Add AndroidTest.xml to incident_helper and incidentd

This change depends on fix of b/69802886:

Bug: 65754586
Test: atest incident_helper_test && atest incidentd_test
Change-Id: I64d793c8abe4381114e5b38fa12d085b1d808cd1
diff --git a/cmds/incidentd/ b/cmds/incidentd/
index daa3924..ad0fa08 100644
--- a/cmds/incidentd/
+++ b/cmds/incidentd/
@@ -5,13 +5,19 @@
 For the first time, build the test and create an empty directly on device:
-root$ make -j incidentd_test && adb shell mkdir /data/nativetest64/incidentd_test
+root$ make -j incidentd_test && adb shell mkdir /data/nativetest/incidentd_test
-Run the test on a device
+Run the test on a device manually
 root$ mmm -j frameworks/base/cmds/incidentd && \
-adb push $OUT/data/nativetest64/incidentd_test/* /data/nativetest64/incidentd_test/ && \
-adb shell /data/nativetest64/incidentd_test/incidentd_test 2>/dev/null
+adb push $OUT/data/nativetest/incidentd_test/* /data/nativetest/incidentd_test/ && \
+adb shell /data/nativetest/incidentd_test/incidentd_test 2>/dev/null
+Run the test via AndroidTest.xml
+root$ atest incidentd_test
\ No newline at end of file