Map "shell ime" to "shell cmd input_method ime"
This is a follow up CL to my following CLs:
* Use IBinder#shellCommand() for 'adb shell ime' [1]
* Add a shell command to reset selected/enabled IMEs [2]
adb shell ime <command>
was an alias of
adb shell cmd input_method <command>
With this CL,
adb shell ime <command>
is now an alias of
adb shell cmd input_method ime <command>
This allows us to rename a sub command "reset-ime" to "reset" without
worrying about ambiguity about what will be reset.
Note also that the built-in "dump" command now works only as
shell cmd input_method dump
[1]: I9a2dbbf1d4494addbe22c82e2c416eedc4d585f2
[2]: I1e27aa1c9edf5d9a6d529c469ad42fd1e42b13b1
Bug: 70475949
Fixes: 70731324
Test: Manually tested as follows.
1. make -j SoftKeyboard
2. adb install -r $OUT/system/app/SoftKeyboard/SoftKeyboard.apk
3. adb shell ime enable
4. adb shell ime set
5. Make sure that SoftKeyboard is enabled and selected
6. adb shell ime reset
7. Make sure that SoftKeyboard is no longer enabled and selected
Change-Id: I2a325dcd6108e357420d47880e4cbd9f81670ec9
diff --git a/cmds/ime/ime b/cmds/ime/ime
index 180dc76..7d2f72f 100755
--- a/cmds/ime/ime
+++ b/cmds/ime/ime
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-exec cmd input_method "$@"
+exec cmd input_method ime "$@"
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/
index 25c3fe4..880e1e4 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
@@ -4663,23 +4664,31 @@
public int onCommand(@Nullable String cmd) {
- if (cmd == null) {
- return handleDefaultCommands(cmd);
+ // For existing "adb shell ime <command>".
+ if ("ime".equals(cmd)) {
+ final String imeCommand = getNextArg();
+ if (imeCommand == null || "help".equals(imeCommand) || "-h".equals(imeCommand)) {
+ onImeCommandHelp();
+ return ShellCommandResult.SUCCESS;
+ }
+ switch (imeCommand) {
+ case "list":
+ return mService.handleShellCommandListInputMethods(this);
+ case "enable":
+ return mService.handleShellCommandEnableDisableInputMethod(this, true);
+ case "disable":
+ return mService.handleShellCommandEnableDisableInputMethod(this, false);
+ case "set":
+ return mService.handleShellCommandSetInputMethod(this);
+ case "reset":
+ return mService.handleShellCommandResetInputMethod(this);
+ default:
+ getOutPrintWriter().println("Unknown command: " + imeCommand);
+ return ShellCommandResult.FAILURE;
+ }
- switch (cmd) {
- case "list":
- return mService.handleShellCommandListInputMethods(this);
- case "enable":
- return mService.handleShellCommandEnableDisableInputMethod(this, true);
- case "disable":
- return mService.handleShellCommandEnableDisableInputMethod(this, false);
- case "set":
- return mService.handleShellCommandSetInputMethod(this);
- case "reset-ime":
- return mService.handleShellCommandResetInputMethod(this);
- default:
- return handleDefaultCommands(cmd);
- }
+ return handleDefaultCommands(cmd);
@@ -4691,19 +4700,48 @@
pw.println(" Prints this help text.");
pw.println(" dump [options]");
pw.println(" Synonym of dumpsys.");
- pw.println(" list [-a] [-s]");
- pw.println(" prints all enabled input methods.");
- pw.println(" -a: see all input methods");
- pw.println(" -s: only a single summary line of each");
- pw.println(" enable <ID>");
- pw.println(" allows the given input method ID to be used.");
- pw.println(" disable <ID>");
- pw.println(" disallows the given input method ID to be used.");
- pw.println(" set <ID>");
- pw.println(" switches to the given input method ID.");
- pw.println(" reset-ime");
- pw.println(" reset currently selected/enabled IMEs to the default ones as if");
- pw.println(" the device is initially booted with the current locale.");
+ pw.println(" ime <command> [options]");
+ pw.println(" Manipulate IMEs. Run \"ime help\" for details.");
+ }
+ }
+ private void onImeCommandHelp() {
+ try (IndentingPrintWriter pw =
+ new IndentingPrintWriter(getOutPrintWriter(), " ", 100)) {
+ pw.println("ime <command>:");
+ pw.increaseIndent();
+ pw.println("list [-a] [-s]");
+ pw.increaseIndent();
+ pw.println("prints all enabled input methods.");
+ pw.increaseIndent();
+ pw.println("-a: see all input methods");
+ pw.println("-s: only a single summary line of each");
+ pw.decreaseIndent();
+ pw.decreaseIndent();
+ pw.println("enable <ID>");
+ pw.increaseIndent();
+ pw.println("allows the given input method ID to be used.");
+ pw.decreaseIndent();
+ pw.println("disable <ID>");
+ pw.increaseIndent();
+ pw.println("disallows the given input method ID to be used.");
+ pw.decreaseIndent();
+ pw.println("set <ID>");
+ pw.increaseIndent();
+ pw.println("switches to the given input method ID.");
+ pw.decreaseIndent();
+ pw.println("reset");
+ pw.increaseIndent();
+ pw.println("reset currently selected/enabled IMEs to the default ones as if "
+ + "the device is initially booted with the current locale.");
+ pw.decreaseIndent();
+ pw.decreaseIndent();