Implement clipRect with a transform, clipRegion & clipPath
Bug #7146141
When non-rectangular clipping occurs in a layer the render buffer
used as the stencil buffer is not cached. If this happens on a
View's hardware layer the render buffer will live for as long
as the layer is bound to the view. When a stencil buffer is
required because of a call to Canvas.saveLayer() it will be allocated
on every frame. A future change will address this problem.
If "show GPU overdraw" is enabled, non-rectangular clips are not
supported anymore and we fall back to rectangular clips instead.
This is a limitation imposed by OpenGL ES that cannot be worked
around at this time.
This change also improves the Matrix4 implementation to easily
detect when a rect remains a rect after transform.
Change-Id: I0e69fb901792d38bc0c4ca1bf9fdb02d7db415b9
diff --git a/libs/hwui/Matrix.h b/libs/hwui/Matrix.h
index f86823d..46a5597 100644
--- a/libs/hwui/Matrix.h
+++ b/libs/hwui/Matrix.h
@@ -48,6 +48,21 @@
kPerspective2 = 15
+ // NOTE: The flags from kTypeIdentity to kTypePerspective
+ // must be kept in sync with the type flags found
+ // in SkMatrix
+ enum Type {
+ kTypeIdentity = 0,
+ kTypeTranslate = 0x1,
+ kTypeScale = 0x2,
+ kTypeAffine = 0x4,
+ kTypePerspective = 0x8,
+ kTypeRectToRect = 0x10,
+ kTypeUnknown = 0x20,
+ };
+ static const int sGeometryMask = 0xf;
Matrix4() {
@@ -75,11 +90,14 @@
void loadTranslate(float x, float y, float z);
void loadScale(float sx, float sy, float sz);
void loadSkew(float sx, float sy);
+ void loadRotate(float angle);
void loadRotate(float angle, float x, float y, float z);
void loadMultiply(const Matrix4& u, const Matrix4& v);
void loadOrtho(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float near, float far);
+ uint32_t getType() const;
void multiply(const Matrix4& v) {
Matrix4 u;
u.loadMultiply(*this, v);
@@ -112,10 +130,14 @@
- bool isPureTranslate() const;
+ /**
+ * If the matrix is identity or translate and/or scale.
+ */
bool isSimple() const;
+ bool isPureTranslate() const;
bool isIdentity() const;
bool isPerspective() const;
+ bool rectToRect() const;
bool changesBounds() const;
@@ -131,8 +153,7 @@
void dump() const;
- bool mSimpleMatrix;
- bool mIsIdentity;
+ mutable uint32_t mType;
inline float get(int i, int j) const {
return data[i * 4 + j];
@@ -141,6 +162,9 @@
inline void set(int i, int j, float v) {
data[i * 4 + j] = v;
+ uint32_t getGeometryType() const;
}; // class Matrix4