- added blurb about MessageFormatter performance compred to JDK's MessageFormat

- added link to article on "Logging with SLF4J and Guice" by Michael
diff --git a/slf4j-api/src/main/java/org/slf4j/helpers/MessageFormatter.java b/slf4j-api/src/main/java/org/slf4j/helpers/MessageFormatter.java
index 81ecc46..c41ae9a 100644
--- a/slf4j-api/src/main/java/org/slf4j/helpers/MessageFormatter.java
+++ b/slf4j-api/src/main/java/org/slf4j/helpers/MessageFormatter.java
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@

 package org.slf4j.helpers;


+import java.text.MessageFormat;

 import java.util.HashMap;

 import java.util.Map;


@@ -32,6 +33,7 @@

  * Formats messages according to very simple substitution rules. Substitutions

  * can be made 1, 2 or more arguments.

+ * 

  * <p>

  * For example,


@@ -41,9 +43,9 @@

  * will return the string "Hi there.".

  * <p>

- * The {} pair is called the <em>formatting anchor</em>. It serves to

- * designate the location where arguments need to be substituted within the

- * message pattern.

+ * The {} pair is called the <em>formatting anchor</em>. It serves to designate

+ * the location where arguments need to be substituted within the message

+ * pattern.

  * <p>

  * In case your message contains the '{' or the '}' character, you do not have

  * to do anything special unless the '}' character immediately follows '{'. For

@@ -62,16 +64,13 @@
  * character should be escaped. There is no need to escape the '}' character.

  * For example,


- * <pre>

- * MessageFormatter.format(&quot;Set \\{} is not equal to {}.&quot;, &quot;1,2&quot;);

- * </pre>

+ * <pre>MessageFormatter.format(&quot;Set \\{} is not equal to {}.&quot;, &quot;1,2&quot;);</pre>


  * will return the string "Set {} is not equal to 1,2.".


  * <p>

  * The escaping behavior just described can be overridden by escaping the escape

  * character '\'. Calling

- * 

  * <pre>

  * MessageFormatter.format(&quot;File name is C:\\\\{}.&quot;, &quot;file.zip&quot;);

  * </pre>

@@ -79,8 +78,16 @@
  * will return the string "File name is C:\file.zip".


  * <p>

- * See {@link #format(String, Object)}, {@link #format(String, Object, Object)}

- * and {@link #arrayFormat(String, Object[])} methods for more details.

+ * The formatting conventions are different than those of {@link MessageFormat}

+ * which ships with the Java platform. This is justified by the fact that

+ * SLF4J's implementation is 10 times faster than that of {@link MessageFormat}.

+ * This local performance difference is both measurable and significant in the

+ * larger context of the complete logging processing chain.

+ * 

+ * <p>

+ * See also {@link #format(String, Object)},

+ * {@link #format(String, Object, Object)} and

+ * {@link #arrayFormat(String, Object[])} methods for more details.


  * @author Ceki G&uuml;lc&uuml;


@@ -104,10 +111,9 @@
    * <p>


    * @param messagePattern

-   *                The message pattern which will be parsed and formatted

+   *          The message pattern which will be parsed and formatted

    * @param argument

-   *                The argument to be substituted in place of the formatting

-   *                anchor

+   *          The argument to be substituted in place of the formatting anchor

    * @return The formatted message


   final public static String format(String messagePattern, Object arg) {

@@ -128,13 +134,13 @@
    * will return the string "Hi Alice. My name is Bob.".


    * @param messagePattern

-   *                The message pattern which will be parsed and formatted

+   *          The message pattern which will be parsed and formatted

    * @param arg1

-   *                The argument to be substituted in place of the first

-   *                formatting anchor

+   *          The argument to be substituted in place of the first formatting

+   *          anchor

    * @param arg2

-   *                The argument to be substituted in place of the second

-   *                formatting anchor

+   *          The argument to be substituted in place of the second formatting

+   *          anchor

    * @return The formatted message


   final public static String format(final String messagePattern, Object arg1,

@@ -148,10 +154,10 @@
    * arguments can be passed in an array.


    * @param messagePattern

-   *                The message pattern which will be parsed and formatted

+   *          The message pattern which will be parsed and formatted

    * @param argArray

-   *                An array of arguments to be substituted in place of

-   *                formatting anchors

+   *          An array of arguments to be substituted in place of formatting

+   *          anchors

    * @return The formatted message


   final public static String arrayFormat(final String messagePattern,

@@ -269,8 +275,10 @@
     try {

       String oAsString = o.toString();


-    } catch( Throwable t) {

-      System.err.println("SLF4J: Failed toString() invocation on an object of type ["+o.getClass().getName()+"]");

+    } catch (Throwable t) {

+      System.err

+          .println("SLF4J: Failed toString() invocation on an object of type ["

+              + o.getClass().getName() + "]");


       sbuf.append("[FAILED toString()]");


diff --git a/slf4j-site/src/site/pages/docs.html b/slf4j-site/src/site/pages/docs.html
index 989b1ca..52a3020 100644
--- a/slf4j-site/src/site/pages/docs.html
+++ b/slf4j-site/src/site/pages/docs.html
@@ -49,6 +49,12 @@
       Logger Plug-ins for RCP Applications</a>, by John J. Franey 




+    <li><a

+    href="http://glauche.de/2009/08/24/logging-with-slf4j-and-guice/">Logging

+    with SLF4J and Guice</a>, by Michael Glauche      

+    </li>



       <a href="slf4j-in-10-slides.ppt">SLF4J in 10 slides</a>, by Ceki G&uuml;lc&uuml;


@@ -76,6 +82,7 @@

       Soapbox for SLF4J</a>, by Bruce Snyder


