Initial commit to seed TPM2.0 source code directory

LICENSE file text copied from TCG library specification. README
describes the procedure used to extract source code from parts 3 and 4
of the specification.

The python scripts and part{34}.txt files will be removed in the
following commits.

Change-Id: Ie281e6e988481831f33483053455e8aff8f3f75f
Signed-off-by: Vadim Bendebury <[email protected]>
diff --git a/PCR_Event.c b/PCR_Event.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0010617
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PCR_Event.c
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+// This file was extracted from the TCG Published
+// Trusted Platform Module Library
+// Part 3: Commands
+// Family "2.0"
+// Level 00 Revision 01.16
+// October 30, 2014
+#include "InternalRoutines.h"
+#include "PCR_Event_fp.h"
+//     Error Returns                 Meaning
+//     TPM_RC_LOCALITY               current command locality is not allowed to extend the PCR
+//                                   referenced by pcrHandle
+   PCR_Event_In      *in,             // IN: input parameter list
+   PCR_Event_Out     *out             // OUT: output parameter list
+   )
+   TPM_RC                result;
+   HASH_STATE            hashState;
+   UINT32                i;
+   UINT16                size;
+// Input Validation
+   // If a PCR extend is required
+   if(in->pcrHandle != TPM_RH_NULL)
+   {
+       // If the PCR is not allow to extend, return error
+       if(!PCRIsExtendAllowed(in->pcrHandle))
+           return TPM_RC_LOCALITY;
+       // If PCR is state saved and we need to update orderlyState, check NV
+       // availability
+       if(PCRIsStateSaved(in->pcrHandle) && gp.orderlyState != SHUTDOWN_NONE)
+       {
+           result = NvIsAvailable();
+           if(result != TPM_RC_SUCCESS) return result;
+           g_clearOrderly = TRUE;
+       }
+   }
+// Internal Data Update
+   out->digests.count = HASH_COUNT;
+   // Iterate supported PCR bank algorithms to extend
+   for(i = 0; i < HASH_COUNT; i++)
+   {
+       TPM_ALG_ID hash = CryptGetHashAlgByIndex(i);
+       out->digests.digests[i].hashAlg = hash;
+       size = CryptStartHash(hash, &hashState);
+       CryptUpdateDigest2B(&hashState, &in->eventData.b);
+       CryptCompleteHash(&hashState, size,
+                         (BYTE *) &out->digests.digests[i].digest);
+       if(in->pcrHandle != TPM_RH_NULL)
+           PCRExtend(in->pcrHandle, hash, size,
+                     (BYTE *) &out->digests.digests[i].digest);
+   }
+   return TPM_RC_SUCCESS;