Fix SystemUI lint checks

 - Remove unnecessary @Supress and @Test annotations

 - Rename test functions to start with "test" so they are picked up

 - Use "AndroidLintCheckerTestDefaults", simplifying Soong build rules,
   remove unnecessary glob match for java files.

 - Fix "moreInfo" go-link URL

 - Use androidx.annotation_annotation-nodeps instead of
   androidx.annotation_annotation to avoid pulling in unnecessary

 - Remove unnecessary imports in tests

 - Re-enable CleanArchitectureDependencyViolationDetectorTest

 - Remove println

Flag: NONE
Bug: 334172345
Bug: 254533331
Test: atest SystemUILintCheckerTest --no-bazel-mode
Change-Id: I0758c38678fcbd2fa816a6017237c46827f2b89b
17 files changed