Apply new code formatting to back panel arrow

Apply ktfmt 0.49 formatting to

Test: atest
Flag: NONE Code formatting
Change-Id: I4e70d07d9d4a3c582e5602879903d8c463c98fa1
diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/navigationbar/gestural/BackPanel.kt b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/navigationbar/gestural/BackPanel.kt
index a256b59..e931f8f 100644
--- a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/navigationbar/gestural/BackPanel.kt
+++ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/navigationbar/gestural/BackPanel.kt
@@ -18,10 +18,7 @@
 private const val TAG = "BackPanel"
 private const val DEBUG = false
-class BackPanel(
-        context: Context,
-        private val latencyTracker: LatencyTracker
-) : View(context) {
+class BackPanel(context: Context, private val latencyTracker: LatencyTracker) : View(context) {
     var arrowsPointLeft = false
         set(value) {
@@ -42,39 +39,39 @@
     // True if the panel is currently on the left of the screen
     var isLeftPanel = false
-    /**
-     * Used to track back arrow latency from [android.view.MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN] to [onDraw]
-     */
+    /** Used to track back arrow latency from [android.view.MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN] to [onDraw] */
     private var trackingBackArrowLatency = false
-    /**
-     * The length of the arrow measured horizontally. Used for animating [arrowPath]
-     */
-    private var arrowLength = AnimatedFloat(
+    /** The length of the arrow measured horizontally. Used for animating [arrowPath] */
+    private var arrowLength =
+        AnimatedFloat(
             name = "arrowLength",
             minimumVisibleChange = SpringAnimation.MIN_VISIBLE_CHANGE_PIXELS
-    )
+        )
      * The height of the arrow measured vertically from its center to its top (i.e. half the total
      * height). Used for animating [arrowPath]
-    var arrowHeight = AnimatedFloat(
+    var arrowHeight =
+        AnimatedFloat(
             name = "arrowHeight",
             minimumVisibleChange = SpringAnimation.MIN_VISIBLE_CHANGE_ROTATION_DEGREES
-    )
+        )
-    val backgroundWidth = AnimatedFloat(
+    val backgroundWidth =
+        AnimatedFloat(
             name = "backgroundWidth",
             minimumVisibleChange = SpringAnimation.MIN_VISIBLE_CHANGE_PIXELS,
             minimumValue = 0f,
-    )
+        )
-    val backgroundHeight = AnimatedFloat(
+    val backgroundHeight =
+        AnimatedFloat(
             name = "backgroundHeight",
             minimumVisibleChange = SpringAnimation.MIN_VISIBLE_CHANGE_PIXELS,
             minimumValue = 0f,
-    )
+        )
      * Corners of the background closer to the edge of the screen (where the arrow appeared from).
@@ -88,17 +85,19 @@
     val backgroundFarCornerRadius = AnimatedFloat("backgroundFarCornerRadius")
-    var scale = AnimatedFloat(
+    var scale =
+        AnimatedFloat(
             name = "scale",
             minimumVisibleChange = SpringAnimation.MIN_VISIBLE_CHANGE_SCALE,
             minimumValue = 0f
-    )
+        )
-    val scalePivotX = AnimatedFloat(
+    val scalePivotX =
+        AnimatedFloat(
             name = "scalePivotX",
             minimumVisibleChange = SpringAnimation.MIN_VISIBLE_CHANGE_PIXELS,
             minimumValue = backgroundWidth.pos / 2,
-    )
+        )
      * Left/right position of the background relative to the canvas. Also corresponds with the
@@ -107,21 +106,24 @@
     var horizontalTranslation = AnimatedFloat(name = "horizontalTranslation")
-    var arrowAlpha = AnimatedFloat(
+    var arrowAlpha =
+        AnimatedFloat(
             name = "arrowAlpha",
             minimumVisibleChange = SpringAnimation.MIN_VISIBLE_CHANGE_ALPHA,
             minimumValue = 0f,
             maximumValue = 1f
-    )
+        )
-    val backgroundAlpha = AnimatedFloat(
+    val backgroundAlpha =
+        AnimatedFloat(
             name = "backgroundAlpha",
             minimumVisibleChange = SpringAnimation.MIN_VISIBLE_CHANGE_ALPHA,
             minimumValue = 0f,
             maximumValue = 1f
-    )
+        )
-    private val allAnimatedFloat = setOf(
+    private val allAnimatedFloat =
+        setOf(
@@ -132,7 +134,7 @@
-    )
+        )
      * Canvas vertical translation. How far up/down the arrow and background appear relative to the
@@ -140,43 +142,45 @@
     var verticalTranslation = AnimatedFloat("verticalTranslation")
-    /**
-     * Use for drawing debug info. Can only be set if [DEBUG]=true
-     */
+    /** Use for drawing debug info. Can only be set if [DEBUG]=true */
     var drawDebugInfo: ((canvas: Canvas) -> Unit)? = null
         set(value) {
             if (DEBUG) field = value
     internal fun updateArrowPaint(arrowThickness: Float) {
         arrowPaint.strokeWidth = arrowThickness
-        val isDeviceInNightTheme = resources.configuration.uiMode and
-                Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_MASK == Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_YES
+        val isDeviceInNightTheme =
+            resources.configuration.uiMode and Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_MASK ==
+                Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_YES
-        arrowPaint.color = Utils.getColorAttrDefaultColor(context,
+        arrowPaint.color =
+            Utils.getColorAttrDefaultColor(
+                context,
                 if (isDeviceInNightTheme) {
                 } else {
-        )
+            )
-        arrowBackgroundPaint.color = Utils.getColorAttrDefaultColor(context,
+        arrowBackgroundPaint.color =
+            Utils.getColorAttrDefaultColor(
+                context,
                 if (isDeviceInNightTheme) {
                 } else {
-        )
+            )
     inner class AnimatedFloat(
-            name: String,
-            private val minimumVisibleChange: Float? = null,
-            private val minimumValue: Float? = null,
-            private val maximumValue: Float? = null,
+        name: String,
+        private val minimumVisibleChange: Float? = null,
+        private val minimumValue: Float? = null,
+        private val maximumValue: Float? = null,
     ) {
         // The resting position when not stretched by a touch drag
@@ -207,19 +211,21 @@
         init {
-            val floatProp = object : FloatPropertyCompat<AnimatedFloat>(name) {
-                override fun setValue(animatedFloat: AnimatedFloat, value: Float) {
-                    animatedFloat.pos = value
-                }
+            val floatProp =
+                object : FloatPropertyCompat<AnimatedFloat>(name) {
+                    override fun setValue(animatedFloat: AnimatedFloat, value: Float) {
+                        animatedFloat.pos = value
+                    }
-                override fun getValue(animatedFloat: AnimatedFloat): Float = animatedFloat.pos
-            }
-            animation = SpringAnimation(this, floatProp).apply {
-                spring = SpringForce()
-                [email protected]?.let { setMinValue(it) }
-                [email protected]?.let { setMaxValue(it) }
-                [email protected]?.let { minimumVisibleChange = it }
-            }
+                    override fun getValue(animatedFloat: AnimatedFloat): Float = animatedFloat.pos
+                }
+            animation =
+                SpringAnimation(this, floatProp).apply {
+                    spring = SpringForce()
+                    [email protected]?.let { setMinValue(it) }
+                    [email protected]?.let { setMaxValue(it) }
+                    [email protected]?.let { minimumVisibleChange = it }
+                }
         fun snapTo(newPosition: Float) {
@@ -233,11 +239,10 @@
         fun stretchTo(
-                stretchAmount: Float,
-                startingVelocity: Float? = null,
-                springForce: SpringForce? = null
+            stretchAmount: Float,
+            startingVelocity: Float? = null,
+            springForce: SpringForce? = null
         ) {
             animation.apply {
                 startingVelocity?.let {
@@ -297,8 +302,8 @@
     fun addAnimationEndListener(
-            animatedFloat: AnimatedFloat,
-            endListener: DelayedOnAnimationEndListener
+        animatedFloat: AnimatedFloat,
+        endListener: DelayedOnAnimationEndListener
     ): Boolean {
         return if (animatedFloat.isRunning) {
@@ -314,51 +319,51 @@
     fun setStretch(
-            horizontalTranslationStretchAmount: Float,
-            arrowStretchAmount: Float,
-            arrowAlphaStretchAmount: Float,
-            backgroundAlphaStretchAmount: Float,
-            backgroundWidthStretchAmount: Float,
-            backgroundHeightStretchAmount: Float,
-            edgeCornerStretchAmount: Float,
-            farCornerStretchAmount: Float,
-            fullyStretchedDimens: EdgePanelParams.BackIndicatorDimens
+        horizontalTranslationStretchAmount: Float,
+        arrowStretchAmount: Float,
+        arrowAlphaStretchAmount: Float,
+        backgroundAlphaStretchAmount: Float,
+        backgroundWidthStretchAmount: Float,
+        backgroundHeightStretchAmount: Float,
+        edgeCornerStretchAmount: Float,
+        farCornerStretchAmount: Float,
+        fullyStretchedDimens: EdgePanelParams.BackIndicatorDimens
     ) {
-                finalPosition = fullyStretchedDimens.horizontalTranslation,
-                amount = horizontalTranslationStretchAmount
+            finalPosition = fullyStretchedDimens.horizontalTranslation,
+            amount = horizontalTranslationStretchAmount
-                finalPosition = fullyStretchedDimens.arrowDimens.length,
-                amount = arrowStretchAmount
+            finalPosition = fullyStretchedDimens.arrowDimens.length,
+            amount = arrowStretchAmount
-                finalPosition = fullyStretchedDimens.arrowDimens.height,
-                amount = arrowStretchAmount
+            finalPosition = fullyStretchedDimens.arrowDimens.height,
+            amount = arrowStretchAmount
-                finalPosition = fullyStretchedDimens.arrowDimens.alpha,
-                amount = arrowAlphaStretchAmount
+            finalPosition = fullyStretchedDimens.arrowDimens.alpha,
+            amount = arrowAlphaStretchAmount
-                finalPosition = fullyStretchedDimens.backgroundDimens.alpha,
-                amount = backgroundAlphaStretchAmount
+            finalPosition = fullyStretchedDimens.backgroundDimens.alpha,
+            amount = backgroundAlphaStretchAmount
-                finalPosition = fullyStretchedDimens.backgroundDimens.width,
-                amount = backgroundWidthStretchAmount
+            finalPosition = fullyStretchedDimens.backgroundDimens.width,
+            amount = backgroundWidthStretchAmount
-                finalPosition = fullyStretchedDimens.backgroundDimens.height,
-                amount = backgroundHeightStretchAmount
+            finalPosition = fullyStretchedDimens.backgroundDimens.height,
+            amount = backgroundHeightStretchAmount
-                finalPosition = fullyStretchedDimens.backgroundDimens.edgeCornerRadius,
-                amount = edgeCornerStretchAmount
+            finalPosition = fullyStretchedDimens.backgroundDimens.edgeCornerRadius,
+            amount = edgeCornerStretchAmount
-                finalPosition = fullyStretchedDimens.backgroundDimens.farCornerRadius,
-                amount = farCornerStretchAmount
+            finalPosition = fullyStretchedDimens.backgroundDimens.farCornerRadius,
+            amount = farCornerStretchAmount
@@ -373,8 +378,11 @@
     fun popArrowAlpha(startingVelocity: Float, springForce: SpringForce? = null) {
-        arrowAlpha.stretchTo(stretchAmount = 0f, startingVelocity = startingVelocity,
-                springForce = springForce)
+        arrowAlpha.stretchTo(
+            stretchAmount = 0f,
+            startingVelocity = startingVelocity,
+            springForce = springForce
+        )
     fun resetStretch() {
@@ -392,12 +400,10 @@
-    /**
-     * Updates resting arrow and background size not accounting for stretch
-     */
+    /** Updates resting arrow and background size not accounting for stretch */
     internal fun setRestingDimens(
-            restingParams: EdgePanelParams.BackIndicatorDimens,
-            animate: Boolean = true
+        restingParams: EdgePanelParams.BackIndicatorDimens,
+        animate: Boolean = true
     ) {
@@ -410,27 +416,29 @@
         backgroundWidth.updateRestingPosition(restingParams.backgroundDimens.width, animate)
         backgroundHeight.updateRestingPosition(restingParams.backgroundDimens.height, animate)
-                restingParams.backgroundDimens.edgeCornerRadius, animate
+            restingParams.backgroundDimens.edgeCornerRadius,
+            animate
-                restingParams.backgroundDimens.farCornerRadius, animate
+            restingParams.backgroundDimens.farCornerRadius,
+            animate
     fun animateVertically(yPos: Float) = verticalTranslation.stretchTo(yPos)
     fun setSpring(
-            horizontalTranslation: SpringForce? = null,
-            verticalTranslation: SpringForce? = null,
-            scale: SpringForce? = null,
-            arrowLength: SpringForce? = null,
-            arrowHeight: SpringForce? = null,
-            arrowAlpha: SpringForce? = null,
-            backgroundAlpha: SpringForce? = null,
-            backgroundFarCornerRadius: SpringForce? = null,
-            backgroundEdgeCornerRadius: SpringForce? = null,
-            backgroundWidth: SpringForce? = null,
-            backgroundHeight: SpringForce? = null,
+        horizontalTranslation: SpringForce? = null,
+        verticalTranslation: SpringForce? = null,
+        scale: SpringForce? = null,
+        arrowLength: SpringForce? = null,
+        arrowHeight: SpringForce? = null,
+        arrowAlpha: SpringForce? = null,
+        backgroundAlpha: SpringForce? = null,
+        backgroundFarCornerRadius: SpringForce? = null,
+        backgroundEdgeCornerRadius: SpringForce? = null,
+        backgroundWidth: SpringForce? = null,
+        backgroundHeight: SpringForce? = null,
     ) {
         arrowLength?.let { this.arrowLength.spring = it }
         arrowHeight?.let { this.arrowHeight.spring = it }
@@ -459,26 +467,28 @@
         if (!isLeftPanel) canvas.scale(-1f, 1f, canvasWidth / 2.0f, 0f)
-        canvas.translate(
-                horizontalTranslation.pos,
-                height * 0.5f + verticalTranslation.pos
-        )
+        canvas.translate(horizontalTranslation.pos, height * 0.5f + verticalTranslation.pos)
         canvas.scale(scale.pos, scale.pos, scalePivotX, 0f)
-        val arrowBackground = arrowBackgroundRect.apply {
-            left = 0f
-            top = -halfHeight
-            right = backgroundWidth
-            bottom = halfHeight
-        }.toPathWithRoundCorners(
-                topLeft = edgeCorner,
-                bottomLeft = edgeCorner,
-                topRight = farCorner,
-                bottomRight = farCorner
+        val arrowBackground =
+            arrowBackgroundRect
+                .apply {
+                    left = 0f
+                    top = -halfHeight
+                    right = backgroundWidth
+                    bottom = halfHeight
+                }
+                .toPathWithRoundCorners(
+                    topLeft = edgeCorner,
+                    bottomLeft = edgeCorner,
+                    topRight = farCorner,
+                    bottomRight = farCorner
+                )
+        canvas.drawPath(
+            arrowBackground,
+            arrowBackgroundPaint.apply { alpha = (255 * backgroundAlpha.pos).toInt() }
-        canvas.drawPath(arrowBackground,
-                arrowBackgroundPaint.apply { alpha = (255 * backgroundAlpha.pos).toInt() })
         val dx = arrowLength.pos
         val dy = arrowHeight.pos
@@ -487,8 +497,8 @@
         // either the tip or the back of the arrow, whichever is closer
         val arrowOffset = (backgroundWidth - dx) / 2
-                /* dx= */ arrowOffset,
-                /* dy= */ 0f /* pass 0 for the y position since the canvas was already translated */
+            /* dx= */ arrowOffset,
+            /* dy= */ 0f /* pass 0 for the y position since the canvas was already translated */
         val arrowPointsAwayFromEdge = !arrowsPointLeft.xor(isLeftPanel)
@@ -500,8 +510,8 @@
         val arrowPath = calculateArrowPath(dx = dx, dy = dy)
-        val arrowPaint = arrowPaint
-                .apply { alpha = (255 * min(arrowAlpha.pos, backgroundAlpha.pos)).toInt() }
+        val arrowPaint =
+            arrowPaint.apply { alpha = (255 * min(arrowAlpha.pos, backgroundAlpha.pos)).toInt() }
         canvas.drawPath(arrowPath, arrowPaint)
@@ -519,17 +529,23 @@
     private fun RectF.toPathWithRoundCorners(
-            topLeft: Float = 0f,
-            topRight: Float = 0f,
-            bottomRight: Float = 0f,
-            bottomLeft: Float = 0f
-    ): Path = Path().apply {
-        val corners = floatArrayOf(
-                topLeft, topLeft,
-                topRight, topRight,
-                bottomRight, bottomRight,
-                bottomLeft, bottomLeft
-        )
-        addRoundRect(this@toPathWithRoundCorners, corners, Path.Direction.CW)
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
+        topLeft: Float = 0f,
+        topRight: Float = 0f,
+        bottomRight: Float = 0f,
+        bottomLeft: Float = 0f
+    ): Path =
+        Path().apply {
+            val corners =
+                floatArrayOf(
+                    topLeft,
+                    topLeft,
+                    topRight,
+                    topRight,
+                    bottomRight,
+                    bottomRight,
+                    bottomLeft,
+                    bottomLeft
+                )
+            addRoundRect(this@toPathWithRoundCorners, corners, Path.Direction.CW)
+        }
diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/navigationbar/gestural/BackPanelController.kt b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/navigationbar/gestural/BackPanelController.kt
index f8086f5f..b208434 100644
--- a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/navigationbar/gestural/BackPanelController.kt
+++ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/navigationbar/gestural/BackPanelController.kt
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
 import android.view.HapticFeedbackConstants
 import android.view.MotionEvent
 import android.view.VelocityTracker
-import android.view.View
 import android.view.ViewConfiguration
 import android.view.WindowManager
 import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting
@@ -164,6 +163,7 @@
     private val elapsedTimeSinceInactive
         get() = systemClock.uptimeMillis() - gestureInactiveTime
     private val elapsedTimeSinceEntry
         get() = systemClock.uptimeMillis() - gestureEntryTime
@@ -612,6 +612,7 @@
     private var previousPreThresholdWidthInterpolator = params.entryWidthInterpolator
     private fun preThresholdWidthStretchAmount(progress: Float): Float {
         val interpolator = run {
             val isPastSlop = totalTouchDeltaInactive > viewConfiguration.scaledTouchSlop
@@ -677,8 +678,7 @@
             velocityTracker?.run {
                 xVelocity.takeIf { mView.isLeftPanel } ?: (xVelocity * -1)
-            }
-                ?: 0f
+            } ?: 0f
         val isPastFlingVelocityThreshold =
             flingVelocity > viewConfiguration.scaledMinimumFlingVelocity
         return flingDistance > minFlingDistance && isPastFlingVelocityThreshold
@@ -1006,15 +1006,15 @@
     private fun performDeactivatedHapticFeedback() {
-                mView,
-                HapticFeedbackConstants.GESTURE_THRESHOLD_DEACTIVATE
+            mView,
+            HapticFeedbackConstants.GESTURE_THRESHOLD_DEACTIVATE
     private fun performActivatedHapticFeedback() {
-                mView,
-                HapticFeedbackConstants.GESTURE_THRESHOLD_ACTIVATE
+            mView,
+            HapticFeedbackConstants.GESTURE_THRESHOLD_ACTIVATE
@@ -1028,8 +1028,7 @@
             velocityTracker?.run {
                 MathUtils.smoothStep(slowVelocityBound, fastVelocityBound, abs(xVelocity))
-            }
-                ?: valueOnFastVelocity
+            } ?: valueOnFastVelocity
         return MathUtils.lerp(valueOnFastVelocity, valueOnSlowVelocity, 1 - factor)
diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/navigationbar/gestural/EdgePanelParams.kt b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/navigationbar/gestural/EdgePanelParams.kt
index 439b7e1..db8749f 100644
--- a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/navigationbar/gestural/EdgePanelParams.kt
+++ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/navigationbar/gestural/EdgePanelParams.kt
@@ -10,92 +10,114 @@
 data class EdgePanelParams(private var resources: Resources) {
     data class ArrowDimens(
-            val length: Float? = 0f,
-            val height: Float? = 0f,
-            val alpha: Float = 0f,
-            val heightSpring: SpringForce? = null,
-            val lengthSpring: SpringForce? = null,
-            var alphaSpring: Step<SpringForce>? = null,
-            var alphaInterpolator: Step<Float>? = null
+        val length: Float? = 0f,
+        val height: Float? = 0f,
+        val alpha: Float = 0f,
+        val heightSpring: SpringForce? = null,
+        val lengthSpring: SpringForce? = null,
+        var alphaSpring: Step<SpringForce>? = null,
+        var alphaInterpolator: Step<Float>? = null
     data class BackgroundDimens(
-            val width: Float? = 0f,
-            val height: Float = 0f,
-            val edgeCornerRadius: Float = 0f,
-            val farCornerRadius: Float = 0f,
-            val alpha: Float = 0f,
-            val widthSpring: SpringForce? = null,
-            val heightSpring: SpringForce? = null,
-            val farCornerRadiusSpring: SpringForce? = null,
-            val edgeCornerRadiusSpring: SpringForce? = null,
-            val alphaSpring: SpringForce? = null,
+        val width: Float? = 0f,
+        val height: Float = 0f,
+        val edgeCornerRadius: Float = 0f,
+        val farCornerRadius: Float = 0f,
+        val alpha: Float = 0f,
+        val widthSpring: SpringForce? = null,
+        val heightSpring: SpringForce? = null,
+        val farCornerRadiusSpring: SpringForce? = null,
+        val edgeCornerRadiusSpring: SpringForce? = null,
+        val alphaSpring: SpringForce? = null,
     data class BackIndicatorDimens(
-            val horizontalTranslation: Float? = 0f,
-            val scale: Float = 0f,
-            val scalePivotX: Float? = null,
-            val arrowDimens: ArrowDimens,
-            val backgroundDimens: BackgroundDimens,
-            val verticalTranslationSpring: SpringForce? = null,
-            val horizontalTranslationSpring: SpringForce? = null,
-            val scaleSpring: SpringForce? = null,
+        val horizontalTranslation: Float? = 0f,
+        val scale: Float = 0f,
+        val scalePivotX: Float? = null,
+        val arrowDimens: ArrowDimens,
+        val backgroundDimens: BackgroundDimens,
+        val verticalTranslationSpring: SpringForce? = null,
+        val horizontalTranslationSpring: SpringForce? = null,
+        val scaleSpring: SpringForce? = null,
     lateinit var entryIndicator: BackIndicatorDimens
         private set
     lateinit var activeIndicator: BackIndicatorDimens
         private set
     lateinit var cancelledIndicator: BackIndicatorDimens
         private set
     lateinit var flungIndicator: BackIndicatorDimens
         private set
     lateinit var committedIndicator: BackIndicatorDimens
         private set
     lateinit var preThresholdIndicator: BackIndicatorDimens
         private set
     lateinit var fullyStretchedIndicator: BackIndicatorDimens
         private set
     // navigation bar edge constants
     var arrowPaddingEnd: Int = 0
         private set
     var arrowThickness: Float = 0f
         private set
     // The closest to y
     var minArrowYPosition: Int = 0
         private set
     var fingerOffset: Int = 0
         private set
     var staticTriggerThreshold: Float = 0f
         private set
     var reactivationTriggerThreshold: Float = 0f
         private set
     var deactivationTriggerThreshold: Float = 0f
         get() = -field
         private set
     lateinit var dynamicTriggerThresholdRange: ClosedRange<Float>
         private set
     var swipeProgressThreshold: Float = 0f
         private set
     lateinit var entryWidthInterpolator: Interpolator
         private set
     lateinit var entryWidthTowardsEdgeInterpolator: Interpolator
         private set
     lateinit var activeWidthInterpolator: Interpolator
         private set
     lateinit var arrowAngleInterpolator: Interpolator
         private set
     lateinit var horizontalTranslationInterpolator: Interpolator
         private set
     lateinit var verticalTranslationInterpolator: Interpolator
         private set
     lateinit var farCornerInterpolator: Interpolator
         private set
     lateinit var edgeCornerInterpolator: Interpolator
         private set
     lateinit var heightInterpolator: Interpolator
         private set
@@ -108,7 +130,10 @@
     private fun getDimenFloat(id: Int): Float {
-        return TypedValue().run { resources.getValue(id, this, true); float }
+        return TypedValue().run {
+            resources.getValue(id, this, true)
+            float
+        }
     private fun getPx(id: Int): Int {
@@ -123,11 +148,10 @@
         fingerOffset = getPx(R.dimen.navigation_edge_finger_offset)
         staticTriggerThreshold = getDimen(R.dimen.navigation_edge_action_drag_threshold)
         reactivationTriggerThreshold =
-                getDimen(R.dimen.navigation_edge_action_reactivation_drag_threshold)
+            getDimen(R.dimen.navigation_edge_action_reactivation_drag_threshold)
         deactivationTriggerThreshold =
-                getDimen(R.dimen.navigation_edge_action_deactivation_drag_threshold)
-        dynamicTriggerThresholdRange =
-                reactivationTriggerThreshold..deactivationTriggerThreshold
+            getDimen(R.dimen.navigation_edge_action_deactivation_drag_threshold)
+        dynamicTriggerThresholdRange = reactivationTriggerThreshold..deactivationTriggerThreshold
         swipeProgressThreshold = getDimen(R.dimen.navigation_edge_action_progress_threshold)
         entryWidthInterpolator = PathInterpolator(.19f, 1.27f, .71f, .86f)
@@ -149,27 +173,31 @@
         val commonArrowDimensAlphaThreshold = .165f
         val commonArrowDimensAlphaFactor = 1.05f
-        val commonArrowDimensAlphaSpring = Step(
-            threshold = commonArrowDimensAlphaThreshold,
-            factor = commonArrowDimensAlphaFactor,
-            postThreshold = createSpring(180f, 0.9f),
-            preThreshold = createSpring(2000f, 0.6f)
-        )
-        val commonArrowDimensAlphaSpringInterpolator = Step(
-            threshold = commonArrowDimensAlphaThreshold,
-            factor = commonArrowDimensAlphaFactor,
-            postThreshold = 1f,
-            preThreshold = 0f
-        )
+        val commonArrowDimensAlphaSpring =
+            Step(
+                threshold = commonArrowDimensAlphaThreshold,
+                factor = commonArrowDimensAlphaFactor,
+                postThreshold = createSpring(180f, 0.9f),
+                preThreshold = createSpring(2000f, 0.6f)
+            )
+        val commonArrowDimensAlphaSpringInterpolator =
+            Step(
+                threshold = commonArrowDimensAlphaThreshold,
+                factor = commonArrowDimensAlphaFactor,
+                postThreshold = 1f,
+                preThreshold = 0f
+            )
-        entryIndicator = BackIndicatorDimens(
+        entryIndicator =
+            BackIndicatorDimens(
                 horizontalTranslation = getDimen(R.dimen.navigation_edge_entry_margin),
                 scale = getDimenFloat(R.dimen.navigation_edge_entry_scale),
                 scalePivotX = getDimen(R.dimen.navigation_edge_pre_threshold_background_width),
                 horizontalTranslationSpring = createSpring(800f, 0.76f),
                 verticalTranslationSpring = createSpring(30000f, 1f),
                 scaleSpring = createSpring(120f, 0.8f),
-                arrowDimens = ArrowDimens(
+                arrowDimens =
+                    ArrowDimens(
                         length = getDimen(R.dimen.navigation_edge_entry_arrow_length),
                         height = getDimen(R.dimen.navigation_edge_entry_arrow_height),
                         alpha = 0f,
@@ -177,8 +205,9 @@
                         heightSpring = createSpring(600f, 0.4f),
                         alphaSpring = commonArrowDimensAlphaSpring,
                         alphaInterpolator = commonArrowDimensAlphaSpringInterpolator
-                ),
-                backgroundDimens = BackgroundDimens(
+                    ),
+                backgroundDimens =
+                    BackgroundDimens(
                         alpha = 1f,
                         width = getDimen(R.dimen.navigation_edge_entry_background_width),
                         height = getDimen(R.dimen.navigation_edge_entry_background_height),
@@ -188,16 +217,18 @@
                         heightSpring = createSpring(1500f, 0.45f),
                         farCornerRadiusSpring = createSpring(300f, 0.5f),
                         edgeCornerRadiusSpring = createSpring(150f, 0.5f),
-                )
-        )
+                    )
+            )
-        activeIndicator = BackIndicatorDimens(
+        activeIndicator =
+            BackIndicatorDimens(
                 horizontalTranslation = getDimen(R.dimen.navigation_edge_active_margin),
                 scale = getDimenFloat(R.dimen.navigation_edge_active_scale),
                 horizontalTranslationSpring = createSpring(1000f, 0.8f),
                 scaleSpring = createSpring(325f, 0.55f),
                 scalePivotX = getDimen(R.dimen.navigation_edge_active_background_width),
-                arrowDimens = ArrowDimens(
+                arrowDimens =
+                    ArrowDimens(
                         length = getDimen(R.dimen.navigation_edge_active_arrow_length),
                         height = getDimen(R.dimen.navigation_edge_active_arrow_height),
                         alpha = 1f,
@@ -205,8 +236,9 @@
                         heightSpring = activeCommittedArrowHeightSpring,
                         alphaSpring = commonArrowDimensAlphaSpring,
                         alphaInterpolator = commonArrowDimensAlphaSpringInterpolator
-                ),
-                backgroundDimens = BackgroundDimens(
+                    ),
+                backgroundDimens =
+                    BackgroundDimens(
                         alpha = 1f,
                         width = getDimen(R.dimen.navigation_edge_active_background_width),
                         height = getDimen(R.dimen.navigation_edge_active_background_height),
@@ -216,16 +248,18 @@
                         heightSpring = createSpring(10000f, 1f),
                         edgeCornerRadiusSpring = createSpring(2600f, 0.855f),
                         farCornerRadiusSpring = createSpring(1200f, 0.30f),
-                )
-        )
+                    )
+            )
-        preThresholdIndicator = BackIndicatorDimens(
+        preThresholdIndicator =
+            BackIndicatorDimens(
                 horizontalTranslation = getDimen(R.dimen.navigation_edge_pre_threshold_margin),
                 scale = getDimenFloat(R.dimen.navigation_edge_pre_threshold_scale),
                 scalePivotX = getDimen(R.dimen.navigation_edge_pre_threshold_background_width),
                 scaleSpring = createSpring(120f, 0.8f),
                 horizontalTranslationSpring = createSpring(6000f, 1f),
-                arrowDimens = ArrowDimens(
+                arrowDimens =
+                    ArrowDimens(
                         length = getDimen(R.dimen.navigation_edge_pre_threshold_arrow_length),
                         height = getDimen(R.dimen.navigation_edge_pre_threshold_arrow_height),
                         alpha = 1f,
@@ -233,32 +267,36 @@
                         heightSpring = createSpring(100f, 0.6f),
                         alphaSpring = commonArrowDimensAlphaSpring,
                         alphaInterpolator = commonArrowDimensAlphaSpringInterpolator
-                ),
-                backgroundDimens = BackgroundDimens(
+                    ),
+                backgroundDimens =
+                    BackgroundDimens(
                         alpha = 1f,
                         width = getDimen(R.dimen.navigation_edge_pre_threshold_background_width),
                         height = getDimen(R.dimen.navigation_edge_pre_threshold_background_height),
                         edgeCornerRadius =
-                                getDimen(R.dimen.navigation_edge_pre_threshold_edge_corners),
+                            getDimen(R.dimen.navigation_edge_pre_threshold_edge_corners),
                         farCornerRadius =
-                                getDimen(R.dimen.navigation_edge_pre_threshold_far_corners),
+                            getDimen(R.dimen.navigation_edge_pre_threshold_far_corners),
                         widthSpring = createSpring(650f, 1f),
                         heightSpring = createSpring(1500f, 0.45f),
                         farCornerRadiusSpring = createSpring(300f, 1f),
                         edgeCornerRadiusSpring = createSpring(250f, 0.5f),
-                )
-        )
+                    )
+            )
-        committedIndicator = activeIndicator.copy(
+        committedIndicator =
+            activeIndicator.copy(
                 horizontalTranslation = null,
                 scalePivotX = null,
-                arrowDimens = activeIndicator.arrowDimens.copy(
+                arrowDimens =
+                    activeIndicator.arrowDimens.copy(
                         lengthSpring = activeCommittedArrowLengthSpring,
                         heightSpring = activeCommittedArrowHeightSpring,
                         length = null,
                         height = null,
-                ),
-                backgroundDimens = activeIndicator.backgroundDimens.copy(
+                    ),
+                backgroundDimens =
+                    activeIndicator.backgroundDimens.copy(
                         alpha = 0f,
                         // explicitly set to null to preserve previous width upon state change
                         width = null,
@@ -267,49 +305,57 @@
                         edgeCornerRadiusSpring = flungCommittedEdgeCornerSpring,
                         farCornerRadiusSpring = flungCommittedFarCornerSpring,
                         alphaSpring = createSpring(1400f, 1f),
-                ),
+                    ),
                 scale = 0.86f,
                 scaleSpring = createSpring(5700f, 1f),
-        )
+            )
-        flungIndicator = committedIndicator.copy(
-                arrowDimens = committedIndicator.arrowDimens.copy(
+        flungIndicator =
+            committedIndicator.copy(
+                arrowDimens =
+                    committedIndicator.arrowDimens.copy(
                         lengthSpring = createSpring(850f, 0.46f),
                         heightSpring = createSpring(850f, 0.46f),
                         length = activeIndicator.arrowDimens.length,
                         height = activeIndicator.arrowDimens.height
-                ),
-                backgroundDimens = committedIndicator.backgroundDimens.copy(
+                    ),
+                backgroundDimens =
+                    committedIndicator.backgroundDimens.copy(
                         widthSpring = flungCommittedWidthSpring,
                         heightSpring = flungCommittedHeightSpring,
                         edgeCornerRadiusSpring = flungCommittedEdgeCornerSpring,
                         farCornerRadiusSpring = flungCommittedFarCornerSpring,
-                )
-        )
+                    )
+            )
-        cancelledIndicator = entryIndicator.copy(
-                backgroundDimens = entryIndicator.backgroundDimens.copy(
+        cancelledIndicator =
+            entryIndicator.copy(
+                backgroundDimens =
+                    entryIndicator.backgroundDimens.copy(
                         width = 0f,
                         alpha = 0f,
                         alphaSpring = createSpring(450f, 1f)
-                )
-        )
+                    )
+            )
-        fullyStretchedIndicator = BackIndicatorDimens(
+        fullyStretchedIndicator =
+            BackIndicatorDimens(
                 horizontalTranslation = getDimen(R.dimen.navigation_edge_stretch_margin),
                 scale = getDimenFloat(R.dimen.navigation_edge_stretch_scale),
                 horizontalTranslationSpring = null,
                 verticalTranslationSpring = null,
                 scaleSpring = null,
-                arrowDimens = ArrowDimens(
+                arrowDimens =
+                    ArrowDimens(
                         length = getDimen(R.dimen.navigation_edge_stretched_arrow_length),
                         height = getDimen(R.dimen.navigation_edge_stretched_arrow_height),
                         alpha = 1f,
                         alphaSpring = null,
                         heightSpring = null,
                         lengthSpring = null,
-                ),
-                backgroundDimens = BackgroundDimens(
+                    ),
+                backgroundDimens =
+                    BackgroundDimens(
                         alpha = 1f,
                         width = getDimen(R.dimen.navigation_edge_stretch_background_width),
                         height = getDimen(R.dimen.navigation_edge_stretch_background_height),
@@ -320,11 +366,11 @@
                         heightSpring = null,
                         edgeCornerRadiusSpring = null,
                         farCornerRadiusSpring = null,
-                )
-        )
+                    )
+            )
 fun createSpring(stiffness: Float, dampingRatio: Float): SpringForce {
     return SpringForce().setStiffness(stiffness).setDampingRatio(dampingRatio)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/tests/src/com/android/systemui/navigationbar/gestural/BackPanelControllerTest.kt b/packages/SystemUI/tests/src/com/android/systemui/navigationbar/gestural/BackPanelControllerTest.kt
index f1c97dd..23cf7fb 100644
--- a/packages/SystemUI/tests/src/com/android/systemui/navigationbar/gestural/BackPanelControllerTest.kt
+++ b/packages/SystemUI/tests/src/com/android/systemui/navigationbar/gestural/BackPanelControllerTest.kt
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
     companion object {
         private const val START_X: Float = 0f
     private val kosmos = testKosmos()
     private lateinit var mBackPanelController: BackPanelController
     private lateinit var systemClock: FakeSystemClock