Clean checkin of the 6.03 code

BUG: 32495852
Change-Id: I5038a3bb41e217380c1188463daec07b1e9b6b48
diff --git a/efi32/include/efi/efidebug.h b/efi32/include/efi/efidebug.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f95d492
--- /dev/null
+++ b/efi32/include/efi/efidebug.h
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+#ifndef _EFI_DEBUG_H
+#define _EFI_DEBUG_H
+Copyright (c) 1998  Intel Corporation
+Module Name:
+    efidebug.h
+    EFI library debug functions
+Revision History
+extern UINTN     EFIDebug;
+    #define DBGASSERT(a)        DbgAssert(__FILE__, __LINE__, #a)
+    #define DEBUG(a)            DbgPrint a
+    #define DBGASSERT(a)
+    #define DEBUG(a)
+    #define DBGSETMEM(a,l)      SetMem(a,l,(CHAR8)BAD_POINTER)
+    #define DBGSETMEM(a,l)
+#define D_INIT        0x00000001          // Initialization style messages
+#define D_WARN        0x00000002          // Warnings
+#define D_LOAD        0x00000004          // Load events
+#define D_FS          0x00000008          // EFI File system
+#define D_POOL        0x00000010          // Alloc & Free's
+#define D_PAGE        0x00000020          // Alloc & Free's
+#define D_INFO        0x00000040          // Verbose
+#define D_VAR         0x00000100          // Variable
+#define D_PARSE       0x00000200          // Command parsing
+#define D_BM          0x00000400          // Boot manager
+#define D_BLKIO       0x00001000          // BlkIo Driver
+#define D_BLKIO_ULTRA 0x00002000          // BlkIo Driver
+#define D_NET         0x00004000          // SNI Driver
+#define D_NET_ULTRA   0x00008000          // SNI Driver
+#define D_TXTIN       0x00010000          // Simple Input Driver
+#define D_TXTOUT      0x00020000          // Simple Text Output Driver
+#define D_ERROR_ATA	  0x00040000		  		// ATA error messages 
+#define D_ERROR       0x80000000          // Error
+#define D_RESERVED    0x7fffC880          // Bits not reserved above
+// Current Debug level of the system, value of EFIDebug
+#define EFI_DBUG_MASK   (D_ERROR)
+    #define ASSERT(a)               if(!(a))       DBGASSERT(a)
+    #define ASSERT_LOCKED(l)        if(!(l)->Lock) DBGASSERT(l not locked)
+    #define ASSERT_STRUCT(p,t)      DBGASSERT(t not structure), p
+    #define ASSERT(a)               
+    #define ASSERT_LOCKED(l)        
+    #define ASSERT_STRUCT(p,t)      
+// Prototypes
+DbgAssert (
+    CHAR8   *file,
+    INTN    lineno,
+    CHAR8   *string
+    );
+DbgPrint (
+    INTN    mask,
+    CHAR8   *format,
+    ...
+    );