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Datastore library

This library aims to manage datastore in a consistent way.


A datastore is required to extend the BackupRestoreStorage class and implement either Observable or KeyedObservable interface, which enforces:

  • Backup and restore: Datastore should support data backup to preserve user experiences on a new device.
  • Observer pattern: The observer pattern allows to monitor data change in the datastore and
    • trigger BackupManager.dataChanged automatically.
    • track data change event to log metrics.
    • update internal state and take action.

Backup and restore

The Android backup framework provides BackupAgentHelper and BackupHelper to back up a datastore. However, there are several caveats when implement BackupHelper:

  • performBackup: The data is updated incrementally but it is not well documented. The ParcelFileDescriptor state parameters are normally ignored and data is updated even there is no change.
  • restoreEntity: The implementation must take care not to seek or close the underlying data source, nor read more than size() bytes from the stream when restore (see BackupDataInputStream). It is possible a BackupHelper prevents other BackupHelpers from restoring data.
  • writeNewStateDescription: Existing implementations rarely notice that this callback is invoked after all entities are restored, and check if necessary data are all restored in restoreEntity (e.g. BatteryBackupHelper), which is not robust sometimes.

This library provides more clear API and offers some improvements:

  • The implementation only needs to focus on the BackupRestoreEntity interface. The InputStream of restore will ensure bounded data are read, and close the stream will be no-op.
  • The library computes checksum of the backup data automatically, so that unchanged data will not be sent to Android backup system.
  • Data compression is supported:
    • ZIP best compression is enabled by default, no extra effort needs to be taken.
    • It is safe to switch between compression and no compression in future, the backup data will add 1 byte header to recognize the codec.
    • To support other compression algorithms, simply wrap over the InputStream and OutputStream. Actually, the checksum is computed in this way by CheckedInputStream and CheckedOutputStream, see BackupRestoreStorage implementation for more details.
  • Enhanced forward compatibility for file is enabled: If a backup includes data that didn't exist in earlier versions of the app, the data can still be successfully restored in those older versions. This is achieved by extending the BackupRestoreFileStorage class, and BackupRestoreFileArchiver will treat each file as an entity and do the backup / restore.
  • Manual BackupManager.dataChanged call is unnecessary now, the library will do the invocation (see next section).

Observer pattern

Manual BackupManager.dataChanged call is required by current backup framework. In practice, it is found that SharedPreferences usages foget to invoke the API. Besides, there are common use cases to log metrics when data is changed. Consequently, observer pattern is employed to resolve the issues.

If the datastore is key-value based (e.g. SharedPreferences), implements the KeyedObservable interface to offer fine-grained observer. Otherwise, implements Observable. The library provides thread-safe implementations (KeyedDataObservable / DataObservable), and Kotlin delegation will be helpful.

Keep in mind that the implementation should call KeyedObservable.notifyChange / Observable.notifyChange whenever internal data is changed, so that the registered observer will be notified properly.

Usage and example

For SharedPreferences use case, leverage the SharedPreferencesStorage. To back up other file based storage, extend the BackupRestoreFileStorage class.

Here is an example of customized datastore, which has a string to back up:

class MyDataStore : ObservableBackupRestoreStorage() {
    // Another option is make it a StringEntity type and maintain a String field inside StringEntity
    @Volatile // backup/restore happens on Binder thread
    var data: String? = null
        private set

    fun setData(data: String?) { = data

    override val name: String
        get() = "MyData"

    override fun createBackupRestoreEntities(): List<BackupRestoreEntity> =

    private inner class StringEntity(override val key: String) : BackupRestoreEntity {
        override fun backup(
            backupContext: BackupContext,
            outputStream: OutputStream,
        ) =
            if (data != null) {
            } else {

        override fun restore(restoreContext: RestoreContext, inputStream: InputStream) {
            data = String(inputStream.readAllBytes(), UTF_8)
            // NOTE: The library will call notifyChange(ChangeReason.RESTORE) for you

    override fun onRestoreFinished() {
        // TODO: Update state with the restored data. Use this callback instead "restore()" in case
        //       the restore action involves several entities.
        // NOTE: The library will call notifyChange(ChangeReason.RESTORE) for you

In the application class:

class MyApplication : Application() {
  override fun onCreate() {

In the custom BackupAgentHelper class:

class MyBackupAgentHelper : BackupAgentHelper() {
  override fun onCreate() {

  override fun onRestoreFinished() {