Changes to support reducing noise in active unlock notifications.
1. Add additional trigger onUserMayRequestUnlock
- point existing trigger points from SystemUI to this
2. Argument added to onUserRequestedUnlock to indicate if user wants to
dismiss keyguard.
3. Callback for result of grantTrust calls.
- curently only calls back if device was unlocked as a result of the
See design: go/au-noise-reduction
Note: changes made to SystemUI are manually tested and may need
refactoring which is being skipped now to meet the API Freeze deadline.
Bug: 225231929
Test: atest TrustTests
Test: Manual interaction with wake & fingerprint sensor
CTS-Coverage-Bug: 213944235
Change-Id: I8d08229f09c9a1f2295b7eb464d12cad0c6b8303
diff --git a/tests/TrustTests/Android.bp b/tests/TrustTests/Android.bp
index c9c6c5c..77f98e8 100644
--- a/tests/TrustTests/Android.bp
+++ b/tests/TrustTests/Android.bp
@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
+ "mockito-target-minus-junit4",
+ "servicestests-utils",
libs: [