OMS: Add config_signature policy handling

policy to overlayable that overlay fulfills if it is signed with the
same certificate as the reference package whose package name is
declared in 'config-signature' tag of SystemConfig and is vetted by
OMS that it's a system pre-installed package.

BUG: 158726924
TEST: regular aapt2, idmap2, OMS tests

Merged-In: I645ee72271496008742886274be0d63a2985201b
Change-Id: I645ee72271496008742886274be0d63a2985201b
diff --git a/cmds/idmap2/libidmap2/ResourceMapping.cpp b/cmds/idmap2/libidmap2/ResourceMapping.cpp
index 34589a1..fd8b4eb 100644
--- a/cmds/idmap2/libidmap2/ResourceMapping.cpp
+++ b/cmds/idmap2/libidmap2/ResourceMapping.cpp
@@ -61,10 +61,13 @@
                               const ResourceId& target_resource) {
   static constexpr const PolicyBitmask sDefaultPolicies =
       PolicyFlags::ODM_PARTITION | PolicyFlags::OEM_PARTITION | PolicyFlags::SYSTEM_PARTITION |
-      PolicyFlags::VENDOR_PARTITION | PolicyFlags::PRODUCT_PARTITION | PolicyFlags::SIGNATURE;
+      PolicyFlags::VENDOR_PARTITION | PolicyFlags::PRODUCT_PARTITION | PolicyFlags::SIGNATURE |
+      PolicyFlags::CONFIG_SIGNATURE;
   // If the resource does not have an overlayable definition, allow the resource to be overlaid if
-  // the overlay is preinstalled or signed with the same signature as the target.
+  // the overlay is preinstalled, signed with the same signature as the target or signed with the
+  // same signature as reference package defined in SystemConfig under 'overlay-config-signature'
+  // tag.
   if (!target_package.DefinesOverlayable()) {
     return (sDefaultPolicies & fulfilled_policies) != 0
                ? Result<Unit>({})