[incfs] Allow multiple timed jobs at the same time point
Old code had a tiny chance of ignoring a job if it happens to
be scheduled to the exactly the same time as one already in the
queue. Not that it will ever happen, but better to fix it.
+ make the worker thread code slightly easier to reason about
Bug: 183243150
Test: atest IncrementalServiceTest
Change-Id: Ia3126d30e19edfd17f7c8da368e9763ca5501e84
diff --git a/services/incremental/ServiceWrappers.cpp b/services/incremental/ServiceWrappers.cpp
index 7e85f9d..3465499 100644
--- a/services/incremental/ServiceWrappers.cpp
+++ b/services/incremental/ServiceWrappers.cpp
@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@
static JNIEnv* getOrAttachJniEnv(JavaVM* jvm);
-class RealTimedQueueWrapper : public TimedQueueWrapper {
+class RealTimedQueueWrapper final : public TimedQueueWrapper {
RealTimedQueueWrapper(JavaVM* jvm) {
mThread = std::thread([this, jvm]() {
@@ -268,11 +268,11 @@
CHECK(!mThread.joinable()) << "call stop first";
- void addJob(MountId id, Milliseconds after, Job what) final {
+ void addJob(MountId id, Milliseconds timeout, Job what) final {
const auto now = Clock::now();
std::unique_lock lock(mMutex);
- mJobs.insert(TimedJob{id, now + after, std::move(what)});
+ mJobs.insert(TimedJob{id, now + timeout, std::move(what)});
@@ -293,29 +293,28 @@
void runTimers() {
static constexpr TimePoint kInfinityTs{Clock::duration::max()};
- TimePoint nextJobTs = kInfinityTs;
std::unique_lock lock(mMutex);
for (;;) {
- mCondition.wait_until(lock, nextJobTs, [this, nextJobTs]() {
+ const TimePoint nextJobTs = mJobs.empty() ? kInfinityTs : mJobs.begin()->when;
+ mCondition.wait_until(lock, nextJobTs, [this, oldNextJobTs = nextJobTs]() {
const auto now = Clock::now();
- const auto firstJobTs = !mJobs.empty() ? mJobs.begin()->when : kInfinityTs;
- return !mRunning || firstJobTs <= now || firstJobTs < nextJobTs;
+ const auto newFirstJobTs = !mJobs.empty() ? mJobs.begin()->when : kInfinityTs;
+ return newFirstJobTs <= now || newFirstJobTs < oldNextJobTs || !mRunning;
if (!mRunning) {
const auto now = Clock::now();
- auto it = mJobs.begin();
- // Always acquire begin(). We can't use it after unlock as mTimedJobs can change.
- for (; it != mJobs.end() && it->when <= now; it = mJobs.begin()) {
+ // Always re-acquire begin(). We can't use it after unlock as mTimedJobs can change.
+ for (auto it = mJobs.begin(); it != mJobs.end() && it->when <= now;
+ it = mJobs.begin()) {
auto jobNode = mJobs.extract(it);
- nextJobTs = it != mJobs.end() ? it->when : kInfinityTs;
@@ -328,7 +327,7 @@
bool mRunning = true;
- std::set<TimedJob> mJobs;
+ std::multiset<TimedJob> mJobs;
std::condition_variable mCondition;
std::mutex mMutex;
std::thread mThread;