MIT or the [UNLICENSE](https://unlicense.org/). |
| |
| |
| ### Documentation |
| |
| https://docs.rs/regex-automata |
| |
| |
| ### Usage |
| |
| Add this to your `Cargo.toml`: |
| |
| ```toml |
| [dependencies] |
| regex-automata = "0.1" |
| ``` |
| |
| and this to your crate root (if you're using Rust 2015): |
| |
| ```rust |
| extern crate regex_automata; |
| ``` |
| |
| |
| ### Example: basic regex searching |
| |
| This example shows how to compile a regex using the default configuration |
| and then use it to find matches in a byte string: |
| |
| ```rust |
| use regex_automata::Regex; |
| |
| let re = Regex::new(r"[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}").unwrap(); |
| let text = b"2018-12-24 2016-10-08"; |
| let matches: Vec<(usize, usize)> = re.find_iter(text).collect(); |
| assert_eq!(matches, vec![(0, 10), (11, 21)]); |
| ``` |
| |
| For more examples and information about the various knobs that can be turned, |
| please see the [docs](https://docs.rs/regex-automata). |
| |
| |
| ### Support for `no_std` |
| |
| This crate comes with a `std` feature that is enabled by default. When the |
| `std` feature is enabled, the API of this crate will include the facilities |
| necessary for compiling, serializing, deserializing and searching with regular |
| expressions. When the `std` feature is disabled, the API of this crate will |
| shrink such that it only includes the facilities necessary for deserializing |
| and searching with regular expressions. |
| |
| The intended workflow for `no_std` environments is thus as follows: |
| |
| * Write a program with the `std` feature that compiles and serializes a |
| regular expression. Serialization should only happen after first converting |
| the DFAs to use a fixed size state identifier instead of the default `usize`. |
| You may also need to serialize both little and big endian versions of each |
| DFA. (So that's 4 DFAs in total for each regex.) |
| * In your `no_std` environment, follow the examples above for deserializing |
| your previously serialized DFAs into regexes. You can then search with them |
| as you would any regex. |
| |
| Deserialization can happen anywhere. For example, with bytes embedded into a |
| binary or with a file memory mapped at runtime. |
| |
| Note that the |
| [`ucd-generate`](https://github.com/BurntSushi/ucd-generate) |
| tool will do the first step for you with its `dfa` or `regex` sub-commands. |
| |
| |
| ### Cargo features |
| |
| * `std` - **Enabled** by default. This enables the ability to compile finite |
| automata. This requires the `regex-syntax` dependency. Without this feature |
| enabled, finite automata can only be used for searching (using the approach |
| described above). |
| * `transducer` - **Disabled** by default. This provides implementations of the |
| `Automaton` trait found in the `fst` crate. This permits using finite |
| automata generated by this crate to search finite state transducers. This |
| requires the `fst` dependency. |
| |
| |
| ### Differences with the regex crate |
| |
| The main goal of the [`regex`](https://docs.rs/regex) crate is to serve as a |
| general purpose regular expression engine. It aims to automatically balance low |
| compile times, fast search times and low memory usage, while also providing |
| a convenient API for users. In contrast, this crate provides a lower level |
| regular expression interface that is a bit less convenient while providing more |
| explicit control over memory usage and search times. |
| |
| Here are some specific negative differences: |
| |
| * **Compilation can take an exponential amount of time and space** in the size |
| of the regex pattern. While most patterns do not exhibit worst case |
| exponential time, such patterns do exist. For example, `[01]*1[01]{N}` will |
| build a DFA with `2^(N+1)` states. For this reason, untrusted patterns should |
| not be compiled with this library. (In the future, the API may expose an |
| option to return an error if the DFA gets too big.) |
| * This crate does not support sub-match extraction, which can be achieved with |
| the regex crate's "captures" API. This may be added in the future, but is |
| unlikely. |
| * While the regex crate doesn't necessarily sport fast compilation times, the |
| regexes in this crate are almost universally slow to compile, especially when |
| they contain large Unicode character classes. For example, on my system, |
| compiling `\w{3}` with byte classes enabled takes just over 1 second and |
| almost 5MB of memory! (Compiling a sparse regex takes about the same time |
| but only uses about 500KB of memory.) Conversly, compiling the same regex |
| without Unicode support, e.g., `(?-u)\w{3}`, takes under 1 millisecond and |
| less than 5KB of memory. For this reason, you should only use Unicode |
| character classes if you absolutely need them! |
| * This crate does not support regex sets. |
| * This crate does not support zero-width assertions such as `^`, `$`, `\b` or |
| `\B`. |
| * As a lower level crate, this library does not do literal optimizations. In |
| exchange, you get predictable performance regardless of input. The |
| philosophy here is that literal optimizations should be applied at a higher |
| level, although there is no easy support for this in the ecosystem yet. |
| * There is no `&str` API like in the regex crate. In this crate, all APIs |
| operate on `&[u8]`. By default, match indices are guaranteed to fall on |
| UTF-8 boundaries, unless `RegexBuilder::allow_invalid_utf8` is enabled. |
| |
| With some of the downsides out of the way, here are some positive differences: |
| |
| * Both dense and sparse DFAs can be serialized to raw bytes, and then cheaply |
| deserialized. Deserialization always takes constant time since searching can |
| be performed directly on the raw serialized bytes of a DFA. |
| * This crate was specifically designed so that the searching phase of a DFA has |
| minimal runtime requirements, and can therefore be used in `no_std` |
| environments. While `no_std` environments cannot compile regexes, they can |
| deserialize pre-compiled regexes. |
| * Since this crate builds DFAs ahead of time, it will generally out-perform |
| the `regex` crate on equivalent tasks. The performance difference is likely |
| not large. However, because of a complex set of optimizations in the regex |
| crate (like literal optimizations), an accurate performance comparison may be |
| difficult to do. |
| * Sparse DFAs provide a way to build a DFA ahead of time that sacrifices search |
| performance a small amount, but uses much less storage space. Potentially |
| even less than what the regex crate uses. |
| * This crate exposes DFAs directly, such as `DenseDFA` and `SparseDFA`, |
| which enables one to do less work in some cases. For example, if you only |
| need the end of a match and not the start of a match, then you can use a DFA |
| directly without building a `Regex`, which always requires a second DFA to |
| find the start of a match. |
| * Aside from choosing between dense and sparse DFAs, there are several options |
| for configuring the space usage vs search time trade off. These include |
| things like choosing a smaller state identifier representation, to |
| premultiplying state identifiers and splitting a DFA's alphabet into |
| equivalence classes. Finally, DFA minimization is also provided, but can |
| increase compilation times dramatically. |
| |
| |
| ### Future work |
| |
| * Look into being smarter about generating NFA states for large Unicode |
| character classes. These can create a lot of additional work for both the |
| determinizer and the minimizer, and I suspect this is the key thing we'll |
| want to improve if we want to make DFA compile times faster. I *believe* |
| it's possible to potentially build minimal or nearly minimal NFAs for the |
| special case of Unicode character classes by leveraging Daciuk's algorithms |
| for building minimal automata in linear time for sets of strings. See |
| https://blog.burntsushi.net/transducers/#construction for more details. The |
| key adaptation I think we need to make is to modify the algorithm to operate |
| on byte ranges instead of enumerating every codepoint in the set. Otherwise, |
| it might not be worth doing. |
| * Add support for regex sets. It should be possible to do this by "simply" |
| introducing more match states. I think we can also report the positions at |
| each match, similar to how Aho-Corasick works. I think the long pole in the |
| tent here is probably the API design work and arranging it so that we don't |
| introduce extra overhead into the non-regex-set case without duplicating a |
| lot of code. It seems doable. |
| * Stretch goal: support capturing groups by implementing "tagged" DFA |
| (transducers). Laurikari's paper is the usual reference here, but Trofimovich |
| has a much more thorough treatment here: |
| https://re2c.org/2017_trofimovich_tagged_deterministic_finite_automata_with_lookahead.pdf |
| I've only read the paper once. I suspect it will require at least a few more |
| read throughs before I understand it. |
| See also: https://re2c.org |
| * Possibly less ambitious goal: can we select a portion of Trofimovich's work |
| to make small fixed length look-around work? It would be really nice to |
| support ^, $ and \b, especially the Unicode variant of \b and CRLF aware $. |
| * Experiment with code generating Rust code. There is an early experiment in |
| src/codegen.rs that is thoroughly bit-rotted. At the time, I was |
| experimenting with whether or not codegen would significant decrease the size |
| of a DFA, since if you squint hard enough, it's kind of like a sparse |
| representation. However, it didn't shrink as much as I thought it would, so |
| I gave up. The other problem is that Rust doesn't support gotos, so I don't |
| even know whether the "match on each state" in a loop thing will be fast |
| enough. Either way, it's probably a good option to have. For one thing, it |
| would be endian independent where as the serialization format of the DFAs in |
| this crate are endian dependent (so you need two versions of every DFA, but |
| you only need to compile one of them for any given arch). |
| * Experiment with unrolling the match loops and fill out the benchmarks. |
| * Add some kind of streaming API. I believe users of the library can already |
| implement something for this outside of the crate, but it would be good to |
| provide an official API. The key thing here is figuring out the API. I |
| suspect we might want to support several variants. |
| * Make a decision on whether or not there is room for literal optimizations |
| in this crate. My original intent was to not let this crate sink down into |
| that very very very deep rabbit hole. But instead, we might want to provide |
| some way for literal optimizations to hook into the match routines. The right |
| path forward here is to probably build something outside of the crate and |
| then see about integrating it. After all, users can implement their own |
| match routines just as efficiently as what the crate provides. |
| * A key downside of DFAs is that they can take up a lot of memory and can be |
| quite costly to build. Their worst case compilation time is O(2^n), where |
| n is the number of NFA states. A paper by Yang and Prasanna (2011) actually |
| seems to provide a way to character state blow up such that it is detectable. |
| If we could know whether a regex will exhibit state explosion or not, then |
| we could make an intelligent decision about whether to ahead-of-time compile |
| a DFA. |
| See: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Xu-Shutu/publication/229032602_Characterization_of_a_global_germplasm_collection_and_its_potential_utilization_for_analysis_of_complex_quantitative_traits_in_maize/links/02bfe50f914d04c837000000/Characterization-of-a-global-germplasm-collection-and-its-potential-utilization-for-analysis-of-complex-quantitative-traits-in-maize.pdf |