This example shows how to encrypt data with Tink using hybrid encryption.
It demonstrates the basic steps of using Tink, namely loading key material, obtaining a primitive, and using the primitive to do crypto.
The key material was generated with Tinkey:
$ tinkey create-keyset \ --key-template DHKEM_X25519_HKDF_SHA256_HKDF_SHA256_AES_256_GCM \ --out-format JSON --out hybrid_test_private_keyset.json $ tinkey create-public-keyset --in hybrid_test_private_keyset.json \ --in-format JSON --out-format JSON --out hybrid_test_public_keyset.json
$ git clone $ cd tink/python/examples $ bazel build ...
You can then encrypt a file:
$ echo "some data" > testdata.txt $ ./bazel-bin/hybrid/hybrid --mode encrypt \ --keyset_path ./hybrid/hybrid_test_public_keyset.json \ --input_path testdata.txt --output_path testdata.txt.encrypted
Or decrypt the file with:
$ ./bazel-bin/hybrid/hybrid --mode decrypt \ --keyset_path ./hybrid/hybrid_test_private_keyset.json \ --input_path testdata.txt.encrypted --output_path testdata.txt.decrypted $ diff testdata.txt testdata.txt.decrypted