In this directory, we store Refaster templates for usage with Tink. These help users modernize the code and move to preferred APIs. They can be used with Error Prone, to automatically generated patches for your codebase. The templates can be found in java/com/google/tink1_templates/
In order to use them on your project, we refer to the Refaster documentation.
We sometimes test these templates using the script below. This script applies the templates to the code in java/com/google/tinkuser/*.java
and compares the result to the code in java/com/google/tinkuser/*.java_expected
NOTE: We run the following tests manually, not as part of our continuous integration tests.
errorprone_version="2.18.0" ## STEP 0: Switch to a directory so the remainder of the script can be run ## without modifying the working directory. code_path=$(pwd) cd $(mktemp -d) ## STEP 1: We get the 3 jar files: ## tink-{version}-jar, error_prone_refaster-{version}.jar, and error_prone_core-{version}.jar ## (For good measure, we verify the 3 sha256sums.) mkdir jars pushd jars maven_base="" # We download Tink from Head because Tink 1.9 does not have all key templates # This URL is found by going to and browsing. tink_jar="tink-HEAD-20230426.095746-3687.jar" tink_url="" tink_sha256="d88bbb07f02d3c55f9edc2a3450a1d6c8ff59c2cbe00d2d8b5628bdc67c0638f" refaster_jar="error_prone_refaster-${errorprone_version}.jar" refaster_sha256="0cde0a3db5c2f748fae4633ccd8c66a9ba9c5a0f7a380c9104b99372fd0c4959" errorprone_jar="error_prone_core-${errorprone_version}-with-dependencies.jar" errorprone_sha256="2b3f2d21e7754bece946cf8f7b0e2b2f805c46f58b4839eb302c3d2498a3a55e" wget "${tink_url}" echo "${tink_sha256} ${tink_jar}" | sha256sum -c wget "https://${maven_base}/errorprone/error_prone_refaster/${errorprone_version}/${refaster_jar}" echo "${refaster_sha256} ${refaster_jar}" | sha256sum -c wget "https://${maven_base}/errorprone/error_prone_core/${errorprone_version}/${errorprone_jar}" echo "${errorprone_sha256} ${errorprone_jar}" | sha256sum -c popd ## STEP 2: Use the current file in tink1to2 to create a "tinkrule.refaster": ## First we delete the results of previous copy operations. rm -rf refaster/ ; cp -r "${code_path}" . javac -cp "jars/${tink_jar}:jars/${refaster_jar}" \ "-Xplugin:RefasterRuleCompiler --out ${PWD}/tinkrule.refaster" \ refaster/java/com/google/tink1_templates/ ## STEP 3: Use error prone to create a patch: javac -cp "jars/${tink_jar}:jars/${errorprone_jar}" \ -XDcompilePolicy=byfile \ -processorpath "jars/${errorprone_jar}" \ "-Xplugin:ErrorProne -XepPatchChecks:refaster:${PWD}/tinkrule.refaster -XepPatchLocation:${PWD}" \ refaster/java/com/google/tinkuser/ patch refaster/java/com/google/tinkuser/ error-prone.patch diff refaster/java/com/google/tinkuser/ \ refaster/java/com/google/tinkuser/TinkUser.java_expected