Remove whitespace from all test functions.

This was generated by running this exact query (who knows what tools
that line will break):

rg "fun \`" -l | xargs -I {} gsed -i -e '/fun `/s/\(\s*\)fun /\1DONOTSUBMIT/' -e '/DONOTSUBMIT/s/ - /_/g' -e '/DONOTSUBMIT/s/--/_/g' -e '/DONOTSUBMIT/s/\([a-z]\) \([a-z]\)/\1 \U\2/g' -e '/DONOTSUBMIT/s/\s//g' -e '/DONOTSUBMIT/s/`//g' -e '/DONOTSUBMIT/s/DONOTSUBMIT/DONOTSUBMIT /g' -e '/DONOTSUBMIT/s/ \([A-Z]\)\([a-z]\)/ \L\1\2/' -e '/DONOTSUBMIT/s/-\(\S\)/\U\1/g' -e '/DONOTSUBMIT/s/=/ = /' -e '/DONOTSUBMIT/s/{/ { /' -e '/DONOTSUBMIT/s/\s*$//' -e '/DONOTSUBMIT/s/DONOTSUBMIT/    fun/g' {}

The breakdown is as follows:

- rg queries for any file that contains a function which begins with
  "fun `"
- xargs to execute `gsed` on every file

Now for the transformation. Loosely what we do is:

- Replace "fun `" with an easily spottable tag
- Every command henceforth is filtered to lines starting with our tag
- Make the following transforms:
  1. replace " - " with a regular underscore
  2. replace the few "--" also with an underscore
  3. Any word following a space is uppercased
  4. Strip all whitespce from the whole line
  5. Remove the backtick
  6a. Add a space after our tag (important for the next step)
  6b. Any function starting with UpperCamelCase is now lowerCamelCase
  7. replace any <letter>-<letter> occurences with
     <letter><UPPERLETTER>. Because I figure "word-pair" is probably
     better represented as "wordPair" rather than "word_pair"
  8. re-add whitespace around the equals sign (if any)
  9. re-add whitespace around the opening bracket (if any)
  10. trim tailing whitespace
  11. replace our token with the corect "    fun" line starter

-e '/fun `/s/\(\s*\)fun /\1DONOTSUBMIT/'          #step 0
-e '/DONOTSUBMIT/s/ - /_/g'                       #step 1
-e '/DONOTSUBMIT/s/--/_/g'                        #step 2
-e '/DONOTSUBMIT/s/\([a-z]\) \([a-z]\)/\1 \U\2/g' #step 3
-e '/DONOTSUBMIT/s/\s//g'                         #step 4
-e '/DONOTSUBMIT/s/`//g'                          #step 5
-e '/DONOTSUBMIT/s/ \([A-Z]\)\([a-z]\)/ \L\1\2/'  #step 6b
-e '/DONOTSUBMIT/s/-\(\S\)/\U\1/g'                #step 7
-e '/DONOTSUBMIT/s/=/ = /'                        #step 8
-e '/DONOTSUBMIT/s/{/ { /'                        #step 9
-e '/DONOTSUBMIT/s/\s*$//'                        #step 10
-e '/DONOTSUBMIT/s/DONOTSUBMIT/    fun/g' {}      #step 11

NOTE: This CL skipped ktfmt since that only modified lines unrelated to
the change

Test: run all of the tests
Bug: 277739595
Change-Id: I673ebf8992f56f0220652e15534acdb91e60a9dc
54 files changed