More actionable reenablement dialogs for quick affordances.

- Ability to pass a full actionIntent instead of just packageName/action
- Generic function to open the Play Store to the releveant app page,
  configurable by OEMs
- Changes to the Home (device controls) lock screen shortcut to take
  advantage of the above

Fix: 281018063
Test: unit tests expanded/added
Test: manually verified that the dialog shows an "install app" action
button that leads to the Play Store and that, when installed, the option
turns enabled.
Test: manually verified that, when not configured, the dialog shows a
"done" button instead of "install app". Once the app is installed
(separately), the action button opens the device control activity.

Change-Id: I23409d1617dce46c822d87da225849656d2f1141
19 files changed