Restore legacy recents package check to unblock quickstep development
- We added a recents component to allow the development of the recents
activity without exposing more privileged permissions, however, SysUI
needs to point to the old activity until the new one is ready (it
already has the existing priveleged permissions). For the time being,
restore the original check for the recents package (to be removed
immediately after we switch SysUI to launch the quickstep overview),
so that we can both enable the recents component overlay (for
development) without the existing recents activity going being given
the wrong activity type (for now both the legacy and new recents
component will have ACTIVITY_TYPE_RECENTS).
- Add a sysui test to ensure that the current recents activity also has
the right activity type
Bug: 68774229
Change-Id: I4bb59efa3507d61ac86c75d3b9c80f2e32d2f7b9
4 files changed