libsemanage: installing/removing modules via info and key
These functions install/remove modules based on the module
info/key. The motivation for these interfaces is to provide the
additional information about a module (version, language, and enabled
status) at install time and also to separate the meta-data in
preparation for supporting source policies.
This patch combines the implementations of all the
install/remove functions to use the
semanage_direct_install_info and semanage_direct_remove_key functions.
The motivation here is to reduce the amount of duplicate installation code
(for example, semanage_direct_install and semanage_direct_install_file have
separate but similar implementations).
With this patch the transition from the old store layout to the new one
is finished. This is accomplished mostly through the modification of
install functions and semanage_get_modules_names.
Signed-off-by: Chad Sellers <[email protected]>
6 files changed