am a4738bdb: am 7c95ae91: am 67fc6b0b: Merge "Fix issue where keyguard reports a valid token but doesn\'t draw" into klp-dev

* commit 'a4738bdbd2d310842bc55aecfcd5105ade83e146':
  Fix issue where keyguard reports a valid token but doesn't draw
diff --git a/packages/Keyguard/src/com/android/keyguard/ b/packages/Keyguard/src/com/android/keyguard/
index a0cad84..fd7cae6 100644
--- a/packages/Keyguard/src/com/android/keyguard/
+++ b/packages/Keyguard/src/com/android/keyguard/
@@ -431,17 +431,13 @@
     public synchronized void onScreenTurnedOn(final IKeyguardShowCallback callback) {
         if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "onScreenTurnedOn()");
         mScreenOn = true;
-        final IBinder token;
-        // If keyguard is disabled, we need to inform PhoneWindowManager with a null
+        // If keyguard is not showing, we need to inform PhoneWindowManager with a null
         // token so it doesn't wait for us to draw...
-        final boolean disabled =
-                mLockPatternUtils.isLockScreenDisabled() && !mLockPatternUtils.isSecure();
-        if (mKeyguardHost == null || disabled) {
-            token = null;
-        } else {
-            token = mKeyguardHost.getWindowToken();
-        }
+        final IBinder token = isShowing() ? mKeyguardHost.getWindowToken() : null;
+        if (DEBUG && token == null) Slog.v(TAG, "send wm null token: "
+                + (mKeyguardHost == null ? "host was null" : "not showing"));
         if (mKeyguardView != null) {